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    Network Design Essentials

    Network Design Includes

        Analyzing network requirements
        Selecting a network topology
        Selecting equipment
        Completing the design

    Network Topology

        The physical or logical arrangement of computers, cables, and other network resources.
        Significantly impacts speed, functionality, and scalability of a network.
    Standard Topologies
        Bus Single linear cable segment.
        Star Central connection point.
        Ring Electrically connects in a loop.
    Bus Topology
        Ethernet Classic Topology.
        Called a passive/broadcast methodology.
        Only one computer at a time transmits but all computers see all packets.
        Only the receiving machine reads the entire message.(In theory.)
        Each machine just listens to the wire.
        Requires cable termination.
    Bus Vulnerabilities
        Signal Bounce due to incorrect termination or Cable Breaks.
        • Media can no longer propagate the signal
        • Effectively, backbone runs to and from each computer.
    Signal Bounce
        Without correct cable termination, the signal reflects (bounces) back down the cable.
        May prevent other computers from accessing the cable.
        Exclusive to coaxial cable.
    Bus Cable Breaks
        Whenever the backbone cable is broken (wire cut, connector failure, machine unplugged, etc.), all network communications may stop.
        Cable problems can be difficult to diagnose.
        Unplugging a machine from a bus network may break the bus.
    Other Vulnerabilities
        Adding computers slows the network
        Common to Ethernet
        Over distance, the signal becomes smaller
        Common to all topologies
    Star Topology
        All computers connect to a hub.
        Each device is on its own cable segment.
        With the exception of the hub, cable failure affects only a single machine. 
        Solves Bus Topologies major vulnerability
      Passive/broadcast technology.
          Only addressee reads the entire broadcast.
          Relative to bus, requires more cable.
          Requires another component, a hub.
      Ring Topology
          Computers logically connect directly to the next computer in line, forming a loop.
          Signals travel in only one direction.
            An active technology where each computer either acts on or regenerates the signal.
            Utilizes Token passing
      Token Passing
          Active technology.
          Each device sends or receives.
          Provides equitable access for all units.
          Deterministic resource sharing method.
          Used by Token Ring, FDDI, and ArcNet.
      Other Topologies

      Mesh -- Each network device connects to every other device.<>

          Cable failures have no impact. (Fault Tolerant.)<>
      Star bus or distributed star
          Another name for star
      Star wired ring 
          Another name for ring topology.
          Physically a star, logically a ring.
        Topology Summary
        Topology Advantages Disadvantages
        Bus Simple and economical Vulnerable
        Star Scaleable with isolation Most Economical Hub centric
        Requires more cable
        Ring Equitable access, scaleable Hub centric, Expensive Requires more cable

        Evaluate Requirements

            Step one : evaluate network requirements.
            How many devices?
            Which network model?
            Peer to peer or server based?
            What applications?
            Fault tolerance/budget?
        Create a Network Diagram
            Step two , diagram the network.
            Where possible, utilize a graphics program. Viso Professional
        The diagram aides network installation and can evolve to become a component of the initial documentation.