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    Networks Defined
    A connected group of systems that can share resources.

    Resources include:

    • Information
    • Hardware, such as printers, scanners, or faxes.
    • Software
    • Facilitates routine information exchange E-mail.
    • WWW access
    • Web Commerce
    • GroupWare
    • Share printers, plotters, CD-ROMs, scanners, fax machines, and other devices.
    Local Area Networks (LANs) Defined
      All systems:
        located in the same area 
        connected by a single cable system 
    When two, or more, networks in the same general area are connected, it is called an internetwork . (Small i.)

    When a LAN is connected to the global networking system, it is said to be part of the Internet . (Capital I.)

    When multiple LANs, in multiple locations, are connected, it is called a Wide Area Network or WAN .

        LANs are the building blocks of WANs  
    The IEEE also defined a metropolitan area network or MAN. MANs use WAN technology to interconnect LANs within a specific geographical region.

    All networks include certain common elements:

      Software, Operating Systems and Protocols.
      Media Cabling and Network Interface Cards (NICs) Hardware Servers , clients, and peripherals 

    Network Software

        Network operating system (NOS) software provides computers with basic client and server functionality. NT and Novell
    Network Protocols provide the common methods or the rules through which information is exchanged.

    Network Models

      Peer to peer (Workgroup)
        Each member computer can function as both a client and a server
        Server based
            Each computer specializes as either a client or as a server
            Most widely used network model
        Network Models Selection Criteria
            In itself, a particular model is neither right nor wrong.
            Models can only appropriate or inappropriate in application.
        The appropriate model is the one that is suitable for the environment within which it exists.

        Workgroup Characteristics

            Easy to install
            No dedicated servers or hierarchy
            No centralized administration 
            No network administrator
            Accommodates 10 or less clients 
        Windows for Workgroups, Win95, and NT Workstation all contain peer to peer functionality

        Workgroup Environment

            10, or fewer, users in the same area.
            Limited growth projected. 
            Security not a high priority.
            Budget may be highest priority.

        Server Based Network Model

            Standard networking model.
            Optimized i.e. dedicated to quickly servicing requests from network clients and ensuring the security of files and directories.
            Centralized resource control.

        Server Model Security Issues
            Physical access.
            User Accounts.

        Centralized security database.

            Access control lists

        Server Software
            Certain Network Operating Systems (NOS), such as Novell, are optimized for file and print serving.
            Other NOSs, such as NT, are optimized for application serving.

        Specialized Servers

            Application servers 
            Communication servers 
            Mail servers 
            Fax servers
            Web servers
            Domain Controllers
            Application Servers  

        Server side of Client/Server Architecture
            application services
            processing services
        SQL Server is an example of an application server

        Communication Servers 

            Provide a mechanism for users outside a network to access that network's resources.
            Remote Access Server (RAS)

        Domain Controllers/Directory Servers

            Permit uses to locate, store, and secure information about a network and resources available from a network

        File and Print Servers 

            Provide network file services and access to networked printers. Enables users to centralize data while they run programs locally.

        Fax Servers 

            Receive incoming faxes via telephone and distributes them to their recipients over the network. Also handles outgoing faxes.

        Web Servers 

            Packages such as IIS facilitate Internet services i.e. web page serving, FTP, and Gopher services.

        Mail Servers 

            At a minimum, provide e-mail messaging for local clients. Can also provide 'store and forward' services. Exchange Server represents a sophisticated package for NT.  

        Domain Controller

            Manage a named collection of users, groups, and machines.
            Controls user access to network resources.
            Contains a security database that authenticates each user and assigns access privileges. 

        Server and NOS

            A network server and the network operating system work together as a unit. 

        With the appropriate hardware, NT Server can take advantage of:

            Clustering (Wolfpack)

        Centralized Administration

            Includes server based sharing of data and resources. 
            A Security orientation mandates a server network model.
            Ideally, a single password delivers all access. 

        Hybrid Networks

            Modern Microsoft Operating Systems such as WfWG, Win 95, and NT can function in either peer to peer or server based environments.
            Sometimes these O/Ss are configured to exhibit the properties of both network models.

        The Appropriate Model

        Choose peer to peer when:

            10 or fewer users.
            All machines are relatively close.
            Budget is a major priority and security isn't.
            No specialized servers are needed

        Choose server when:

            More than 10 uses.
            Centralized control or security is desired.
            Specialized servers are needed.