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Ships - The Short Crimson Page





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  • RED DWARF - At five miles long (six if you include the ramscoop) Red Dwarf is the size of a city, it's postal address is: Red Dwarf, Deep Space, RE1 3DW. Of the myriad of wonders it contains, we have seen the Drive Room, Medical bay, Cinema, the teaching room, refectory, science lab, Hologram projection suite (Level 592), the scanning room, the obs room, observation deck, photo lab, supply pipes, cargo decks, crewmans quarters, officers quarters, Quarantine bay 47, the officers club and parrots bar. (we've also seen the landing bays which are next to the cargo bays and hold Starbug 1 and Blue Midget. We also know that the ship has a botanical garden and a penthouse suit on A Deck as well as research labs on Z Deck. It also has a security bay featuring a brig and ammunitions store. Its thousands of corridors are colour-coded (blue white and red). Recently it went missing but was found to have been turned into a planetoid by Kryten's nanites. They are currently rebuilding it for the second time. (Originally they rebuilt it but it was five times to big!) It is rumored that the rebuilt Red Dwarf-A will feature a new bridge area so that the crew can actually steer it instead of Holly who was only capable of going round in a big circle.

  • STARBUG - A class two ship to surface vessel, withdrawn from sevice due to design faults however the crew of Red Dwarf prefur to use it in preference to the smaller Blue Midget and White Midget. Originally there were at least two Starbugs but the effort to maintain them is enourmous. (After all the crew manage to crash them more times than a ZX81.) For at least the last 200 years the crew have lived aboard Starbug One while searching for their mothership. Recently due to the future crew killing the present crew two universes have merged creating an altogether better Starbug 1A. Starbug is capable of Cloaking, travelling underwater and on land. (Not forgetting through space of course!) It also has laser cannons (thanks to an encounter with rogue simulants) and is fitted with a decoy device. It also has 2 statis boothes, a galley and a docking bay. Sadly however she's still quite a slow ship capable of being out runned by the Eastbourne Zimmerframe Relay Team. Although it's never been used Starbug is also capable of splitting into three seperate parts.

  • Blue Midget - A small ship-to-surface shuttle. Blue Midget was fine when there was only three crew members but with the addition of Kryten the posse could no longer cram into her so they now use Starbug to get around. Blue Midget was last used by Lister to catch up with Rimmer who had stolen his body and fled in Starbug 1.

  • White Midget - A shuttlecraft mentioned by Lister but never actually seen. White midget is slightly bigger than Blue Midget but not suitable for more than three people on board.

  • Nova 5 - A crashed spaceship from Earth, aboard which Kryten was found. It was a mapping ship but also had the task of making a star go supernova so that from Earth along with other supernovaing stars it would spell out 'Coke is Life'. It's crew members were Jane Air, Anne Gill and Tracey Johns. They were all found dead.

  • Enlightment - A holoship with a mass of zero - after all it's manned by 2000 of the most arrogant holograms around. No wonder Rimmer wanted to join them! It is commanded by Captain Hurcule Platini.

  • Ace Rimmer's Ship - This ship is capable of dimension jumping. Ace Rimmer is another version of Arnold Rimmer, only much, much cooler. He was a test pilot in the Space Corps in his own dimension, and took the job of testing this vehicle out even though there was a chance he could never return home. He literally ran into the guys, causing Starbug to crashland on a water planet. After helping them out of the scrape he got them into (with a broken arm he set himself, no less!), he decided he couldn't stand his alternate self, and left for other dimensions. "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!". What a guy!

  • Rogue Simulant's Ship - This ship held some pretty nasty characters: The Rogue Simulants. These are the Simulants who outfitted Starbug with more modern and efficient weaponry and drive systems so they would be able to "hunt" the Starbug and destroy it. Fortunately, The Cat came upon a great idea: "They're playing an old cat game...Cat and Mouse. Only one way to win. Don't be the mouse..." and the Starbug did a little maneuvering, and destroyed the Simulant ship. Just as the Simulants were about to blow up, they transmitted a virus to the Starbug's navi-comp, which Kryten was then oblidged to try and fight off...

    Red Dwarf is owned by Grant Naylor Productions and broadcast by the BBC. This Website is 100% unofficial.
