Fairmont Football League
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Fairmont Football League Record Page

Simply The Best!

FFL Weekly

Both playoff games went down to the wire in the Semi Final match ups. The Gunners took care of the Headhunters 90-76 in a high scoring shoot out. The Gunners had to get some late point production from his WR corps to pull this one out. The Terminators had to rely on some MNM to pull it our against the Crooks 57-52. Green scored a late TD Monday night in a game that was out of hand to give the Terminators a berth to the Super Bowl. Also, would like to pass out congrats to both the Hunters and Crooks for fine seasons. In the LB the All-Stars and BK will match up in a true Loser Bowl, see scores below. Believe there are Saturday games again this week, you know the drill. Peace 12/23/03

2002 Final Report

For the second year in a row we had our #1 & #2 seed match up in the Super Bowl with the #1 seed Terminators prevailing over TNH 36-31. Going into the game most believed that TNH would prevail behind his big four who where all healthy. The Terminators on the other hand came in banged up and missing the league MVP. However, no one considered the biggest factor of all-the weather! That was a direct result of TNH’s Oakland boys low output and the overall factor to why the final score was low for both teams. One factor that was not faced this year, thanks to the new NFL division alignment, was that few players were held out the last week of action. Hopefully that trend will continue for years to come. Once again congrats to the Terminators on their second championship and props to TNH for following up last years first playoff appearance with a trip to the big game the next year! In the LB the Crooks rebounded from last years defeat in the same game to the Terminators to take down the Leaders (Terminators win LB then win Super Bowl, can the Crooks do the same?). A few side thoughts – Generals get an alarm clock or maybe submit your line up a little earlier in the week; Cudas nice job coming back to the league after your mandatory leave; Crooks & Leaders need to keep searching for what use to work; Kats, too bad you couldn’t defend your crown, age caught up to them in the end as the tank went empty; Rebels what is their to say; Dominators – sorry about that early season schedule; Gunners are the only one’s that can change it; BK nice run even after your #1 went down & don’t forget to thank the Generals for the sleep over; Beast still waiting for that bottle of Crown; Bevo two years two playoffs; and last and least the Hunters – the worst team to be fielded in modern FFL history, it can only get better next year. Other notes: Several records were broken this year and if the Hunters would have scored around 50 more points this year we would have broken the league scoring record; the East was probably not as good as their records indicated; Central was probably better and the West was where it belonged. Great season AGAIN and looking forward to next August when we do it all over! 01/07/03 Peace, Commish

I will update the free-agent page on Monday's (after I get the previous Sunday's scores, it will not include the Monday night game stats) and Tuesday nights after the mass of transactions are done for that week. If you want to know if any other moves have been made after Tuesday night you will have to call me for that information. Be sure to double check all your information, I catch most of my mistakes, but some do slip by. If I catch one after something has been posted I will correct it and post a message. I will also give the parties involved a call or e-mail. Past scores are listed on the schedule. Reminder - Free Agents will be available for pick up starting at 5:30pm on Tuesday's. FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED

League Record Regular Season Scoring Average: 51.0 (2003)

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