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The Universe

You continue following the stream until nighttime falls. Travelling on in the darkness trying to find a place to sleep, you notice the path begins to widen and see a beautiful lake, the surface, polished obsidian and the stars, diamonds scattered across its surface. Thinking this is the perfect place to stop, you sit under a tree and take in this wondrous sight. With the same gentleness as the breeze blowing through the leaves above your head, these thoughts drift through your mind.

Her tresses are filled with twinkling stars. Her negligee is the silky midnight sky. Her eyes are two blue stars. She is amazingly beautiful in her celestial adornments as she beckons to us like a flirtatious lover whispering, “Come here. Come discover the wonders of me.” Her whispers occupy our thoughts all through the day and in the evening become an insistant calling. Our love for her is shown in our history and our work. She rewards us for this affection by revealing herself to us a little at a time. If we neglect her, she does not scorn us but gets our attention by sending a shooting star as if she is saying, “Look at the beauty that is me! Don’t forget me, my love.” For she is not a vane lover but she is not one to be ignored either. So we go to her night after night trying to unveil the remaining mysteries. If we discover all her wonders will we not love her anymore? Will we reject her for a new mysterious lover?

In the midst of all this musing, you have fallen asleep. Do you wish to awaken or would you rather continue dreaming?

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