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The Crystal

Once in the clearing, you see in the middle a giant, flat rock upon which sits a green crystal; so brilliant it cuts through your thoughts like a knife. It has every shade of green imaginable, dark emerald in the middle, growing lighter toward the edges until it is almost a translucent icy shade on the jagged points. Not knowing why you are drawn to it; mesmerized by it. The urge to hold it, despite it's broken glass appearance is too much. Desire overpowers good judgement.

Picking it up, it cuts your hands but fills your soul with ecstasy. It seems like days that you stand there feeling numbness at times, ecstasy and even great sadness at other times. Sometimes watching the animals around you and marveling at how all the colors run together. At other times, travelling on great adventures in your mind. All the while, barely noticing the pain in your hands and the blood running down your arms soaking into your white sleeves.

He marvels at the beauty of the wooded path as he walks along (The smell of the earth. The sounds of nature). So engrossed in thought that he doesn’t notice he is now entering a clearing to a sight that was so beautiful in all its colors and so frightening in all its pain. There before him stands, a beautiful woman in a blood-soaked white shirt holding the most magnificent crystal he has ever seen. Feeling an incredible urge to take the crystal from you and feel it's power, he reflects Dare I deny her its pleasure? What about the pain? Is this incredible pleasure worth the suffering for either one of us?

Finally, knowing what he has to do, he knocks the crystal from your hands smashing it with his boot. A look of bewilderment crosses your face as you fall to the ground with a soft moan. The spell has been broken but you have paid a price. He carries you to the creek to wash away the blood. Gently, he cleans and bandages your hands.

You are awakened by the sound of gurgling water as it flows down the creek. The spell has been broken. Not knowing whether to feel anger towards your savior for denying you the pleasure of the crystal or gratitude for saving your life, you just lay there in silence for hours. Finally, whispering “Thank you.”

Gathering your feelings around you as a protective cloak, you continue on your travels. The pathway leading you through dense forest and before you realize it, you are standing at a high cliff. Do you wish to look over the edge or turn to follow the path further?

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Email: green_eyes