Secrets and Lies

Pacey: "So who is she?"
[a look]
Pacey: "Oh."
Joey: "Sorry. I wasn't going to tell you Pacey.:
Pacey: "Why do I feel like I just got hit with a sledgehammer?"
Joey: "If it's any consilation it won't last. Andie's way to smart to fall for a jerk--."
Pacey: "Hey, it's okay. Whatever makes her happy right?"

Pacey: "Where is he?"
Andie: "Don't worry about it."
Pacey: "Is he in there?"
Joey: "Pacey, let's just go."
Pacey: "I'm not leaving until I talk to that bastard."
Andie: "Pacey no!"

Pacey: "Hey Rob."
Rob: "Yeah?"
Pacey: "You're here with Andie right?"
[punches him}
Pacey: "What the hell did you do to her man?"
Rob: "I didn't do anything."
Pacey: "So that's why she's outside bawling her eyes out for nothing?"
Rob: "Where is she? Let me talk to her."
Pacey: "You're not going anywhere near her."
Rob: "Get out of my face."
Pacey: "If you so much as touch her again I am going to nail you to a cross."

Andie: [looking at Pacey's boat's nameplate] "'True Love'? That's ironic."
Pacey: "Yeah well I figured since it didn't exist, I'd try and creat it myself."

Pacey: "I guess I just wanted to show you I've been okay since we ended things. I've found a way to turn what's been killing me into something potentially beautiful."
Andie: "I haven't been Pacey. I'm not over you."
Pacey: "You will be McPhee.:
Andie: "See--even just you calling me by my last name. Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear that?"

Andie: "If we're no together, I'm not sitting beside you, looking into your eyes, and kissing you."
[almost kiss]

Pacey: "I want to know that you're okay. That's all that matters to me."
Andie: "That's a shame becuase you still matter to me in every way. I want to be with you again Pacey."
Pacey: "I know that's what you're feeling right now but tomorrow could be a whole other story."
Andie: "I'm not talking about tomorrow. I'm talking about right now. Tonight. You and me. Together. Under the stars. Just like it use to be. I'm talking about a kiss, that's all I'm asking. Don't you want to?" [KISS]

Andie: "Thanks for taking care of me."
Pacey: "Right back at you Andie."
Andie: "I just want to say for the record, about last night. Whatever did or did not happen between us happened for a reason. And I for one am 100% oaky with it. And wherever it may lead, whatever new status may result, it's totally--"
Pacey: "Andie."
Andie: "I'm rambling."
Pacey: "Yeah"
Andie: "Well it's an akward moment Pacye. And I'm scared. And in scared moments I ramble. I mean some people do that. Some people even ramble when they're--"
Pacey: "Andie."
Andie: "Rambling again. I guess I just want to know you're feeling what I'm feeling."
Pacey: "I am."
Andie: [sigh] "That makes me so happy.
[kisses him on cheek]

Pacey: "That picture you have in your mind of the way something was? It's never going to be that way again."
Andie: "Yeah but it could be better."
Pacey: "It could be. Depending on how badly damaged it was in the first place."
Andie: "How badly damaged was it?"
Pacey: "It was pretty much totaled."

Pacey: "I made a mistake last night Andie. We both made a mistake."
Andie: "What did we do? Nothing!"
Pacey: "All I can tell you is how it made me feel."
Andie: "How?"
Pacey: "Like I went against what I know is right."
Andie: "That's funny. Because today is the first day, I've ever been really happy."
Pacey: "Yeah, that's funny. You know there use to be a time when you and I were so in sync in everything we did. We just connected. Look at us now. We have the opposite reaction to the exact same event."

Pacey: "Andie, if you wanted to sleep with him. If even for just a second, maybe it wasn't wrong. Maybe--."
Andie: "It was--"
Pacey: "Maybe, it was just your hearts way of telling you I'm not the one. 'Cause that's what my heart's telling me right now. It's telling me that you're not the one."
Andie: "You don't mean that Pacey. Pacey you can't mean that."
Pacey: "Andie, I'm sorry." [tries to touch her]
Andie: "No! Just forget it."

Andie: [talking to Joey] I'm talking about Pacey. I love him and I need him and the truth is...I don't know what the truth is anymore."

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