
Dawson: "It's natural that you're nervous man. You see Andie in what? Less than six hours?
Pacey: "Five hours and twenty minutes if the traffic's right."

Andie: "Is that what this is about> You're jealous?"
Pacey: "How can I not be Andie? I've spent months counting the moments until I could see you again. And the thought that some other suy got to see you everyday and hear your stories and eat dinner with you just kills me."
Andie: "Well we're together now aren't we?"

Pacey: "Hey, hey, hey! Get your hands off my girlfriend!"
Jack: "Get your hands off my sister!"

Andie: "I just want to be around normal people right now. It's been a long time."
Pacey: "Well what am I?"
Jack: "She said normal people."
Pacey: [sarcastic] "Ha, ha, ha, ha."

Andie: "Frisky much?"
Pacey: "Well listening to you holler really does bad things to me."

Pacey: "You slept with him?!"
Andie: "We knew immediately afterwards that it was wrong for both of us."
Pacey: "You slept with him Andie."

Andie: "Pacey, it was the biggest mistake of my life, and all I keep thinking right now is what if you can't forgive me? I mean - - Pacey you have to forgive me please? You have to forgive me."
[Pacey with a disgusted look on his face, slams open the door and storms out]

Pacey: "To be honest I told myself a thousand times not to come."
Andie: "So why did you?"
Pacey: "Because I owe you that much."
Andie: "I've already told you how sorry I am. What else can I say?"
Pacey: "There's nothing else to say."
Andie: "So you don't think that you can forgive me?"
Pacey: "Whether or not I can forgive you Andie, is not going to be what keeps us apart. What you did...our relationship was like this beautiful thing. And I don't think you ever realized how powerful it was. You changed my life Andie. You were that person for me. You inspired me to be a man that I had only dreamed about being. When you first started to get sick, it dawned on me that I might not be that person for you. I can never go back to loving you the way I did knowing that my love wasn't stong enough the first time. I can always forgive you Andie. But I will never forget."
Andie: [tries to hold his hand] "But...I still love you Pacey."
Pacey: [removes her hand] "Goodbye Andie."

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