None of the Above

[Andie runs into Pacey spilling her PSAT study cards]
Andie: "God is not this humorless."
[bang heads together]
Andie: "Damn. Don't worry Pacey, this isn't going to be one of those horribly awkward hope-boy-didn't-mean-all-those-hurtful-things-during-the-breakup moments."
Pacey: "Boy that's a relief, becuase I sure don't was to play the guy-who-feels-guilty-about-breakup-even-though-it-was-girl-who-had-an-affair-with-the-mental-patient scene."
Andie: "Fair enough."

Andie: "Way to complete you returns to academic loserdom."
Pacey: "Maybe you'd like to open it up Andie. Cheating seems to be a situation you're real comfortable with these days."

Andie: "Pacey will you quit screwing around?!"
Pacey: "Oh, I'm not screwing around. I'm just as upset as you are. Dismayed, maybe even brokenhearted."

[hands Pacey a box full of stuff he'd given her]
Andie: "Consider this final negotiations."
Pacey: "What's this?"
Andie: "Look for yourself."
Pacey: "My Panthers cap, and.....Dumbo. Which was the first thing that I ever gave to you."
Andie: "Everything you've ever given me is in this box. All the pictures, CD's,'s all there."

Andie: "I wanted you to be a part of it. And if tou can't then you get nothing."
[Holds up a framed picture of them together]
Pacey: "Not even memories?"
Andie: "Especially not those."
Pacey: "Fine, look, if those are the terms, where do I sign?"
Andie: "You just did."

Pacey: [drunk - to Joey] "You see our friend Andie decided that she needed to cleanse me from her life to maintain her sanity. The casualties were the contents of this box.
[trips and falls face down on the dock - drops box into the creek]
Pacey: "Well, hello Mr. Dock."

Pacey: "You Dawson Leery are a self richetous son of a bitch who cares more about his rose colored debunt 1950's belief system than in the people who fail to live up to it huh?"
Dawson: "Interesting choice of words coming from a cold hearted son of a bitch who just dumped his girlfriend after she just begged him - pleaded for an ounce of sympathy."
Pacey: "At least I didn't send her father to prison."
Dawson: "No, you just made her go crazy."
[Pacey punches Dawson, Dawson knocks Pacey down]

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