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Deadly Intentions
Deadly Intentions Results
December 14th, 2002

Rules. Nobody likes them, but everybody needs them. Here at Platinum Wrestling, I don't like to try to force these rules on you, or have too many. But, there are a few basic rules that I feel need to be set. They are as follows.

1)Complaining. I will not tolerate any complaining. This is an electronic wrestling federation, there's no need to act like a child. If you don't agree with something that's happened in my results with your character, then it's perfectly okay to talk to me about it. What I mean by this is, "DUDE! WTF!? Why did you job me!?". That is not what I want to see in an instant message window. Instead, try a more mature approach. Try something along the lines of, "Hey, can you tell me why I lost my match?". I have a very short temper, and if you come at me with agression, I come back at you with twice as much. It's just my personality. So, to save both of us a lot of hassle, just be polite and mature, and I'll deal with whatever our problem is.

2) Staff. Please don't ask me if you can be a member of my staff. I will invite you to be on the staff of Platinum Wrestling if I so desire. How can I get on the staff without asking, you say? Well, the best way to catch my attention is to be active. Send in cards, send all that good stuff my way. Be active on the boards, and make Platinum Wrestling fun for the other members. Then, I see you as a great asset to the game, and I will contact you about helping me out on the staff. As you can imagine, I don't trust just anybody to be on my staff, so make a good impression.

3) Keeping It Fun. The last thing we need right now is for somebody to be a downer. This is a game, people. I don't need any OOC bickering. If I find anything on my boards that resembles that of a fight, the posts will be deleted and you will be fined. (read further about what fining is exactly) Racial or Sexual remarks that are said with intentions of provoking will not be tolerated. They will be tolerated in a roleplay to a certain extent. I don't want your whole roleplay talking about how your opponent is Mexican or homosexual, but you can make one or two remarks under my supervision. This is supposed to be fun. Don't ruin it by going out of character on somebody.

4) Championships Championships, of course, are good. When you recieve a championsip title here in Platinum Wrestling, it's an award for your current work ethic. Obviously, everybody wants titles. However, don't come to me begging me for a title shot or anything of that sort. When I see that you are a dependable talent to have on my roster, and that you are a constructive member, I will reward you with your shot. Asking me for a title shot will only diminish my opinion of you, so don't do it. Your time will eventually come.

Roleplaying Rules

Length. I will not count any roleplay that is less than 20 lines towards your match. The simple truth is that anything less than 20 lines isn't worth anybodies time to read, and it's especially not worth my time to grade. I don't think asking 20 lines is asking too much.

Entertainment. If I don't enjoy reading your roleplay, you will lose points. I'm not a very stubborn guy to entertain either. As long as you have a little variety in your roleplay, I will be happy. Whether your character is the funny goofball or the intense asshole, I don't care. Everybody has their own style. As long as I can tell that you put forth an effort to make the reading of your roleplay enjoyable, I will give you your points accordingly.

Vulgarity. A nasty, teeth gritting, horrible situation requires nasty, teeth gritting, horrible language. Obviously, I don't want every other word of your roleplay to be a vulgar word, but don't be shy about it. I don't require you to put an asterik in the word to censor it. (ie: sh*t) I really could care less. Just a note, don't go too far with the swearing, or your points will be docked accordingly.

There, was that so bad? Those are my only rules for Platinum Wrestling. Follow them, and we'll get along great.

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