JULY 24, 2001
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was nominated this year for Drama Series Writing.  The advocated episode was "Hush," written (and directe) by Joss Whedon.  Still, because it featured little dialogue, Joss was quite surprised that it was the one singled out.  Said Joss, "I was a little surprised that it got the writing nod because there was so little talking in it.  As a script, it was really scary and difficult to write. And actually to direct — because I had such a great crew — that was easier. Doing the concept, being alone in my house going, 'This will never work, I'm going to fail,' that was harder. In a way I'm more proud of the script even in the finished product."

Because they realized the wonderful appeal of the episode, 20th Century Fox promoted "Hush" quite strongly.  "They sent [the tape] out in a very slick box," reveals TV Guide critic Matt Roush. "It was a teriffic campaign." Though the cast was once again ignored, the nomination does mark a breakthrough.
"It does give you a sort of legitimacy that you never had before," Whedon comments on the nomination. "It is the standard to take you a little more seriously, and if that ends up helping the actors get the kind of recognition that I think they deserve, then it's totally great. On the other hand, it might never come again. But, hopefully it is a foot in the door of legitimacy — not that we all sit around praying for that.
Special tribute to TV Guide Online, where I receive my news.