Willow steps out from behind her changing screen, wearing a long, sleeveless black dress.
Willow: Uh, I know.  'Nice.'
Xander: I was gonna go with 'gorgeous.' (steps toward her)
Willow: Really? (steps toward him) You, too. I-in a guy way.
Xander: Oz is very lucky.
Willow: (smiling) So is Cordelia . . . i-in a girl way.
Willow: I don't know if I can dance in this.  I don't know if I can dance!
Xander: Come on.  Piece of cake. (He steps toward her and offers his hands to dance.) Here. (They begin to dance a slow waltz.)

Finally, they realize what they are doing, and jump apart.
Xander: (points at her) That didn't just happen!
Willow: No! (gestures nervously) I mean, it did, but it didn't!
Xander: Because I respect you.  And Oz.  And I would never . . .
Willow: I would never, either!  I-it must be the clothes.  I-it's a fluke.
Xander: It's a clothes fluke, that's what it is.  And there'll be no more fluking.
Willow: Not ever.
(They move towards one another and are about to kiss when they jump apart again.)
Xander: We gotta get out of these clothes!
Willow: Right now!
(They quickly realize the implication of what was just said, and become flustered.)
Xander: Oh, I didn't mean . . .
Willow: I didn't . . . me, either!
(She rushes behind her screen, and Xander rushes the other way.)
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Xander: Well, that seems to, um . . .
Willow: Yeah.  This shouldn't be a . . . problem.
Xander: No.  No problem.
(He slowly leans his head down to her, and she responds by angling hers up to him.  They kiss for several seconds.
Xander and Willow are trying on outfits for the Homecoming dance.  Xander is struggling with his tie, and Willow takes over for him.
Xander: What?
Willow: (smiling) I was just . . . Remember the eighth-grade cotillion?  You had that clip-on?
Xander: Hey, I was pretty stylin' with a clip-on.
Willow: And now here we are, and it's . . . Homecoming.
Xander: Yeah, we should face it, Will . . . You and I are gonna be in neighboring rest homes while I come over so you can adjust my, um . . .
(Willow raises her eyebrows at him.)
Xander: My, uh . . . Well, I can't think of anything that's not really gross.