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 Post-Finale Content

It's taken me a long time to write this, which will most likely be the last update for this site.  Like many GunFen (Lone Gunmen Fans), I hoped against hope that the so-called finale, with its promises of resolutions, would somehow resurrect Our Heroes from a gruesome and unnecessary "death." 

If only.

For an extended opinion of the finale, see my Post-Finale Editorial page.  I don't want to clutter this page with the long tirade the episode deserved; suffice it to say that by the end of the two-hour farce, I was crying--from sheer disappointment and frustration.


So what's next?

For CC&co, there are plans in the works for another movie, action figures, DVD sets... et cetera.

But I won't be having any part of that.  

I'VE HAD IT.  After "Jump the Shark," one of the most depressing pieces of television I'd ever seen, the only thing keeping me watching XF was the hope that the Gunmen would be back, alive and well, in the finale.  Not only were we cheated of that, but we were gypped out of any form of resolution, conclusion, or frankly, original plot. (Note to 10-13: "A Few Good Men" + "the Sixth Sense" + (generic action movie explosions) does NOT = good XF.)  So I am refusing to support in ANY way, shape or form a show which no longer respects its viewers.  I will NOT buy ANY 10-13 products or merchandise, nor will I go to the next movie when it comes out, nor will I even watch XF reruns--not until and unless 10-13 gives us GunFen justice.


So what's next for this site?

I'm honestly not sure.  The site was originally designed to help THE LONE GUNMEN achieve a second season on network TV...  and somehow I don't think that's going to happen right now.  (There is a virtual season on-line, but that's another thing entirely.  :^D)  So I'm not sure there's much point in updating this site...unless we get our miracle.  You may see minor updates here from time to time, irregularly, when I get new Gunmen contact info or news of new projects, but as things stand now, the site will most likely continue as an archive.  What's here will stand, for as long as the lovely folks at Angelfire will allow, as a testament to dreams and heroes...and fighting fate.  I just don't know what else there is to say. 

For the most current Gunmen info, please try TVtoMe's Gunmen page, the Warehouse, and RevolutionSF.  They have been excellent resources for me in the past.  And check out the lovely shirts/etc. created by Revolution SF to show support for the Gunmen--I love my jersey!)  Yes, It's Another Lone Gunmen Website is still alive at a new address, and for a fanfic fix, go to the Topica List Lone Gunmen Bunker or CounterMeasures: the Lone Gunmen Fanfiction Archive.

All hope may not yet be lost...

There are a few efforts being discussed on the message boards to bring about our miracle:

Turner Network Television (TNT) 
1010 Techwood Dr. NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Viewer comment and question line:  (404)885-4538 (website) (e-mail)

Sci-Fi Channel/USA Network
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020 (website) (misc) (programming  suggestions)

Dark Horse Comics, Inc. 
10956 SE Main Street 
Milwaukie, OR 97222  (website)
 go to FAQ page for e-mail form

10 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016

Telephone:  (800)217-9158
Fax Number:  (845)566-7020

For a printable version of this information, go here.


To be honest, I'm not sure if any of these will work.    I'm well aware this may be yet another hopeless fight.  But for those who still have a heart, it's worth a shot.  The Gunmen never gave up...


If anyone out there has any information, drop me a line.  --And much thanks to all those who e-mailed, signed the guestbook, or offered support.  I'd like to say a special thanks to Darlene, who supplied me with much great Gunmen info up to and beyond the finale, who wasn't mentioned before.  More thanks to Alyssa (Direwolf2r) for help in editing and co-authoring the petition text--it made it a lot better.  And, of course, my biggest thanks to Phil, who's always believed in me... thanks for putting up with it all.  :^*


"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."

T. E. Lawrence, in "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom"


Proud Contributor to:

Thank You Mitch Pileggi website

Thank You Gunmen Website


Proud Co-Author of:

Lone Gunmen Resuscitation Petition


And as always, if you have more information I could use, you know what to do...  :^D


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One last comment:  I know it's silly, but lately when I hear the song "Hero" from the Spiderman movie soundtrack, I think of Byers, Langly, and Frohike.  Our Heroes.  Gee, I miss them...  :^/