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Jeanster's Fan Fiction Blog
Monday, 30 August 2004
Leave It To Frodo (Part Two - Chapters 6 through 11)
Chapter Six: Aragorn Comes To A Decision

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Leave It To Beaver and/or The Lord of the Rings.

SCENE: The following day at School of Mayfield, Middle Earth. The teachers are checking their mailboxes. Each teacher is given two copies of Principal Elrond's new rule about no fraternizing between faculty members and students. They are to keep one copy and sign and return the other copy to indicate they have read it and will abide by the rule.

Miss Arwen is reading her copy of the rule. She glances up and sees Miss Ewoyn reading the new rule. Miss Arwen studies the face of the girls' physical education instructor to see her reaction.

Miss Ewoyn frowns. She puts her paperwork in her tote bag and heads for the PE Department.

Miss Arwen looks at the clock. It is almost time for class to begin. She heads for her classroom.

Miss Ewoyn sees Aragorn and Legolas headed for the athletic field. Aragorn sees her and waves. She waves back and motions for him to wait for her.

ARAGORN Go on ahead, Legolas. I'll catch up in a few minutes.

LEGOLAS Don't be late.

The Elf walks out the door that leads to the athletic field.

MISS EWOYN Good morning, Aragorn.

ARAGORN Good morning, Miss Ewoyn.

She shows him her copy of the new rule. He reads it, then he hands it back to her.

ARAGORN Interesting.

MISS EWOYN Tell me, Aragorn. When will you be graduating?

ARAGORN If I pass all of my classes, I should receive my diploma and be out of here in June.

MISS EWOYN That's only three months away. After that this rule won't apply to us.

ARAGORN Us? There's an 'us'?

MISS EWOYN (frowns at him) Hmm. Do you always flirt with females and not mean anything by it? It's not nice to lead a woman on like that.

ARAGORN Miss Ewoyn, you have my most sincere apology if I have in any way led you to believe my intentions toward you were of a romantic or suggestive nature. I was merely being friendly and welcoming you to our school yesterday.

MISS EWOYN (coldly) I see. Well, I have a class to teach. Good day, Ranger.

She walks away and does not look back.

Aragorn watches her. He turns and goes to meet Legolas and the others out on the athletic field for the battle practice session.

He thinks about Ewoyn. He does find her attractive, but he does not want to pursue a relationship with her. His heart belongs to someone else, only he did not fully realize it until last night while he lay awake in his bed pondering his life and those whose lives had touched his.

ARAGORN (thinking to himself) Tonight is when I will make my true feelings clear to the one with whom I really want to be.

Chapter Seven: The Library

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Leave It To Beaver and/or The Lord of the Rings.

SCENE: That afternoon in the Public Library of Mayfield, Middle Earth. Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir and Gimli are having a study session to work on their term papers that will count toward a big part of their grades. Since they all want to graduate together without any of them being left back, they are working hard to do well on this assignment.

In the other end of the library we see a large hulking Uruk-Hai from the Isengard School. He is Lurtz. He, too, is working on his term paper, for it would be most embarrassing for an Uruk-Hai of his stature to have to repeat a school year. He plans to graduate in June.

BOROMIR I'm going to get a drink of water. Be right back.

The Son of Gondor walks down the hall toward the drinking fountain. Coming around the corner is Lurtz. They accidentally collide and knock each other down. Lurtz spills his papers and books.

LURTZ (growls menacing at Boromir)

BOROMIR Geez, Louise! Why don't you watch where you're -

He stops in mid-sentence when he sees Lurtz.

BOROMIR Uh, I mean, terribly sorry about that, Lurtz! I should have been looking where I was going, clumsy me!

Lurtz moves closer toward Boromir until his face is only four inches from Boromir's face. He gives a long drawn out growl. Boromir is trying not to show his fear.

Suddenly Lurtz looks up, quickly gathers his books and papers and sits down at a table and appears to be deeply engrossed in reading a library book.

Boromir is puzzled by the sudden change in Lurtz's behavior. He turns and notices Miss Buckram, the librarian. She is peering over her spectacles at Lurtz and Boromir. When she is certain that there will be no fighting in the library between those two, she returns to checking in a stack of returned library books.

Boromir sighs in relief. He knows from past experience that no one who values his or her own life would dare to break any of the library rules when Miss Buckram was around.

LURTZ (thinking to himself as he stares at Boromir walking away) Just you wait, Son of Gondor! We will meet again at the play-offs! I will have a special arrow with your name on it. Hmm. Think I'll add two more, just for good measure.

Boromir quickly joins Aragorn and the others at their table.

BOROMIR (whispering) Guess who's also here in the library?


BOROMIR The colossal hulk of the Isengard School!


BOROMIR None other! I think just now I managed to get on his Open Up A Can of Whoop Ass List when I accidentally bumped into him.

ARAGORN I'd hate to be in your shoes, my friend.

Aragorn is having a little trouble concentrating on his studies, as he is also rehearsing in his mind how to tell the love of his life of his true feelings. He plans to do so tonight after dinner.

Chapter Eight: An Unexpected Emergency

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Leave It To Beaver and/or The Lord of the Rings.

SCENE: Later that evening after dinner. Frodo is lying on his bed while he reads a comic book. Aragorn is polishing his sword. There is a knock on their door.

ARAGORN Come in.

The door opens. It is Bilbo.

BILBO Aragorn, your friend Boromir is downstairs. Were you expecting him tonight?

ARAGORN No. In fact, I was planning to go out tonight. I wonder what he wants?

BILBO He seems anxious to speak with you about something.

ARAGORN I'll go down and see him.

Suddenly Boromir pokes his head through the doorway, much to Bilbo's annoyance.

BILBO I thought I told you to wait downstairs.

BOROMIR My apologies, Mr. Baggins. I really need to speak with my good buddy Aragorn about something.

BILBO Well, don't stay long. You two boys have school tomorrow.

Bilbo leaves and heads downstairs.

BOROMIR (sees Frodo) Beat it, squirt!

FRODO Hey, this is MY bedroom, too! You can't kick me out!

BOROMIR Wanna bet?

ARAGORN Boromir, lay off of Frodo. What is it you wanted to tell me?

BOROMIR I don't want to tell you in front of the squirt. Can't you tell him to take a hike?

FRODO I'm still here! Don't talk about me like I'm not in the room!

ARAGORN Frodo, would you please excuse us while I have a private word with Boromir? I'm sorry to interrupt your reading. I promise it won't be long.

FRODO (glares at Boromir) Well, Aragorn, since you asked me so nicely, okay.

He takes his comic book and leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

ARAGORN Okay, Boromir. What is it?

BOROMIR I have a really bad feeling about Lurtz. I think he's really out to get me.

ARAGORN Did he threaten you after you bumped into him in the library earlier today?

BOROMIR Not in so many words. He growled at me, but then Miss Buckram appeared, so he made like he was being the perfect well-behaved library patron and sat down to read.

ARAGORN Lucky for you. Well, you know you can count on me to help. I'll watch your back when we meet his team for the play-offs. And I'm sure you can also count on Gimli and Legolas for assistance.

BOROMIR Thanks, buddy. You're the greatest.

There is another knock on the door.

ARAGORN Come in.

The door opens. This time it is Gandalf.

GANDALF Aragorn, Principal Elrond just called. He needs you to meet him right away at the school. It's an emergency. His daughter Miss Arwen is over there working late. She's barricaded herself in his office and phoned her father because Orcs are there and are trying to attack her.


GANDALF Miss Arwen overheard some noise coming from the gymnasium, so she went to see what it was. Orcs were vandalizing the place. They saw her, so she turned and ran.

ARAGORN Let's go!

BOROMIR Right behind you, buddy.

Aragorn grabs his sword and they rush downstairs.

FRODO Hey, where are you all going?

GANDALF You stay here, Frodo. It's too dangerous.

FRODO Uncle Bilbo told me what happened! I'm going, too! I'm not going to let anything happen to Miss Arwen! See?

Frodo shows them Sting.

ARAGORN Nothing we can say will stop you from following us, so we may as well let you come along. Hurry!

They all rush outside and jump into the car. It peels away toward the school.

GANDALF Principal Elrond has already called Gimli and Legolas. They are on their way to the school, too.

Chapter Nine: Payback

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Leave It To Beaver and/or The Lord of the Rings.

SCENE: The school of Mayfield, Middle Earth. Aragorn, Boromir, Frodo and Gandalf arrive. They find the front doors unlocked because Principal Elrond, Gimli and Legolas had arrived before them.

The doors to the gymnasium are open. It is strewn with toilet paper. The walls are covered in painted words: 'ORCS OF MORIA RULE!' and 'RANGERS ARE MAMA'S BOYS!'

Principal Elrond, Gimli, Legolas are with Miss Arwen in the office. The door to the office is broken off the hinges and is on the floor. There are no Orcs in sight.

ARAGORN Miss Arwen, are you all right?

MISS ARWEN Yes, thank you. Fortunately, Daddy keeps a spare sword here in his office. (shows everyone the sword she holds)

PRINCIPAL ELROND Yes, that and thanks also to the trap door I had installed recently here in my office.

He points to the opening in front of his desk.

PRINCIPAL ELROND Careful not to fall. This trap door comes in handy for when I have meetings with parents of problem students. Sometimes those parents have tunnel vision and only want to listen to their child's side of the story.

ARAGORN To where does the trap door lead?

PRINCIPAL ELROND That, my dear Ranger, is on a need to know basis. At the moment you don't really need to know.

ARAGORN So those Orcs all fell into that hole?

MISS ARWEN Yes, thank goodness.

Frodo goes over to Miss Arwen and takes her hand.

FRODO I'm so relieved to see that you're all right, Miss Arwen!

MISS ARWEN Thank you, Frodo. I'm touched that you all came to help.

PRINCIPAL ELROND Well, it's going to take a lot of work to clean the gymnasium. It's late. Let's deal with it in the morning. Come, daughter. Let's go home.

MISS ARWEN Yes, Daddy. Good night, everybody.

They leave the school. Aragorn decides to postpone revealing his true feelings to the love of his life, as it would be awkward to try to take his beloved aside privately with everyone around.

SCENE: The next morning in school. Boromir and Aragorn are surveying the damage done to the gym.

BOROMIR Aragorn, we're not going to let those Orcs get away with trashing our gym, are we?

ARAGORN What do you propose we do?

BOROMIR Trash their gym?

ARAGORN No. Let's be more creative.

BOROMIR Like what?

ARAGORN How about we steal their mascot? It'd be right before the big game.

BOROMIR I like it!

SCENE: Later that night Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Legolas, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin are sneaking into the Moria School. It used to be a school for Dwarfs until it was taken over by Orcs.

FRODO What is their school mascot, Aragorn?

ARAGORN I don't know. Perhaps they have a donkey.

LEGOLAS It must be behind that door over there.

The Elf points to a very large door labeled with a sign that reads SCHOOL MASCOT.

BOROMIR Oh, ya think?

The Son of Gondor slowly opens the door and peeks into the room. Then he quickly slams the door shut.

BOROMIR They have a Cave Troll!

They quickly back away from the door. It is pushed open and the Cave Troll carrying a sledge hammer emerges. The creature is huge and very scary looking.

FRODO That's the mascot we're going to steal??!!

The Cave Troll starts swinging the sledge hammer.

ARAGORN Frodo! Run! All you Hobbits get out of here!

The battle ensues.

They defeat the Cave Troll. It lies dead on the floor in the lobby of the school.

ARAGORN So much for stealing their mascot. Killing it may have been taking it a step too far.

BOROMIR Hey, it was either that or end up as a Cave Troll's toe jam! Speaking for myself, I haven't grown tired yet of breathing and walking upright. Hey, Legsy, what are you doing?

LEGOLAS I am retrieving my arrows from the corpse. These are still perfectly good arrows.

ARAGORN Let's get out of here.

They flee, leaving the dead Cave Troll on the floor.

Chapter Ten: Frodo Looks Into The Mirror

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Leave It To Beaver and/or The Lord of the Rings.

SCENE: The following weekend. Frodo is earning money by pulling weeds in Lady Galadriel's garden. She emerges from the back door of her house. Frodo looks up and sees her carrying a pitcher. She walks over toward the birdbath and empties the pitcher of water into the birdbath. She speaks to Frodo.

GALADRIEL Will you look into the mirror?

FRODO (thinking to himself) Mirror? It's a birdbath. What is she? Crackers? Oh, well. Better humor her since she's paying me to do this weeding.

He smiles and nods.

FRODO What will I see?

GALADRIEL What was. What is. What will be.

Frodo gazes into the water. He sees Miss Aragorn alone in her classroom. She is grading papers. The door opens and in walks Aragorn.

Frodo watches what transpires between the Ranger and his teacher. His heart shatters and tears well up in his eyes, then roll down his adorable Hobbit face.

Then he sees the gymnasium getting trashed with toilet paper and paint. Frodo is shocked when he sees who is doing it.

Frodo falls backward. He does not wish to see anymore that the mirror can reveal.

GALADRIEL I know what it was you saw, for that is also in my mind.

FRODO How could she? And how could he? He knows how I feel about her!

GALADRIEL You are in pain, little one. But do not despair. Time will be your friend, as it heals wounds such as the one you feel now.

FRODO I have to leave. I must see Aragorn.

GALADRIEL What will you tell him?

FRODO I'm not sure yet. I'll have to think carefully first.

GALADRIEL A wise decision. Do not rush to speak in anger. He does care about you.

FRODO Yes, he does. He's always looked out for me. I'll see you next week, Lady Galadriel.

He leaves her backyard and heads home.

SCENE: The Soda Shop. A popular hangout of the students. Boromir is speaking with a group of his classmates.

BOROMIR Now the only way this is going to work is if we ALL cooperate. Can I count on your votes?

TEEN BOY You bet, Boromir. I think it's a great plan.

TEEN GIRL Count me in, too.

BOROMIR Great! Well, that's the last of it. Come the night of the Senior Prom, we will all see the plan of a genius, yours truly, come together! And it will be a beautiful sight, believe you me!

SCENE: Frodo's home. He goes upstairs to the room he shares with the Ranger. He sees Aragorn reading a book. Frodo pauses. He still has not formed the right words in his mind to tell Aragorn he knows about the kiss that took place between him and Miss Arwen. Then he wonders if it would be better to say nothing. Who was he, a mere Hobbit, to stand in the way of their desire to be together?

ARAGORN Hello, Frodo. Back so soon from weeding Lady Galadriel's garden?

FRODO Uh, yeah. I'll go back there next week. I'm going to wash up for dinner. See ya.


He smiles at Frodo, then goes back to reading his book.

SCENE: The home of Principal Elrond and Miss Arwen. Miss Arwen is doing needlepoint and thinking quietly to herself. She wonders if her father suspects anything about that night the gymnasium was trashed. She thinks back to that night and how she had very carefully made sure not to get any paint on herself when she painted the words on the wall and strewn toilet paper all over the gym. Her plan was to make Aragorn think she was in danger so that he would rush over to rescue her, then his feelings for her would surface again and she would again experience the joy of being held in his strong muscular arms and then he would kiss her. She didn't care about her father's rule about no fraternizing between faculty members and students. She yearns for Aragorn and is willing to defy her father. But her plan failed.

SCENE: Back at Frodo's home. Frodo is thinking to himself as he washes his hands. That night when they had rushed over to the school they had not seen any Orcs who supposedly had trashed the gym and were supposedly trying to get at Miss Arwen who had barricaded herself in her father's office. Lady Galadriel's mirror had revealed to him what had really happened that night. But he does not understand why his teacher did all that. And what of the Cave Troll? Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir and Gimli killed the Orcs's mascot to get back at them for something they did not do. Frodo feels extremely guilty about that.

Chapter Eleven: Prom Night

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Leave It To Beaver and/or The Lord of the Rings.

SCENE: Weeks later. Senior Prom Night. The gymnasium is beautifully decorated. Everyone is dressed in formal wear. Music plays and everyone dances. Gandalf, Bilbo, Principal Elrond, Miss Arwen, Miss Eowyn and a few other faculty members are there as chaperones. Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin are there, too. They are working at the refreshment stand.

Aragorn steps up to the podium. He turns on the microphone.

ARAGORN Attention, everyone. I'd like to make an announcement, please.

Everyone hushes and turns to face Aragorn.

ARAGORN We've come a long way over the past few years to finally make it here to this very special night. I just want to say what I'm sure many of you are thinking. We're very sad that my best friend Boromir could not be here with us. If he can hear and see us know, I know he'd want us to remember the good times we shared with him and to celebrate those moments with joy and laughter. So let's honor the memory of our dearly departed classmate and good friend Boromir, the Son of Gondor.

The entire roomful of people turn and gaze at the large framed portrait of Boromir that hangs on the wall. It is surrounded by beautiful flowers.

Aragorn thinks of that day when he saw Boromir killed by Lurtz at the big game. Three arrows, one by one pierced the body of the Son of Gondor before Aragorn was able to hurl himself at Lurtz and knock him down. Decapitating Lurtz gave the Ranger only a moment of satisfaction, but it could not bring back Boromir. He had wept for his friend, as did Gimli and Legolas.

What Aragorn does not know is that the plan that Boromir had put into place weeks ago was about to come together. All the other classmates kept their promise to not breathe a word of it, so as not to spoil the surprise.

After an hour of dancing and music, Principal Elrond stepped up the podium.

PRINCIPAL ELROND It is now time to announce the Prom King!

Everyone hushes and turns to face Principal Elrond.

Gimli hands a piece of paper to the principal.

PRINCIPAL ELROND This year's Prom King is. . . ARAGORN!

Everyone claps and cheers. Aragorn is startled. He smiles and walks up to the podium. Miss Arwen places a crown on his head and a royal cape around his broad muscular shoulders. She smiles at him and plants a soft kiss on his cheek. Principal Elrond raises one eyebrow at that, but says nothing.

PRINCIPAL ELROND And now it is time to announce the Prom Queen!

Gimli hands a second piece of paper to the principal.

PRINCIPAL ELROND This year's Prom Queen is. . . LEGOLAS??!!

Legolas does a double-take.

LEGOLAS How can this be? I didn't even run for Prom Queen!

Everyone claps and cheers. They urge Legolas to step up to the podium. He slowly does. The Elf feels embarrassed, but he smiles and decides to be a good sport about this.

PRINCIPAL ELROND Legolas, according to the results of the ballot count, you won by a landslide!

Miss Eowyn approaches with a tiara which she places on Legolas's head. She also hands him a huge bouquet of beautiful red roses.

Aragorn and Legolas look sheepishly at each other. They had no idea this would happen tonight.

PRINCIPAL ELROND Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the senior class Prom King and Queen! They will now dance together.

Everyone again claps and cheers.

ARAGORN (whispers to Legolas) I've been meaning to talk to you about us. But the time never seemed right.

LEGOLAS (whispers back to Aragorn) How about while we're dancing?

Aragorn smiles and nods. The music plays a slow number and they dance.

Aragorn notices someone making his way through the crowd. For a moment the Prom King thinks he sees the ghost of Boromir. Then he realizes the person he sees bears a strong resemblance to Boromir, but it's not his dearly departed friend.

After the dance Aragorn and Legolas go over to the one who resembles Boromir and introduce themselves.

ARAGORN And to whom do we have the pleasure of speaking?

PRINCIPAL ELROND Ah, Aragorn and Legolas. Allow me introduce you to Faramir, the brother of Boromir.

FARAMIR A pleasure to meet you both. My brother told me so much about you.

ARAGORN Boromir did mention once that he had a brother, but that you lived outside of Mayfield. Are you here at this dance alone?

FARAMIR No, actually I'm meeting my date here. Oh, there she is.

Miss Eowyn smiles and comes over. Faramir embraces her.

FARAMIR You look beautiful tonight. May I have this dance?

MISS EOWYN You may, kind sir.

Frodo sees Miss Arwen standing off to the side drinking some punch. He walks over to her.

MISS ARWEN Hello, Frodo. What do you think of the Prom?

FRODO It's going very well. Looks great, sounds great and everyone looks like they're having a good time.

MISS ARWEN The King and Queen look very happy together. I could tell while they were dancing.

FRODO Yes, they do. Miss Arwen, if you ever need a friend to talk to about anything that's troubling you, I hope you won't hesitate to come to me. I'll always be there for you.

Miss Arwen stares at the Hobbit and smiles.

MISS ARWEN Frodo, you are a dear special person. I'm honored to know you. And I'll keep in mind what you just said now.

She gives Frodo a hug.

FRODO May I have this dance, Miss Arwen?

MISS ARWEN You certainly may.


Posted by tv2/jeanster at 6:07 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 30 August 2004 6:22 AM PDT
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