Allison Steele, Allison Steel, Alison Steele, Alison Steel,
The Nightbird, WNEW, WNEW-FM, WNEW FM, Radio DJ
A Page For
Allison Steele!
FM Radio Disc Jockey.
1. Who was Allison Steele?
2. Allison Steele Speaks!
3. Allison Steele on the WWWeb!
4. Related Books!
5. Sad News for Nightbird Fans...
6. Personal Remembrances of Allison via E-Mail.
7. Why?!
[1] Who was Allison Steele?
Allison Steele was one of the Disc Jockeys working at WNEW-FM New York, in the
late 1960's through the early 1970's. Probably my favorite announcer of the time,
along with the other announcers at WNEW ( Zacherly, Rosko, etc.), a leading "Progressive"
radio station of the day!
(Meaning at that time a station for "heads" that played any album tracks they liked!)
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[2] Allison Steele Speaks!
These are all from August 1970.
- Wave file #1, Station Break. [ 104 KB ]
- Wave file #13, Nightbird Introduction. [ 421 KB ]
- Download Zip file containing 14 Wave files, including the above two.
(With better sound quality than the above two.) [ 1.5 Meg ] ( 5.04 Meg UnZipped )
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[3] Allison Steele on the WWWeb!
Who was Allison
Steele - (local copy of original Bulletin Board material)
A short page of text describing Allison's radio personality and WNEW at that time.
(Thoughts on)
Allison Steele -
A good text Page discussing Allison's work on WNEW.
Allison Steele - (local copy of original Bulletin Board material)
Bulletin Board string at MusicRadio77 site discussing Allison.
Voodoo Soup
(by Jimi Hendrix) - (local copy of original Site page)
Page for Hendrix album "Voodo Soup" talking about Allison's inspiration for the
song "Night Bird Flying".
Radio -
Listing of radio disc jockeys inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Lists
Allison several times by decade with station she worked at.
/ UTC -
Listing of Allison's interview with 10cc, on audio tape.
The Garden:
Ahuka's Choice: Volume 2 -
Audio cassette containing Allison interview with Grace Slick.
(KISS) Video
Cassettes -
Listing of KISS Video, "Rock N Roll Over to Alive II", (NTSC format) with Allison
interviewing them.
Listing of Howard Stern show videotape with Allison Steele interview ("Volume 13").
Black Oak Arkansas
Discography -
BOA Albums with listing of 2 Allison interview LP's.
She's Got the
Bibliography -
Review / bibliography of the book "She's a Rebel" (see below), mentions Allison
in the review section.
Home Page -
Guy supposedly has airchecks of various radio shows available,
but page has not been updated since Jan.1998.
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[4] Related Books. is pleased to have Eccentric Obsessions in the family of associates. We've agreed to ship books and
provide customer service for orders we receive through special links on Eccentric Obsessions! associates list selected books in an editorial context that helps you choose the right books. We encourage you to visit
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She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock n' Roll by Gillian G. Gaar.
Discusses Allison's role in early free-form radio.
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[5] Sad News for Nightbird Fans...
Allison "The Nightbird" Steele died of cancer in 1995. The
December 31st, 1995 Sunday edition of the NY Times, Magazine section, published a
tribute to her by former colleague Vin Scelsa.
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[6] Personal Remembrances of Allison via E-Mail
From Arthur S.....
I too share your
experiences with the Nightbird. I grew up in the New York area. Her
radio show was so enjoyable, it literally would let me forget all my
cares and worries. I am an extremely picky listener but I could listen
to an entire broadcast and like every song. She played new age music
before the term existed. In my personal opinion, her voice was the
best I have ever heard. And if this was not enough, she was a true
spiritual philosopher in a world where such people are always an
endangered species.
But there is a sad note here. Her presence was shoved aside for
music that I consider crude and inferior (and I love Cream, Hendrix,
etc.). The last few years of her life she was on the radio at 3
a.m..How a person with her many talents could be denigrated has always
been a source of indignation with me. It is a sad note when society
lets such a talented person fade away. I
actually wish that I could hear all the many broadcasts that I missed
as well as the ones that I did hear.
As I am writing this, I am listening to a relatively new CD by
Jade Warrior. They are as New Age as a band can get. I first heard
them in the early 70's on one of Allison's shows. They were about 20
years ahead of their time. This was just one of the reasons that I
still think of her.
From John A.....
Thank you for the Allison Steele page. I don't know how many sleepless
nights that soothing voice and tender spirit sat thru with me. To this day
I am a poor sleeper. Finding your page and playing the wav files (it was
after 2:00 am!) was eerie - I crossed a bridge to a time long gone by. I
had not thought of Allison for years - I moved away from the metro area
right after I graduated high school to attend college, always figuring that
I would return . . . that there'd be plenty more nights of listening . . .
My sister mentioned it to me when she died. Feels like a part of your youth
went with her, doesn't it? Thanks again, and have a good night . . .
From Steve R.....
Thanks for your webpage on Allison Steele. It took me back to such
wonderful days of radio listening to hear the pre-Columbian flute music and Allison's
soothing voice telling us that there is no time or dimensions... that we should fly with her.
Only 39 seconds of Allison's nightly program introduction but a lot of memories there.
I'm sure you know that after WNEW-FM let go Allison and many of the other
original DJ's, she worked for several years doing Adult Standards on WNEW-AM and running her
boutique on E. 60th St., "Just Cats". Then her last radio home was overnights on K-Rock before
Howard Stern. Let's give some credit to GM Tom Chiusano for keeping her on the schedule
through all of her stomach cancer treatments till she died. If you remember, her last year
she'd do the show when she was up to it and Max Kinkle and others would fill in when she was
not able to do it.
I'm also going to look through my parents' attic for a record from the
U.S. Army Reserve. Allison used to host a half-hour show called "Nightbird and Company" where
she'd interview rock performers and play their music. My college radio station would play the
shows, which included two commercials for the Army Reserve. The programs came on two vinyl
Thanks again for this website. As Allison would sign off,
"I wish you peace, joy and a really great day."
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[7] Why a Page for Allison Steele?!
Because Allison Steele and the other announcers on WNEW-FM in New York
in the late 1960's are an integral part of my youth, and formed major pathways in
my adolescent little brain! Just listen to Allison's introduction to her show!
Yes, we were all like that in the late 60's early 70's... Living in the ozone
and happy to be there! Yup, it was a naive state of bliss, but it was wonderful
while it lasted!
And by the way, I actually met Allison briefly after a concert in Central
Park in New York in the late 1960's, and she was just as gracious in person as she was on the air.
I have no idea if any radio stations might be re-running any of
Allison's shows. If you can hear her on your radio (and you're not just having an acid
flashback from the 60's or 70's) please let me know!
In other WNEW FM DJ news... Rosko continued doing voice-overs for television
commercials through the 1980's into the 1990's, and unfortunately passed away Aug.1, 2000
after a long battle with cancer.
Zacherly was still alive and kicking in October 2000 when he appeared in the Halloween
issue of TV Guide (with 2 pictures!).
This small but exciting part of the WWWeb is brought to you
by Robert Haycock. E-Mail me with any questions, comments, suggestions,
or information about Allison Steele.
Sorry, but because of Massive SPAM problems my E-Mail link has been
"hidden". See the info box at the bottom of this page for more info, thanks!
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