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Trivia for episode: Pilot



Quotes Quiz

(The correct answers are below. You may want to keep track of your answers)


1. Who did Dr. Mike say this to? "...And frankly, I don't want anymore of your business."
a.) Sgt. McKay b.)General Custer c.) Travis Stone d.)Jedediah Bancroft

2. Charlotte Cooper said you can't depend on what?
a.)the weather b.) Ethan c.) men d.) horses

3. What episode is this quote from? "Well now you can make your voice heard by signing the petition."
a.)Malpractice b.) The Prisoner c.)A New Life d.) Right or Wrong

4. Fill in the blank of this Loren quote..."Well we're a little more _____ than that out here in the west."
a.)advanced b.) open minded c.) progressive d.)developed

5. Who said this? "There is such a thing as being to patient ya know, hang on long enough you forget how to let go."
a.) Reverend Johnson b.) Sully c.) Loren d.) Robert E

6. Where were Dr. Mike and Colleen when this was said? "Never hide behind the fact that you're a woman. And don't give up on your dreams just because you're afraid you can't achieve them in a man's world. You just have to fight even harder to make them come true."
a.) the Clinic b.) the wagon c.)the Homestead d.) walking through town

7. What episode is this quote from? "He goes along with any crazy thing she does. He always has."
a.) The Expedition b.) The Circus c.)Halloween II d.) The Campaign

8. Who said this? "You're so different from her, you never push or pry , you never fight your way into someone's trouble."
a.) Andrew b.)Sister Ruth c.) Grace d.) Dorothy

9. What episode is this quote from? "The only reason you can't do it is because you don't think you can."
a.) Bad Water b.)Pikes Peace c.) Sully's Recovery d.)Reunion

10. Who did Dr. Mike say this to? "You can't close your heart and give up on people. When you shut the door, no one can get in."
a.) Colleen b.)Loren b.)Brain c.)Marjorie




1. b.) General Custer in The Prisoner

2. c.) men in the Pilot

3. a.) Malpractice

4. c.) progressive in TheMost Fatal Disease

5. c.) Loren in Farewell Appearance

6. b.) the wagon

7. c) Halloween II

8. d.) Dorothy in Ladies Night

9. d.) Reunion

10. a.) Colleen in Baby Outlaws




 Trivia for the episode: Pilot

(answers below)


1.What was the name of the character Larry Sellers played in The Pilot? (Note: It was not Cloud Dancing.)

2.What did Charlotte make for supper Michaela's first night in the boarding house?

3.What 2 words did Col. Chivington use to describe the Indians?

4.How much did Sully charge Michaela for rent of his homestead?

5.Who was Michaela's first patient?

6.What was the medicine that could of prevented Maude Bray's death if it had arrived sooner?

7.What year(according to Pilot) did Sully come to Colorado?

8.How much did Jake charge to pull Michaela's tooth?

9.How did Michaela meet David?

10.What were the Christmas gifts Sully gave Michaela and the kids?




1. Black Hawk

2. stew

3. red rebels

4. dollar a month

5. Emily and her baby

6. digitalis

7. 1859

8. 2 bits

9. In a hospital

10. Mike: A shingleMatthew:A knife, Colleen: A hair comb, Brian: A puppy





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