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Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows

Season 1

(Spell to receive their powers)
Cast by: Phoebe
Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
The oldest of Gods are invoked here
Great work of magic is sought.
In this night and in this hour,
I call upon the ancient power
Bring your powers to we sisters three
We want the power, give us the power.

(Spell to kill Jeremy which didn't work)
Cast by: Piper
Your love wither and depart from my life and my heart,
Let me be, Jeremy, and go away forever.

(Spell to vanquish Jeremy which finally worked)
Cast by: All 3 sisters
The Power of Three will set us free,
The Power of Three will set us free,
The Power of Three will set us free

(Spell to vanquish Javna)
Cast by: All 3 sisters
Evil eyes, look unto thee
May they soon extinguished be.
Bend they will to the power of three,
Eye of earth, evil and accursed.

(Spell to banish the shadow or woogy man away)
Cast by: Phoebe
I am light, I am one too strong to fight
Return to dark where shadows dwell
You cannot have this Halliwell
Go away and leave my sight
And take with you this endless night

Season 2

(To Move Ahead in Time)
Cast by: All 3 sisters
Hear these words
Hear the rhyme
We send you
This burning sign
Then our future selves
In another place and time

(Awakening Spell)
Cast by: Prue and Phoebe
Troubled's blood with sleep unease,
Sleep eternal nevermore,
and shift the source the illness bore.
To this poppet who none shall mourn.

(To Reverse Awakening Spell)
cast by: Prue and Phoebe
What was awakened from its sleep,
now must again slumber deep.
What was awakened from its sleep,
Now must again slumber deep.

(Past Life Spell)
Cast by: Phoebe
Remove the chains of time and space,
and make my spirits soar,
let these mortal arms embrace,
the life that haunts before.

(Spell To Curse Evil Phoebe)
Cast by: past Prue and past Piper
evil witch in my sight,
vanquish thyself, vanquish thy might,
end this in every future life

(Spell To Switch Time Forces)
Cast by: Phoebe In this time and in this place,
take this spirit i displace,
bring her forth while i go back,
to inhabit a soul so black

Season 3

(Power of Three/To See What Can't Be Seen)
Cast by: All 3 sisters
In this tween time, this darkest hour
We call upon the sacred power,
Three together stand alone,
Command the unseen to be shown,
In innocence we search the skies,
enchanted are our new found eyes

(To Release The Feel Of Human Pain)
Cast by: Prue
Free the empath,
release his gift,
Let his pain be cast a drift

(Belthazor Vanquishing Spell)
Cast by: All 3 sisters
Spirits of airforest and seaset us of this demon
freebeast of hoofbeast of shelldrive this evil back to hell

(To Summon Belthazor)
Cast by: Prue and Piper
Magic forces black and white
reaching out through space and light
be he far or be he near
bring us the demon Belthazor here

(To Vanquish The Alchemist)
Cast by: Prue, evil Piper, and Phoebe
Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone,
the Alchemist shall transform none,
cruel scientist of evil born,
with these words face the fire scorn

(Possessive Spell)
Cast by: Prue and Phoebe
Whose soul reject the poison essence,
let loose life in this cruel possession

(Spell To Vanquish Dantalian)
Cast by: All 3 sisters
Powers of light,
Magic of right
Cast this blight
Into forever's night.

"Once Upon A Time"
Spell to See The Unseen
Cast By: All 3 sisters
In this tween time,
this darkest hour
we call upon this sacred power.
Three together stand alone,
command the unseen to be shown.
In innocence we search the skies,
enchanted are our newfound eyes.

"Primrose Path"
Spell to Release Vince's Pain
Cast By: Prue
Free the impath,
Release his gift,
Let his pain be cast adrift

Spell to Kill The Essence
Host soul reject this evil essence
Let loves light end this cruel possession.

Spell to Kill Aimes
Time for amends and a victims revenge,
cloning power turned sour,
power to change turned to strange
I'm rejecting you deflection.

Lost and Found Spell
Guiding spirits I ask your charity,
lend me you focus and clarity,
Lead me to the one I cannot find,
restore that and my peace of mind.

Spell to Find Tom
Show me the path to the one I cannot find
to space Tom and restore Prue's peace of mind.

Spell to end the Lost and Found Spell
I return what I didn't want to find.
Let it be out of sight, out of mind.

Season 4 soon to be added...

7/4 Fan Fiction page edited. Fan Fic is easier to read and a little more grammarically correct. Book #2 coming very soon!