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Title: "Lover's Last Words" Part 1/?
Rated: PG-13, but suitable for younger kids too
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


"It's Buffy..." Angel could tell just by looking at Willow's grief-stricken face. He should
have known something was wrong, shouldn't he have? Angel had felt a sharp pain in his
unbeating heart that almost split him in two just a couple hours ago, but had brushed it

"She... she..." Willow broke down crying, and Angel realized then that his worst
suspicions were just confirmed.

He wanted to say something, anything, so he could learn the rest, but the aching pain
rushed through his whole body, making him want to pass out. It surrounded him,
overwhelmed him, and consumed him.

Willow regained her composure, and spoke in a whisper for she was near tears once more.
"Angel, it was so horrible. Glory... and Dawn... and her blood.... the portal to hell and all
dimensions w-was opened... and could only be clo-closed by Dawn's blood... the Key...
but, Dawn was a part of Buffy... and Buffy... she realized it.... and she jumped... she was
so brave... always put everyone else's needs before hers... she jumped off the tower
Angel... the portal closed because of her... it was the blood... always the blood..."

"she sacrificed herself" Willow finished in a voice barely audible, which Angel picked up
because of his vampiric hearing.

Angel had trouble registering this all. His Buffy? His darling? His soul mate? The person
he had dreamed and thought about every day since he left Sunnydale? They were destined
to be together... their love was forever, wasn't it supposed to be?

He turned away from Willow and was angry, angrier than he had ever been before. Angel
walked over to the desk and shoved everything off of it to the floor, which made a loud

Willow was frightened, and backed up a couple steps. But she looked over again and
Angel was sobbing, and crying so hard - more than all the scoobie gang put together -
Willow decided.

He looked up at her and saw the pity on her face, and the utter sadness too. The sadness
and remorse. It was like a black pit, threatening to swallow him into oblivion.

Why hadn't he been there for her? Why had he left her after her mom's funeral? She had
asked him to stay, and she had had no idea how much it took to walk away from her...

Angel had to know one thing. "Did she... did she beat Glory?"

"Yes... she beat the god all right. It was like she was playing with a ragdoll. Her power... it
was amazing."

Angel knew she would have. That was his girl. His Buffy. She always won the good fight,
and her strength probably tripled his own. He had known that it would from the first day
he saw her at her old school in LA. But what he didn't know was that she would be his
only true love, ever.

Willow was digging in her jacket for something. "Angel... she left this for you... we found
it in her pocket. I don't know what she was gonna do with it... but... here"

Angel looked at it, and then took it from her gently. This was the last thing he would ever
receive from Buffy... His hand was shaking as he held it in his hand, and the tears were still
streaming steadily down his cheek. Pretty soon the place would be flooded with the way
he was crying.

Willow decided to go and use the restroom at that moment, and Angel gently sat down on
the couch. Shaking like he was having a seizure, he carefully unfolded the paper. It was a

Written on a creamy half-sheet of paper, in her handwriting... her wonderful handwriting.
To anyone else, it would have seemed like she had hurriedly scribbled it down, but to
Angel.. he knew she pondered this and wrote slowly and carefully.

"Dear Angel,

       Wow. A lot has happened since my mom's funeral, and nothing for the better. But the
big highlight of the day... Glory, she abducted Dawn, and is going to perform the ritual to
let down the barriers that separate all dimensions. To do that.. Dawn, it needs her blood.
Glory is so strong, and I am frightened. Of her. Of what might happen to Dawn. Of what
might happen later. Of the people who are going to die tonight. I know that we all aren't
going to make it out. I've accepted it. But, I'm not sure if I'll make it out.
       The big plan of destruction is to stop Glory before she begins the ritual. But I'm no
fool. I'm not sure that will work. Not to be a pessimist, but, I need to face facts. And just
in case I don't make it out, I need to say something. I'm not even sure how this will find
you, but either you will get it in the event of my death, somehow, or never - in case hell
breaks out, or I'll get out of this, and I will get a chance to tell you in person.
       Over these past few days, I have realized that I need to hold on to the people I love.
Cherish the moments with them, as I never know when they will end. What I'm trying to
get at is... I love you Angel. More than humanly possible. I haven't faced up to this fact,
and I've tried to hide it with Riley, because I was scared. Scared of being so vulnerable to
you. You had the power to hurt me more than anyone else, and with just a look from you,
I could be in so much pain... your expressions say so much. I didn't want anyone to have
that much power over me, and I guess that's why I never went to LA to restore our
       But now that I've realized that... my love for you is the thing I have dreamed about all
along. It is everlasting, an undying candle, a burning flame that just won't be extinguished.
And it never has been blown out... Never, and it never will. And I just hope and pray that I
make it out of this fight so that I can wrap my arms around you and say 'I love you'. I
want you to know that and remember that forever.
       Well now, I have one request. If this happens to make it to you on account of me
ceasing to... exsist, will you please make me a promise. Promise me you will look after
Dawn, and adopt her... she always liked you so much. And I want her to be with someone
who I love and trust. Help her get through it, lend her a shoulder to cry on, and try to be
       My Angel. You'll always be mine, and you'll always be in my heart. I love you.

                                                 Love Forever,

Angel reread the letter, and reread it over and over again. He memorized each word, each
syllable, each slant of her handwriting. He clutched it so tightly like it was her himself he
was holding.

Willow cleared her throat. She had obviously been standing there a while. She said in a
quiet voice, "I'm going to leave now... the f-f-uneral..."

Angel nodded, and stood, quietly telling her "Wait a second." He went to tell Cordelia,
Wes, and Gunn that he was leaving for good, and went upstairs to pack his things. They
stared open-mouthed at him, but didn't try and stop Angel. They would call him in a week
or so, give him time to cool off.

After Angel packed, he caught up to Willow and said, "I'm coming with you." Willow
nodded, and they headed out to her car.

He had a promise to fulfill to the woman who had given him meaning to life, his soul mate,
his first and last true love. No one could compare as he sat and silently cried his heart out
as the trees blurred by on the way to Sunnydale.

To Be Continued... Feedback me

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

