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TGH * Story Index

Scroll to the bottom to find the links to these stories and more.

Rippled Hearts: A challenge fanfic with an ensemble cast of mixed couples: Carly, Jax, Sonny, Emily, Lucky, Gia, Jason, Jack, Liz, Skye, Taggert

Dangerous Connections--GH Year 2011; includes an ensemble cast & crossovers with DAYS & OLTL

**New** The Reinforcements includes an Ensemble Cast: Carly, Alexis, Gia, Zander, Liz, AJ, Courtney, Tracy. With crossovers from AMC & Alias: Leo, Vaughn, David, Anna, etc. 12 People in one mansion. Two murders. One goal. A line of suspects.

A Light Rhapsody **New**: What happens when Gia, Carly, and Lucky return to Port Charles after much time has gone by? Includes ensemble cast: Alexis, Luke, AJ, Sly, Elizabeth, etc. And a cross-over with DAYS.

Returning to the Past **New** by Kelly: Takes place in the year 2008 with an ensemble cast and crossovers from OLTL and Guiding Light.

One Last Breath: A wonderful short story by Kelly.

Dreams of Gold by Anna: A wonderful fanfic featuring the Original L&L2.

Without You by Mandy: A GH/OLTL crossover. A tragedy sets off a chain of events. Families reunite and relationships change. In the end, can everyone survive without their loved one? In reponse to a challenge in which some unconventional pairings must be used. Featuring: Todd Manning/Carly Corinthos, Sonny Corinthos/Tea Delgado, Antonio Vega/Gia Campbell, Jason Morgan/V Ardanowski.

Second Chances by Kelly: A Carly/AJ Story.

Seeing Unicorns by Laeta: When you can't trust your family, who can you trust? Sonny and Carly, while trying to make a life with each other, struggle with startling discoveries from both without and within.

*NEW* A Moment in Time: Promise by Trina--A short series involving Jason/Gia.

Power of Goodbye by Michelle: Includes- Sonny, Carly, Jax, Brenda...

A Zander & Liz Short

Before & After by Kavan & Ash: Includes--Scotty, Laura, Luke, etc.

Serenity AMC, Greenelee & Jake Short

Until Then: What happens when Kristina, AJ, Gia, and Lucky all end up in the same cruise?

Laney's Fanfic: Dangerous Connections | Rippled Hearts | The Reinforcements | A Light Rhapsody | Night Sky | Serenity | Until Then | Great Expectations |

Kelly's Fanfic: Returning to the Past | Second Chances | The Awakening | Gone |

Trina's Fanfic: A Moment in Time by Trina

Karisma's Fanfic: The Witness

Other Fanfic: Dreams of Gold by Anna |
Without You by Mandy | Seeing Unicorns by Laeta | Power of Goodbye by Michelle | Lo Siento by Lee Lee | Muse’s Fanfiction | Before & After By Kavan & Ash

More stories, coming soon. If you would like to submit a story, feel free to e-mail me.

