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About Claddagh
(or how I came to be such a Buffy fanatic):

  Okay here's where I tell you a little bit about myself and you all think either
          " This person's got problems" or "Yeah I can deal with that". *g*

  My sister used to watch BtVS and go on about it....I used to mock her wondering how
          she could watch a show with such a stupid name. One day, as you've probably guessed, she made
          me sit down and watch it but it wasn't a particularly good ep so I didn't take to it. About 2 months
          later, when there was nothing else on TV, I watched it and I've been hooked ever since. If I were to
          list what I loved so much about the show, it would have to be the characters of course. They have
          such depth. I also enjoy the storylines, the action and humour. It perfectly mixes teenage angst with
          such experiences as great friendships, learning experiences, life's trials and supernatural monsters :)
          And I'm sure everyone of us can identify with at least one of the characters.

   My favourite characters are: Buffy, Angel, Giles, Jenny and Spike. My favourite episodes are
           many and include Angel, Becoming 1/2, Surprise/Innocence, Passion, The Zeppo, and The Wish.
           In case you haven't guessed, I'm a B/A 'shipper *g*

  I started to collect BtVS items when I came across  Ebay - they have a huge range of BtVS
          items up for auction every day and you can get things for great prices for the most part. I then
          started checking out Powerstar Merchandise and Another Universe com . I have an extensive range
          of collectibles ranging from autographed cast photos to magazines, rare uncut trading card sheets
          and books.

   So why the website? The idea came about whilst on the Buffy Chat Board at The Bronze
            (which incidentally I came across by accident and have been a regular on ever since). A fellow Bronzer
          and great friend of mine; SpookyMagoo, and I came up with the idea of a new Bronze club for Buffy
          fans who collect all things Buffy in an out of control kind of way. Hence our club was born....


If you would like to join our Club....just e-mail us, and feel free to let us know how you came to be a fan
        also :)


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