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Gomer Facts

1. The music from Mrs. Wiley's party on TAGS in the ep "My Fair Ernest T. Bass" is often heard on Gomer

2. Mrs. Wiley's music is a song called "Undecided"

3. Gomer's lucky Troll doll appears in two separate episodes ("Gomer and the Little Men from Outer Space" and . . . AUGH! I can't remember the name of the other ep!)

4. Sgt. Wipple, Carter's nemesis from boot camp, mysteriously turns up at Camp Henderson a couple of times

5. The writers can't seem to decide on Bunny's last name, 'cause she's had three of 'em: Harper, Olsen, and Wilson (The one I always use in my fanfic writings is Olsen)

Do you know of an interesting Gomer fact? Email me!

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