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SCHMUCK Award Winner- May 15-19, 2000

Oh, Lucas, it was only matter of time before you had this award sewn up...and for a second week in a row! Lucas is starting to lose it. He's letting Nicole push him right over the edge. He's a SCHMUCK for buying the flat-tire scenario, proof or not. She could have changed that tire anywhere! With all the suspect activities Nicole dabbles in, you mean to tell me that Lucas can't see just one of them? Or that she wants him to drink so he'll be more fun? The way he grovels at her feet is sickening. The way he defends her is downright ludicrous. He has no backbone whatsoever, which makes him not only the biggest SCHMUCK on daytime, but the saddest character this or any other show has to offer. He even went so far as to basically tell his own Mother that he would choose Nicole over her if pushed. Only a true SCHMUCK would diss his own Moms. Congrats, Lucas. You're the reigning SCHMUCK of daytime television.

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