If it's February, I must be in Bremerton, Washington. One of my best buddies - that's BFF for you Facebook whores - entered the world under the sign of Aquarius, and (rightfully) claims the entire month as her own. If Rose is turning a year older, there's gonna be a party.

Just a short ferry ride - mechanical failure notwithstanding - from Seattle, every time I make the trip I'm baffled as to why I don't do it more often. Mark it up to the psychological effect of wide expanses of water, I guess.

This year we got one over on the birthday girl. When contacted with an invitation to join her on the big day, we replied our regrets. Then sent her partner details of our scheme: We're coming, but keep it under your hat. It was a simple, but brilliant ruse, and in an instant upon the arrival of guests her evening went from dull and quiet to loud and shiny. Even the cat got into it . . . or not.

So, I guess the point of my story is - if there must be one - you needn't make elaborate plans in order to pull off a surprise. You needn't throw an elaborate party, either. A couple of string instruments and some colored lights do the trick. That, and a little help from your friends.