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My Blog
Saturday, 14 August 2004
Being a New Mommy
7 1/2 months and it feels like 3 years! If anyone out there is a new mommy and wants to chat i am here!

Posted by trek/tashaandty at 9:16 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 17 August 2004 - 9:12 AM PDT

Name: Tami
Home Page:

Feels like 3 years already? Sweetie, just you wait until she really IS 3-years-old! You'd better start taking some vitamins!

Love you!

Tuesday, 17 August 2004 - 11:26 AM PDT

Name: Tasha
Home Page:

I feel worn a little but i think it takes a whole lot more to be a mommy than taking vitamins! ytou should know! madi wants to type----- vvv9xz xz Z Z vbbg ( that was from madison

Saturday, 18 September 2004 - 8:09 AM PDT

Name: Dani

I recall a time when you were about 3 weeks old....I was soooo nervous. We lived in this tremendously huge apartment complex...almost resembling a was huge!Anyway.....there was a lady that lived across the hall from us and I believe I darkened her doorstep about 15 times that particular day. you were such a good baby very rarely cried but you were having a very cranky day and I couldnt seem to get you to stop crying(it was most likely my singing) lullabyes weren't my specialty....but I was just out of options I didnt know what was wrong, so about the 15th time I pounded on this lady's door she opened it and let me in we checked you out from top to bottom ...and well when we got to your little feet pulled your booty off and there was a tiny thread wrapped around your big toe!I pulled that puppy off and Bingo! You and I were both exhausted that day from crying. That's all I have for now. I hope all is well with you and yours. Love, Mom

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