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Fun / foon Tokyo
Monday, April 19, 2004
Korea must exceed Japan in all things
Korea Aging Faster Than Japan
Hankooki Apr 18 2004 11:46AM GMT
...The UN forecast it will double by 2019, making South Korea one of the most aged societies in the world.
This is even faster than Japan where the doubling of the elderly proportion took 24 years. Though the UN predicted Japan will see the ratio exceed 35 percent in 2005, the growth rate is lower than that of South Korea....

Posted by trek/taro at 11:30 AM KDT
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
OMGWTfgBBQ: Mission Complete
Topic: Me
On Sunday April 18th down and across the street from Snob Hair...

BBQ Chicken legs, nachos, beer and fiberglass insulation was consumed in Mass Quanties.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:04 PM KDT
Updated: Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:43 PM KDT
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
The more things change...
...the more they stay the same.

The "Loftcube" by Werner Aisslinger 2004.


Matti Suuronen's design of "Futuro" of 1968.

Today's price?
$140,000 for the Loftcube vs a 2001 auction price of $25,000 USD
See: More Futuro info or Official Futuro Film site "What's FUTURO?"Japanese site

Posted by trek/taro at 8:50 PM KDT
Updated: Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:08 PM KDT
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Friday, April 16, 2004
'Still crazy after all these years': Japan's Aum cult
Topic: Japanese life
Japanese doomsday cult still a threat to society, government says
AP - Friday Apr 16 1:49 PM SGT
The doomsday cult behind the deadly 1995 Tokyo subway gassing is still a threat to society, using businesses to expand membership and remaining faithful to its convicted guru's violent teachings, the government said in a report Friday.

Our Aum Emblem is embroidered with more than 4,000 stitches in stunning, shimmering gold thread. $15.00

Posted by trek/taro at 4:48 PM KDT
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Win the Platinum Piss Boy with diamonds
Topic: Media

Win the Platinum Pisser!

Platinum Piss Boy is worth1,000万円. See the pissing CM for the DaKaRa drink which is on all the Japanese TV networks this morning.
PS: Their Piss on it intro is a laugh too.

Posted by trek/taro at 2:03 PM KDT
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In Japanese you can't use ellipsis points excessively...
Topic: Japanese life


Ellipsis ....Japanese.

In Japanese manga, the ellipsis by itself represents speechlessness, usually as an admission of guilt or a response to being dumbfounded as a result of something that another person has just said or done. The growing popularity of manga worldwide has extended this convention beyond the borders of Japan.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:40 AM KDT
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
Ryann's reminiscing rapscallions relapse respectably
Topic: Japanese life
My friend Ryann waxes lyrical....

Japan biker gang born to be wired
By Ryann Connell / MDN. WaiWai April 15, 200
Japan's most notorious biker gang from the '70s is back on the roads. Well, sort of.
Instead of terrorizing motorists and making work for police patrols on Japan's myriad thoroughfares, the Black Emperors, the biggest bosozoku gang in the country's history, has come back to life with a vengeance on the Information Superhighway... reminiscing rapscallions who slipped into respectability.
"we will burn them alive and feed them to the fighters"

Posted by trek/taro at 6:40 PM KDT
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Ainu eyes: odd 'science'
Topic: Japanese life
I wonder what is this guy smoking? I'd love to be selling it.
All Amazing Ainu -- The "Indians" of Japan
by John Erskine Banta, General Manager & Director, Radisson Miyako Hotel Tokyo.
Book Press Release: April 14, 2004

....racial mixing has continued to diminish the number of full-blooded Ainu...Ainu-Japanese mixtures are especially conspicuous in the vicinity of Sendai, north of Tokyo. They are noticeable for their abundant hair, and for their eyes. Strangely, the genes that make the Ainu eye are often incompatible with the genes of the Japanese eye, making deformities common. The most common of these deformities is eyes that are too far apart; often to such an extreme that one of the eyes withers away.
But, when the two sets of eye genes work, especially in females, the results are astounding. Their eyes are huge, striking in color, and so hypnotic that people can?t avoid staring at them.
In the 1950s and 60s, a number of mix-blood Ainu-Japanese girls were brought to Tokyo from the Sendai area and put to work as models and as extras in movies. They were very successful as models --- giving rise to the Japanese art and comic preference for drawing young females with huge, luminous eyes -- but they did not fare as well as movie starlets because their eyes distracted so much attention from the Japanese stars.

Posted by trek/taro at 1:39 PM KDT
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Official climbing season for Mount Fuji
Topic: adviceS
Gee. Some people. This clueless gaijin wannabe, " Chilibuddy" is "going to be in Tokyo at the end of the month and climbing Mt. Fuji in May!"

Dream on.
The Official climbing season for Mount Fuji is s from July 1 to the end of August.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:42 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:43 AM KDT
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T.I.J. ---> This is Japan
Topic: FAQ

"T.I.J. - any other way?"

T.I.J. or "This is Japan" is the answer to all amusing aspects of Japanese living.

Posted by trek/taro at 9:29 AM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:54 PM KDT
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Only in Japan: Dumb doctor dad broils baby
Topic: Japanese life

WTFBBQ! The Japanese baby killing season officially starts!

Japanese baby dies of heat exhaustion after forgotten in car by doctor dad
AFP / 14 April 2004 2239 hrs
A 14-month-old baby girl died of suspected heat exhaustion after her father, a doctor, forgot to take her to daycare and left her in his car in a hospital carpark, Japanese police said on Wednesday...."He said he forgot that he had put his own child in the car," Gifu prefectural police spokesman Toru Kunii said. The mercury hit a high of 23.9 degrees Celsius in the area on Tuesday....
In recent years there have been a number of deaths of infants left in closed cars in hot weather while a parent played pachinko, Japan's compulsive, pinball gambling game.

Posted by trek/taro at 9:09 AM KDT
Updated: Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:11 AM KDT
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
'Balmy' Demineralized mineral water for $33 a bottle
Topic: Japanese Tech
Buying or selling demineralized mineral water for $33 a bottle: WOTS funnier? Maybe the name?

Hawaii's Bottled Seawater Industry Booming
(Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:37:30 PM / Honolulu-AP) --
Several Hawaii companies are taking the bottled water concept to another level. Consumers, especially from Japan, are paying top dollar for a bottle for desalinated Hawaiian deep-sea water.
The seawater is being marketed as a mineral-rich, dietary supplement.....
Small bottles of Kona Nigari seawater were selling for 33-dollars in Waikiki this week....

Posted by trek/taro at 3:04 PM KDT
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Japan: rotting squid guts kills 3
Topic: Japanese life
Here's the winner of legit Japanese headline of 2004!!
Police: Poison gas from rotting squid guts kills 3
(Yomiuri / Apr 14)

Posted by trek/taro at 11:35 AM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:37 AM KDT
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
40% of Japanese students think sun revolves around Earth
Topic: Japanese life

40% of primary pupils think sun revolves around Earth
Yomiuri / Apr 13

Posted by trek/taro at 4:56 PM KDT
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Monday, April 12, 2004
Do Afghan mujahideen gonna take bookkeeping in Tokyo?
Topic: Japanese life
Disarming militiamen vexes U.N. force
KUNDUZ, Afghanistan -- Col. Peter Babbington, formerly of the British Royal Marines, has had a few tough assignments in a formidable career that ranged from the Falklands to Sierra Leone. But never, he suggested recently with a grimace, did he know true lunacy until he arrived in Afghanistan to work for the United Nations.... to persuade Afghanistan's recalcitrant warlords to step into line. Instead, he has only carrots to win their compliance....
However, he said, it might seem hard to imagine Afghanistan's mujahideen commanders --- bearded veterans of a 23-year Islamic holy war -- enrolling for bookkeeping classes in Tokyo.

Posted by trek/taro at 4:43 PM KDT
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Tokyo Gov Ishihara hails kamikaze sex
Topic: Japanese life
evil Tokyo Gov Ishihara

Ishihara backs sexist schooling

(Mainichi / Apr 10)

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara has slammed gender free education policies, labeling ... their advocates of being "sorry people with weakened sensibilities."
...."Kimigayo," the national anthem, and the Hinomaru Rising Sun flag "present us with a great opportunity to consider our ultimate responsibilities in a human society where membership of a state or a race is inevitable,"
...."(A kamikaze pilot) headed for battle would be given a quiet farewell off away from others by a woman he loved, but whose hand he had never even held. And he would go in the belief that he was sacrificing his own life for the sake of someone of the same age but the opposite sex," Ishihara told the throng. "We're implementing grotesque education policies that don't even take into consideration such relations between a man and a woman."

Posted by trek/taro at 12:30 PM KDT
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Gets test

Japan News?









Posted by trek/taro at 11:42 AM KDT
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
"My name is Leagon for I am many."
Topic: Me

Here's a legion of bunnies that poop out Easter candy while I'm on vacation.

Posted by trek/taro at 9:03 PM KDT
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
Don't be a Pod People... Be a SAUNA Man!
Topic: adviceS
capsule hotel

Many folks visiting Tokyo think they can save money staying in the pod room, called capsule hotels. Read about them on this guys blog;
Capsule hotels cost at least 3,000yen. All-night Saunas cost 1,200-800 yen. Both have beds. Both are noisey. So save yourself some money and be a real a SAUNA Man!

The public saunas (not gay) are used by real saavy salarymen who miss the last time but don't want to spend money on a $300 taxi ride. At a saunna you check in after 8pm work-out on the gym equipment, do the hot tub, suana, cold plunge, etc, and then crash on a lounge or deck recliner in the "Resting Room" for the night.

I used to do this so often at the "Rosco Sauna" next to my office that I bought an IC card that checked me in automatically for 450yen per visit when buying more than 10 visits. After working overtime past midnight, I would pop in my "Member Card" (sic) into a locker, pull out my yakakata and towel, hit the Unversal weight machine, then the hot tub and plop on the lounge to sleep like the baby Bejesus. They wake me up before 9am, give me a breakfast discount coupon. Then I would snarf their 300yen breakfast in the 1st floor coffee shop, and I'd be back at my desk by 9:30am looking sharper than any of my coworkers.

Don't be a Pod People... Be a SAUNA Man!
But if you're whimp, here's a list of many capsule hotels throughout tokyo

Posted by trek/taro at 6:46 PM KDT
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Bombs rip apart packed bullet trains; heavily armed attackers disguised as homeless storm Tokyo city hall...;
Topic: Japanese life
...attack fears among tense public
07 Apr 2004 06:42
TOKYO (Reuters) - Bombs rip apart packed bullet trains; heavily armed attackers disguised as homeless people storm Tokyo's futuristic city hall; a hijacked super tanker explodes in Tokyo Bay, spewing thousands of tonnes of oil into the waters of one of the world's busiest ports....
Japan weeklies fan attack fears among tense public --Reuters / 07 Apr 2004 06:42 <

Posted by trek/taro at 4:49 PM KDT
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