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Setting up a turtle tank isnt always very easy. Below is a list of the things you will need for a very basic setup. Setups can be very costly, and if you are seriouse about owning a turtle then you should try to put together the nicest habitat possible. This picture was taken from a manufacturer which makes specialized turtle tanks. Do not think that you have to get this particular tank setup. It is expensive, and you can buy traditional glass aquariums and use them exactly the same way.

Basic Indoor Setup

Every turtle tank should have a swim area and a land area. "Swim area" is water deep enough for the turtle to swim; that is, the water must be at least as deep as the turtle's shell is wide, and the area must be big enough for the turtle to swim comfortably. "Land area" refers to an area above water line, at the minimum big enough for the turtle to sit on. Some of the land area should be heated to about 90F (using a lamp, for example), some should be room temperature, so that the turtle has a temperature gradient to choose from.

A minimal indoor setup for a small turtle consists of:

20 gallon aquarium or similar container (a 10 gallon tank is too small!!)

Some kind of filtration. An aquarium heater to heat water to about 82F, depending on turtle.

A lamp, with a 40-60W incandescent light bulb, installed to warm basking/land area to 85-90 degrees.

A UVB producing fluorescent light or supplementation.

Land area, built from bricks, rocks, wooden boards, rocks, where turtle can easily climb out.

A large heated aquarium with a swimming area at least as deep as the turtle is wide (so it can flip back over if it fall upside down). Add a rock or shelf which will allow the turtle to completely get out of the water. Add a heat lamp (most commonly a shop lamp with a 60W incandescent light bulb) above the basking area and a fluorescent light fixture with a UVB producing bulb to replace sunlight. (Setting the tank under a window will not do, because that light is filtered.) For more information, e-mail me at