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D’Deridex Class Romulan Warbird

The mysterious Romulan Empire’s massive D’Deridex Class Warbird is the only Romulan warship known to exist. There is the possibility that the Romulans possess more battleship variants, but due to their highly secretive nature, they may not allow outsiders to ever see these vessels. The Warbird is one of the largest ships in the Alpha Quadrant, and at well over a kilometer in length, the gigantic ship can often frighten enemies into submission without firing a single shot. Though hazy intelligence reports told of its existence for years, it wasn’t until 2364 that a Federation starship encountered a Warbird and survived. It is believed that two Warbirds attacked the Klingon outpost at Narendra III in 2344 and destroyed the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C in the process, but the exact type of Romulan vessels involved is not known. The Romulan Empire has become much more open in the last 15 years, and in the mid 2370’s, they allied themselves with former rivals the Federation and the Klingons to combat the Dominion. The Warbird proved its worth by fighting side by side with the Federation and Klingon fleets.

Ship Specifications

- 4 forward firing Disruptor Cannons
- 2 Torpedo Tubes Advanced Photon (1 fore & 1 aft)
- 1 forward Disruptor Beam

- Cloaking Device

Shield Ratings
- 8 Fore, 8 Aft, 8 Dorsal, 8 Ventral, 8 Starboard, 8 Port

Hull Rating
- 24

Analysis of the Romulan Warbird

Just as there were complaints about the Klingon Bird of Prey being too strong, when Bridge Commander was first released there were complaints about the Romulan Warbird being too weak. While it indeed appears to be a frightening ship in the series, we have never really seen its true power. Making the ship appear to be more powerful than it really is seems to fit right along with the psychological approach to combat that Romulans take. The criticism has subsided now, and the Warbird itself is one of the more powerful ships in the game. Whether or not it can defeat other ships depends on if the player knows how to use it.

The Warbird’s weaponry is very similar to the Vorcha’s, only the Warbird is slightly better armed. Its forward disruptor beam is great for getting a shot in on those fast maneuverable ships that it may have trouble keeping up with. Once the Warbird can face an opponent, it can let loose with its four forward firing disruptor cannons. Though they only fire two bursts from each cannon, they do a lot of damage when they hit. Getting them to hit a small target may be a problem, as the Warbird’s cannons are spread apart further than those on the Klingon ships and can miss a small opponent easily. The Warbird’s one forward torpedo tube has the fastest reload time of any ship in Bridge Commander. Though it cannot fire its advanced torpedoes in spreads, after the first torpedo is fired, a second will reload almost immediately. After the second torpedo is launched, the reload time takes a few seconds, but the Warbird can pump out torpedoes like no other ship in the game. The aft torpedo launcher has the same configuration, and since the Warbird is slow and difficult to maneuver, you may be making use of the rear torpedoes more than the forward weapons, as enemies like to attack in the Warbird’s blind spots.

The Warbird has the most balanced shields in the game, but a rating of 8 on each grid won’t be able to take much of a beating. Because of the Warbird’s immense size, it is a very easy target to hit, and its shield grids can go down quickly when each shot contacts. Once its shields go down, however, the Warbird can last longer than any other shield-less vessel. Its hull rating of 24 ensures that it can be a contender long into a battle. The Warbird’s cloaking device can also be a great asset, and since its hull can take a lot of punishment, it can cloak within an enemy’s firing arc if it has to.

My final analysis – The Warbird is a much better ship in the hands of a skilled player than it is under the control of AI. Even players used to large Federation starships will find the Warbird a bit hard to handle and maneuver, but much like the Vorcha, if it faces you, it can release a devastating array of weaponry. The trick is moving to face an enemy, and the Warbird’s cloaking device makes surprise assaults much easier.

If you play the Warbird in multiplayer games, you’ll likely be a big target. Like the large Galaxy Class, online gamers may target the Warbird looking for an easy kill. But it will take a long time to take out if you protect your systems, and you can usually destroy an opponent much easier than he can destroy your Warbird.

Strategies for the Romulan Warbird

*When playing as the Warbird*

Because of the Warbird's massive amount of forward weaponry and its incredibly strong hull, a skilled player can overlook its disadvantages and turn the D'Deridex into one dangerous ship.

As with the Vorcha, I cloak the Warbird immediately upon entering a multiplayer game. Klingon Birds of Prey are about the only ship besides a shuttlecraft that the Warbird has a hard time fighting, so just about any other ship would be an acceptable target. The Warbird is a slow ship, so it may be best to keep your distance from your target instead of following him. That way you can keep turning with him more easily and keep firing as long as possible. Despite the Warbird’s obvious shortcomings, it is still an unsettling sight to see one decloaking in front of you. After you decloak, open fire with all weapons and try to keep a torpedo lock on your target at all times. If you can do this, you can just hold the torpedo firing key down, as the reload time is extremely fast. This is the Warbird’s biggest advantage. Advanced torpedoes do even more damage than quantum torpedoes, so a few good hits can really tear an opponent up. Let the disruptors recharge and continue firing them as they do. The disruptor beam will be more effective on an opponents hull once their shields are gone.

Even setting the Warbird’s engines on 125% will only give it a top speed of around 3800 kph, and sometimes you may want to slow down even more than that in order to just turn and track your target better. Shields and weapons should be turned up to full power. Even at 125%, the shields will go down quickly. Rolling maneuvers will help to even out the damage. Many of the Warbird’s vital systems such as the power plant, shield generator, and cloaking device are positioned inside of its hollowed out drive section, so opponents will have a hard time hitting them. Your forward weapons will be a prime target, however, and if they become damaged, try to cloak and repair before they are completely destroyed.

*When playing against the Warbird*

Even though the Warbird is one of the strongest ships in the game and is deadly when on the offensive, it rarely can be on the offensive side. It is close the Vorcha in maneuverability, but at more than two and a half times the length, it is a much easier target.

Almost any ship can get behind the Warbird, and despite its rear torpedo launcher, it can’t put up much of a defense if you fly slightly above or slightly below it. Lowering its shields shouldn’t be difficult, and then you can just blast away at the hull. Destroying the Warbird’s forward weapons will help to neutralize its destructive power, but you may not want to fly near the front of it to get those shots off. The best bet is to just stay behind it and peck away at its hull or impulse engines.

If the Warbird cloaks, hit it as many times as you can before you lose your target lock. Keep moving so that it can’t double back and get behind you. As long as you keep your speed up and keep moving in irregular patterns, the Warbird will find it very difficult to track you. I would not take victory for granted, though. I have run into skilled Warbird players online, and they can rack up a lot of points and a lot of kills before being taken out themselves.

All original material, including ship descriptions and analyses on "The House of Martok" copyright Jesse Manning 2002.
All ships, pictures, and Bridge Commander information copyright and courtesy of Paramount Pictures, Activision, and Totally Games.