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A number of weeks ago I attended a day of lectures that were to be tied into the Theological College in Edinburgh.

For the previous two evenings I had been studying Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Witness of the Holy Spirit.

You can only imagine my surprise when I found out that the afternoon's lecture was to be on the subject of..."Baptism of the Holy Spirit", with the witness of the Holy Spirit as a main point.


Recently I went forward to be baptised by a local church, since I felt that my baptism as a JW was not right before God.

As I pulled up to the Seminary I took my bible out, looking for a verse for inspiration, and the bible fell open at 1 Pet.2. I read verses 2-9 then prayed, before going in. I had to sit right at the front, on my own, so I took out my bible again and re-read the passage before praying and re-reading it once again. I had prayed that it would be nice to hear the verse, but that I didn't feel it was necessary. Other than that I was content and peaceful in what was to proceed.

When it came to the text my mouth dropped open and I offered an immediate prayer of thanks, because it was announced as 1 Pet.2. When it came to expounding it, the minister concentrated on verse 9.

When I spoke of this to the minister, afterwards, his mouth fell open as well. He had intended to read 1 Cor.2:5, but it just didn't sit right, so he had made the change to Peter at the last moment.

The follow-up to this was when I attended my first communion service, a few weeks later. 1 Pet.2:9 came up again, and this minister (a differant one) knew nothing of me, nor the significance of the passage to me. A few dozen in the audience did, however, and had to restrain themselves from jumping up and shouting "YES!!! His text has come up again!".


This will no doubt be dismissed as an unquantifiable coincidence, by some, yet every sermon that I've been to has included a text that I have studied in the last couple of days (there are only usually a couple quoted in the churches that I have thus far attended).

If the lottery was this reliable I would be brought to court on charges of fraud due to huge circumstancial evidence.

If you are a believer - you know what I'm saying.

If you are not - Think about it.



