what’s new at Jinny’s place?

For a long time I've been meaning to either take down or edit some of the ghastly early stories that are up here, but haven't got around to it. Perhaps have been telling self they weren't that bad. With time on my hands, have just been reading through some. OMG. Songfic. Inconsistent use of commas. Inability to use the word 'said'. It was after 'he dissembled' that I realised this had to be fixed. Now. So will be posting some updated versions of the older fics. Not expecting anyone to notice or care, but at least I'll know there's no more dissembling happening on my site. Stay tuned :-)

"I don't think that means what you think it means".

Two new stories posted in one week! Check out my tale of crew training and its lessons for togetherness here.

Alright. Got off my butski and put one of them up. You can find the new story here.

Is it really that long since my last update? Shame on me. Have gone through the story index and taken off the annoying 'new' signs from stories that are quite plainly not new at all. Am also working on getting a few... okay, now are we sitting down children?... honest to goodness brand spanking new J/C stories I have in draft form ready to put up. I'd promise they'll be there soon, but you know, my idea of soon is a tad fluid. Stay tuned!

Here it is. Part 34, Liberty is now up.

I don't normally do net quizes, but was tempted by one Jemima mentioned. Now I remember why...

"You are Sylvia Plath:   No matter how much you struggle, you can't manage to shake off depression. You use symbolism to express yourself and have a knack for getting the most out of gas ovens."

Take the Which Poet are You? Quiz
brought to you out of boredom and pretention

Ah, momentum, it's a beautiful thing. Part 32 and Part 33 of LBW are both up.

Posted part 31 of LBW, Wishes and kisses.

LBW breaks the 30 barrier. Part 30, Reunion, second is up.

A day before entries closed, I decided to write something for Anne Rose's Ripples contest. Good thinking, eh? Gorgeous wings was the result.

I realised, somewhat belatedly, that my welcome page has been imploring people to sign a guestbook that hasn't existed for a good few months. I've added a new - & sadly empty - one. To make me feel appreciated, please follow the links from the front page or story index & leave me a little note. Thanks :-)

Part 29, Revelations is up.

But wait, there's more. Part 28, Reunion, first is up.

Scream. Shout. Fall over in disbelief. Yes, finally, it's another Little Blue World story, Strangers with familiar faces. Oh yes, and please enjoy reading it! I've started writing again, so there is more where that came from.

Posted a story I wrote for Valentine's day, Persuasion.

No new writing from me just yet, but I have finally reposted Bodie's four stories, here, here, here & here.

Part twenty six of LBW, Down the rabbit hole is now up.

The next part of LBW, Footprints in the dust is now posted.

I've also fixed a few broken links, and added a drabble I wrote a few months ago. Also, the Fall contest page is now working, so if you liked JinnnyR's & my efforts you can head over and enjoy the other stories.

old news

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