True colours

Part six of "Little blue world" - an AU series
by Jinny W
April 2001

Disclaimer: Paramount owns all. I'm just playing.

Summary: Tom and B'Elanna go in to bat for Harry's innocence, while I steal a smidgen of information from cannon to cast doubt on Seska's integrity.


Captain's personal log

We are still orbiting the planet where yesterday's attack took place while we try and piece together the fully story of what happened. We've placed Mr. Kim in custody but we seem to be no closer to uncovering the details of his actions. Tuvok and I have interviewed both Kim and Michael Jonas, who we know was also involved, to no avail. Jonas is simply not saying anything at all, while Kim continues to maintain his innocence. He seems baffled by the whole situation, and I'm beginning to wonder myself if the doctor's original concerns about the involvement of drugs were correct.

If Harry has been injecting phalathion that would certainly explain his bizzare behaviour. Harry denies that too, but Doctor Zimmerman will be running tests on him later today to find that out. Although, as Tuvok points out, we do have a logical motive - Harry's obvious misery here and his desire to return home more quickly - that doesn't explain to my satisfaction why he would take steps to hurt those around him. I mean emotionally hurt them, but of course there's also the explosion in engineering to account for. Only two people were there, B'Elanna and Kathryn, and Harry has no reason to injure either of them. As far as I can tell he and B'Elanna have become friends. His respect for Kathryn is obvious. Unless he had no specific target in mind, and their presence was coincidental.

Understandably, tensions on the ship have been heightened. The Maquis are not impressed that a Starfleet officer would put them in danger like this. Personal feelings are running high...

Chakotay stopped the recording and rubbed his eyes tiredly. There was another thorny issue - his own personal feelings. Originally he'd been more inclined than Kathryn to suspect Harry could have been involved, but he couldn't take any delight in her obvious distress. And then there were his feelings for Kathryn herself...

He sighed wearily. He realised that at least now he was being honest with himself, admitting that he did have those feelings. It was hard not to after last night. He let his body flop backwards onto the bed while he retraced the events in his mind. Kathryn had kissed him, for one thing. Just a fleeting kiss in the hydroponics bay, but it was still a kiss, for all its briefness and levity. At the time he'd been too surprised to react, had simply chuckled foolishly as she left the room. They'd had dinner here in his quarters, a simple meal shared over his cluttered desk. Then they had spent the evening sitting together in the comfortable armchairs Neelix had procured him, talking.

He blew out a breath in frustration. Despite the tension that stretched between them that was all they had done. There were moments where he had touched her, taken her hand, stroked her arm. At other moments she held his gaze just a little too long, her eyes flickered over his lips, and he knew what she was thinking. Hell, he was thinking it too. So what was the problem?

Last night he kept telling himself it was Harry Kim. Kathryn was too upset, too vulnerable. Any move he made would smack of taking advantage of her frailty. Yet it was more than that. Kathryn had been thrown into this predicament on his ship. As her captain, would he be taking advantage of the situation by pursuing her? If things were the other way around, if she was his captain, would she pursue him? He'd thought about that for a while after she had left. It was an uncomfortable thing to ponder, as he had a sneaking suspicion the answer would be no. But what difference should that make here?

In the end he'd settled on convincing himself that all he felt was physical attraction. Wasn't that how he pictured her - writhing in his bed, his hands caressing her bare skin? If he didn't act on these superficial feelings, eventually it would pass.

"Tuvok to Chakotay".

With a slight jolt Chakotay dragged his rambling attention back to the present.

"Go ahead", he replied.

"Perhaps you have forgotten that we scheduled a meeting to discuss further investigations."

Chakotay stifled a groan. "I'll meet you in the conference room". Conference closet, he added silently. The last thing he felt like now was a protracted logical discussion in such an enclosed space.

"I am already there", Tuvok's voice came back.

Chakotay swung his legs off the bed and began tugging on his boots. "Great. You can make the tea."

In reply, Tuvok's silence spoke volumes.


"Then Seska arrived in the cave before you did?"


"Did she witness what occurred between Mr. Kim and the Kazon?"

Chakotay shook his head. "No. She said Kim was alone when she walked in. It was only a matter of half a minute at the most before the rest of us arrived. That's when they attacked us."

Kathryn spoke up. "Then Seska and Kim were alone for thirty seconds or so before the Kazon attack?"

"She said they were both scanning the cave. They didn't speak much. Kim said the same thing, more or less." Chakotay peered at her keenly. "Why?"

"Oh nothing". Kathryn blushed faintly and looked away. "I'm just trying to get the events straight in my mind."

Wondering if Seska had a chance to do anything unsavoury in that time, more like, he thought. Instead he said, "It still doesn't made sense though. If Kim had already contacted the Kazon before Seska arrived - either with the transmitter or in person - then why did they attack the away team afterwards?"

"Mr. Kim was not seriously injured in the attack," Tuvok pointed out. "If the trade had been concluded already, it is possible the Kazon were trying to disguise the identity of their conspirator by attacking the whole party."

"That's possible," Chakotay conceded.

"It is in fact quite likely", Tuvok said. "If Mr. Kim had not made the trade, we would have discovered the item still on his person. Thus the exchange must have taken place before Seska's arrival. We do not know how long he was in the cave by himself before she entered."

Chakotay nodded thoughtfully but Kathryn looked unconvinced. "Then why was he still holding the transmitter when you found him?" she asked, glancing at Chakotay. "If he had concluded the trade, why hadn't he hidden it away as soon as he'd made the initial call?"

"Perhaps the Kazon had only just given it to him, to make further communications easier", Tuvok suggested.

"Or maybe he wasn't making a trade at all". At Chakotay's sharp glance she went on quickly. "I mean we're assuming that he went down there to trade some piece of our technology because that's what Jonas' message said. But Jonas was also supposed to be going. What if they became suspicious that we were on to them when we kept Jonas on the ship? Harry might have changed his plans at the last minute."

"He may have done so," Tuvok agreed, "but in either case there is no way to tell. If he took an item to trade the Kazon now have it. If he didn't, then it is still on board, not yet stolen."

Chakotay frowned sternly at Kathryn. "Then I really don't see how that line of thought helps us."

Kathryn caught the meaning behind his words and flushed again.

"I suggest a search of the area", Tuvok proposed, oblivious to the prickly stares the other two were exchanging. "We may find further clues as to what really occurred".

"Agreed", Chakotay said shortly. "I'll take a small team down there."

Both Tuvok and Kathryn stood to leave, but Chakotay reached out and caught her by the elbow.

"Wait a second", he said.

She turned back to him as Tuvok departed, arranging her face into a non-committal mask. "What?"

"You know very well what". His eyed darkened. "You're taking every opportunity to try and argue that Harry might not be guilty."

Kathryn glared at him indignantly. "I am not!"

"Then what was that all about, arguing that he might not have made a trade yesterday?"

"He might not have, we don't know."

"But we do know that he intended to do it."

"I'm just trying to figure out what actually happened, just like you are."

Chakotay gave her a hard stare. "And you weren't at all hinting that Seska could have planted the transmitter on Harry while they were alone together."

Kathryn met his stare with a fierce one of her own. "I never said that."

"But you still don't believe it was Harry, do you? Not in your heart. Despite the evidence, despite everything." When Kathryn didn't respond he grew angrier. "I see", he snapped. "He's still your precious Starfleet officer, and you still don't trust Seska, the Maquis rebel."

"Why the hell should I trust her?" she demanded bluntly. "She's the reason sixteen members of my crew are stuck here instead of being back home with the rest of the people on Voyager."

Chakotay stared at her as she continued bitterly. "You don't see, do you? She did board my ship with an armed party, remember? Shot my first officer. Rounded up hostages and brought them back here." She was truly nettled now, and her voice rose in irritation. "Who the hell ever said it had anything to do with her being one of *your* crew? I'm trying to work with the rest of you, aren't I? I trust you and B'Elanna. I'm trying to get to know the others. Give me a little credit."

Chakotay looked shamefaced and began to speak but she held up a hand. "Not to mention the fact that she's rude to me every time she sees me. She takes every opportunity to cut me down whether I'm around or not. She mocks everything that I believe in. She questions every order that I give. And for a while, there was a possibility that she actually tried to have me killed." Kathryn's eyes flashed angrily as she finished. "So don't you get all righteous and tell me off for being prejudiced against the Maquis."

Chakotay winced as the truth of her words hit home. He was being unfair. "Harry-" he began.

"Harry went against our wishes and contacted the Kazon", Kathryn cut in, her voice more quiet. "We don't know if he was responsible for the sabotage in engineering or not. But if he wasn't -" she shook her head "-what he did was still wrong." She met his gaze firmly. "But he isn't malicious. You can't convince me of that. And if you think that's stupid and partisan, well," she shrugged, "tough."

"I'm sorry-" he started, but she waved him to silence with her hand.

"Forget it." She shook her head again. "Just forget it."

Chakotay watched her leave, a heavy feeling settling within his stomach. For some reason her disapproval made him feel like a chastened schoolboy. So much for superficiality, a wry inner voice commented. He sighed in frustration, and tried to force his wayward thoughts in a less disquieting direction.


"It's your move".

"Is it?"

B'Elanna stared glumly at the board, then half-heartedly pushed a token forward one square.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Uh huh", she mumbled.

Tom shrugged, then reached out and began leapfrogging her checkers, collecting the discs as he went.

"I win again."

"You're a champ."

"I guess from the tone of your voice you don't want another game."


Tom let the pieces fall in a messy pile on the board and sighed.

"Why would Chell want to steal a game of checkers?" he asked absently. "I mean", he went on when B'Elanna didn't reply, "surely the guy he stole it from had more useful things in his luggage. Why take this too?"

"Because Chell's an idiot", B'Elanna said testily.

"Oh. That explains a lot." He threw B'Elanna a sympathetic sideways glance. "Still thinking about Harry?"

"I can't help it. I just don't believe he would do a thing like that."

"For what it's worth, which doesn't seem to be much around here, I don't believe it either." Tom held up his hands helplessly. "But what can we do?"

"Did you go and see him this morning?"

"Only for a few minutes. Chakotay wouldn't let me stay long."

"What did he say?"

"He doesn't understand it either. He swears he never contacted the Kazon, he hasn't been working with Jonas, and he definitely didn't cause the accident in engineering."

B'Elanna sniffed. "There isn't any proof the two are connected, anyway. Even if Harry did make contact with the Kazon, which I don't believe for a minute, he might not have caused the explosion. It may have been an accident."

"You didn't say that when you were writing up the report," he pointed out.

"Well, maybe someone else burnt out the relays", she said darkly.

"Let me guess", Tom said, "you still think it was Seska."

"I know I sound paranoid Tom", B'Elanna said, leaning forward earnestly, "but you've seen the way she treats Kathryn. She despises her. And Seska has been spending time with Jonas lately. She says they're friends," she added, "but she's always hated him too."

"Unfortunately, that isn't proof."

She slammed her fist on the table. "But there's no damn proof that Harry caused the explosion either. Just because he had the chemicals he could have synthesized the di-metrophalathion gel with, it doesn't mean he did do it. Or that he used the gel to corrode the relays."

Tom stared at her. "What did you say?, he asked quickly.

"I said just because he had the chemicals that doesn't mean that he sabotaged the console. What? What is it?"

Tom chewed his lip, thinking rapidly. "I was helping Harry maintain the weapons array the other day", he said.

B'Elanna frowned. "What on earth for?"

Tom waved his arm dismissively. "He didn't want to take a break. I thought he needed some company, so I offered to stay and help. We had a chat about..." he trailed off, looking slightly guiltily, "things", he concluded vaguely.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, I thought that we could increase the efficiency of the phaser banks if we cleaned all the residue off the individual parts. You know how old most of those components are. They seem to attract space dust like flies to honey."


Tom leaned on the table, lowering his voice. "So Harry had some sort of cleaning solution. It was a weird smelling liquid, a kind of bluey colour. I'd forgotten all about it until just now. We used it to clean off all the components manually. Like a spit and polish job. Without using our spit", he concluded elegantly.

B'Elanna's eyes lit up. "And you think this solution-"

"Might be made from the chemicals Harry got from the doctor", he finished. " I don't know, but it seems like we should at least check."

"What did he do with the rest of it?"

Tom frowned, struggling to remember. "Stowed it in a maintenance locker, I think."

B'Elanna stood up so quickly that she almost knocked her chair over. "Come on then", she ordered. "Let's go check it out."

Tom allowed himself a small smile. "Yes ma'am," he mumbled, as he followed her from the room.


"Well", said Seska, snapping shut her tricorder, "there doesn't appear to be anything here at all."

"Then look again", Chakotay snapped. "We need more information about what happened yesterday."

Seska rolled her eyes and moved closer to him so that Tuvok and Samantha Wildman, who were working on the other side of the cave, couldn't hear her. "Don't you think this is all a waste of our time?"

"No", he said shortly, not taking his eyes off the readings from the tricorder nestled in his palm.

"But we already know that Harry's the one responsible for betraying the ship", she whispered, "why are we still investigating?"

"For a start, we don't know what Harry gave them."

She stared at him blankly. "What difference would that make?"

"A lot. Was it a weapon? An engineering component? Finding a clue down here is much easier than trawling the ship to see if anything's missing."

Seska frowned. "What sort of clue?"

"I don't know", he hissed in exasperation, "anything that will help us get it back, I suppose."

"Get it back?" Seska looked stunned. "You're not suggesting we chase after the Kazon are you?"

"Of course". Chakotay glanced at her briefly. "We can't let them keep it. Whatever 'it' is. Otherwise what would have been the point of denying them our technology in the first place?"

"But", Seska argued, "we've been outmatched by most of the Kazon vessels we've come across. Wouldn't it be too dangerous?"

Chakotay barked out a short laugh in response. "Since when have we *not* been outmatched? Besides, if we let them keep it, then every Kazon sect will think the alien ship is an easy target. They'll all come looking for a piece of us. We'd do better letting them go on thinking that all we've got is an old battered craft, with outdated technology, not worth their effort to raid." He sighed. "And mostly that's true."

Seska stared at him, apparently lost in thought.

"Captain", Sam Wildman called out, "I've got something."

They both hurried over to her. Tuvok joined them, an eyebrow raised in mild curiosity.

"There's a power signature coming from down this tunnel", Sam said, pointing to an opening in the far wall, "it's extremely faint, which is why we missed it before."

Chakotay shone his beacon down the tunnel and nodded. "Good work, Sam. Let's check it out."

They walked in single file. The natural formation was tall enough for the two women to proceed without stooping, while Tuvok and Chakotay bent their heads slightly. As they rounded a sharp corner, Chakotay drew up, gesturing for them to halt.

"Sam", he said, pointing to a fork in the tunnel ahead. "Which way?"

Sam peered at her scans, shaking her head. "I can't tell, I'm sorry. The tunnels must be too close together."

"We'll split up then. You and Tuvok take this one", he said, gesturing to the right opening. "We'll go down the left. Stay in contact."

Sam nodded grimly. Privately, she wondered at the look Chakotay shot at Seska's back as she stepped into the tunnel ahead of him. It was almost as if he was trying to keep an eye on her. She shook off the odd sensation, and carefully followed Tuvok into the other passage.


"Do you have a minute?"

Kathryn swung around in the command chair to see Tom, leaning casually against one of the bridge consoles.


"Can we talk?"

"Of course."

B'Elanna stepped onto the bridge and walked over to the console that Hogan was monitoring.

"I'll take over for you", she offered. Hogan glanced up in surprise, but recognising the deadly serious look in the half-Klingon's eyes, didn't argue. B'Elanna sat down in the chair he vacated, but spun so that she too was facing Kathryn. Her eyes flicked from one to the other before she spoke.

"Alright, I've give. What's up?"

"We wanted to talk to you about Harry," Tom said, folding his arms across his chest.

"I see." At their silence, she prompted, "Go on then."

"We don't think Harry's responsible for the deal with the Kazon", B'Elanna declared bluntly.

Kathryn raised an eyebrow, but wasn't really surprised. She had expected Harry's few friends to defend him at some stage.

"We can't prove that part, not yet anyway," B'Elanna continued, "but we don't think he was responsible for the explosion in engineering either."

"We know Harry took a vial of metrophalathion", Tom put in. "And that the doc's testing him for residue of the drug in his blood."

"He won't find any", B'Elanna said firmly.

Kathryn eyed her curiously. "You seem very sure of that."

"We are." She held up a clear bottle, containing a small amount of a light blue liquid. "This is what Harry did with the vial."

Kathryn frowned. "I'm not following you."

"He didn't use it to make di-metrophalathion gel. Or to inject himself with", Tom explained, "He mixed it with a diluting agent and made this instead."

"What's 'this'?"

"It's a cleaning product", B'Elanna said dryly. "Harry was using it to clean all manner of dirt, dust and space residue off some of the ship's systems."

Kathryn blinked at her in surprise. "You're joking".

B'Elanna shook her head. "Nope", she said. "By itself the metrophalathion isn't nearly as corrosive as the compound gel. If you water it down", she shrugged, "it can be used to clean up gunk."

"I've never heard of anyone doing that before."

"So Harry was showing some initiative", Tom said. "That's not a criminal offense."

"How do you two know about this?"

"I was helping him clean. I saw it myself, although I didn't ask what it was at the time", Tom replied.

Kathryn's thoughts began to race. If this was true, could they have leapt to conclusions? She felt a jolt of hope spark inside her chest. She looked up to see Tom and B'Elanna watching her carefully, the question hanging in both their eyes.

"Even if you're right", she said slowly. "I'm afraid this doesn't prove anything. Harry could have mixed up the cleaning solution and synthesized the gel as well. Secondly, even if he isn't responsible for the explosion, that doesn't mean he didn't confer with the Kazon. He was still caught holding a Kazon transmitter."

"Alright, we can't explain that part. Maybe someone planted it on him, we don't know", Tom said. "But don't you think it's odd that Harry is still insisting that he's innocent? Jonas won't talk, so he isn't corroborating anything."

"Besides", B'Elanna put in, "people didn't really believe that Harry could be the spy at first. Realising that he had access to the chemical which may have caused the accident in engineering is what made people suspicious enough to accept that he could be a traitor. And if that's not true, well..." she trailed off with a shrug.

Remembering her own reaction to the doctor's news, Kathryn had to admit she was right. Before she could reply though the harsh proximity alert sounded. B'Elanna spun to check her console.

"It's the Kazon", she snapped, "One small ship, coming into range."

"Put it on the view screen", Kathryn ordered. She tapped the comm system button. "Janeway to away team, do you read me?" She gestured to Tom. "Scan for their life signs. I want them back up here before we have a repeat performance of yesterday's debacle."

"Scanning. No luck, they must be still underground."

"Try and contact them. I want them back up here."

"Kathryn," B'Elanna said, "they're hailing us."

"That's a new one. On screen."

The face of an unfamiliar male Kazon appeared. "I am Maj Comar, of the Kazon Ogla."

"Maj". Kathryn said, inclining her head. "My name is Kathryn Janeway of-"

"I know who you are", the Kazon said, cutting her off imperiously. "You are the people who wanted to steal our array."

Kathryn thought quickly, remembering the Kazon vessel that had been destroyed when the array self-destructed. "Despite what you may have been told", she began diplomatically, "we were not responsible for the loss of your ship."

The Kazon snorted. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. Its commander was a fool long before your arrival." Kathryn started to speak again but he waved her to silence. "That is not our concern now. We wish to speak with you about another matter."

"Oh?" said Kathryn, in honest surprise, "what's that?"

"We have reason to believe that you have given some of your technology to our rivals, the Nistrum."

"The Nistrum?" Kathryn frowned in confusion.

"Don't pretend ignorance. We captured a Nistrum vessel this morning in a nearby system. We have the evidence", he snarled.

"Maj", Kathryn tried to make her tone conciliatory, "we were attacked last night by a Nistrum vessel. If they have stolen some of our components then-"

"Nonsense", Comar barked. "I have spoken to the crew in question. They were quite explicit about your level of cooperation. We wish to make a similar deal."

At his console Tom began swearing and pressing buttons frantically.

"I'm sorry", Kathryn replied, hardening her voice, "but our technology is not for sale. At any price".

Someone to the right of the Maj whispered to him. The Maj looked amused, turning to Kathryn with a leer. "Any price, you say?" He guffawed. "So be it."

He disconnected the transmission, and almost instantly the ship began to move away.

"Bad news", Tom said quickly. "I've lost the away team."

Kathryn stared at him. "What do you mean lost them?"

"I mean two of their life signs appeared momentarily. Before I could beam them aboard, they disappeared."


"Now reading two more signs. Beaming them up."

"Tom, if you're saying what I think you're saying -"

Before she could finish Tuvok's voice came through the comm system. "Captain", he reported, "Chakotay and Seska have disappeared. From visual observation of their beam out, I believe they have been taken by the Kazon."

Kathryn swore, ignoring Tuvok's momentary slip of the tongue. "Get up here Tuvok", she snapped. Set a course to follow that ship", she ordered B'Elanna.

"Aye. Going to warp. Tracking them now".

"Kathryn, may I have a word-" the doctor walked onto the bridge, then stopped short at the obvious tumult of activity. "What's going on?" he asked.

"The Kazon Ogla have kidnapped Chakotay and Seska", Tom answered him. "We're following them now."

"Seska?" the doctor repeated with alarm. "Kathryn, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Kathryn barely glanced at him. "Can't it wait, doctor? We're a little busy right now."

"Under the circumstances, I'd say no, it couldn't."

At his grave tone Kathryn turned to face him, just as Tuvok also made his way onto the cramped command center.

"Seska was not seriously injured by the Kazon attack yesterday", the doctor began, "but while she was unconscious I noted that we didn't yet have a sample of her blood on file. So I took one."

"Yes," Kathryn stared at him blankly.

"I'm afraid I became distracted with all the other records I was collecting", he said ruefully, "and I didn't catalogue the sample until just now. I'm not sure how to say this", he went on, glancing around at their waiting faces, "but Seska is not Bajoran."

B'Elanna spoke first. "What do you mean, not Bajoran? Of course she's Bajoran."

The doctor shook his head slowly. "She may look Bajoran," he explained, "but her blood lacks all the common Bajoran blood factors. No illness, no disease could explain what I just found."

Kathryn glared at him in exasperation. "What did you find?"

The doctor took a deep breath. "According to my scans," he said calmly, "Seska is a Cardassian."


End of part six

~ read part seven ~

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