little blue world

an a/u story
by Jinny W


"Can I ask you a question, off the record? If things had happened differently, and we were on the Maquis ship now instead of Voyager, would you have served under me?" Chakotay to Kathryn, Parallax


I. To the Array

II. A Beginning

III. Into Battle (rated R)

IV. Friends and Enemies

V. Unmasking a traitor

VI. True Colours

VII. The Thrill of the Chase

VIII. Fire and Ice

IX. Little Victories

X. Games

XI. Near You

XII. The Rescue

XIII. Risk

XIV. Patches

XV. Brave New Plans

XVI. Jonas Returns

XVII. Wormhole

XVIII. Goodbye, Little Ship

XIX. Tanazaki

XX. Diablerie

XXI. Vengeance is mine

XXII. Investigations

XXIII. Deceit

XXIV. Deja vu

XXV. Footprints in the dust

XXVI. Down the rabbit hole

XXVII. Strangers with familiar faces

XXVIII. Reunion, first

XXIX. Revelations

XXX. Reunion, second

XXXI. Wishes and Kisses

XXXII. Retribution, first

XXXIII. Retribution, second

XXXIV. Liberty


god I love to turn my little blue world upside down
god I love to turn my little blue world upside down
inside my head the noise
chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter
you see I'm afraid I”ll always be
still coming out of my mother
upside down

don't you love to turn this little blue girl upside down
I know you love to turn this little blue girl baby upside down
but my heart it says
you've been shatter shatter shatter shatter
shattered ...

from “Upside down” (Tori Amos)


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Voyager is the property of Paramount Pictures