Bill Hillman's
Bill Hillman's
BIO: BIOGRAPHY (Blue) | BIO: ERB's Life and Times |
PLT: PLOT (Pink) | PLT: People and Events |
GEO: GEOGRAPHY (Yellow) | GEO: Places and Things |
PUB: PUBLICATIONS (Brown) | PUB: Editions, Titles, Publishers, etc |
MED: MEDIA (Green) | MED: Other Media: Movies, TV, Print |
MIS: MISCELLANEOUS (Orange) | MIS: Associations with the Real World |
BIO: Alcola * Self-Help Booklets * Light Bulbs | BIO: Things flogged by ERB in his years as a salesman |
PLT: Absynthe * Cigarettes * Mad Queens and Priestesses | PLT: Tarzan's weaknesses |
PUB: Acorn * ERB Doodad * Chess Knight (horse head silhouette) | PUB:
Colophons on spines of ERB hardcover editions
(McClurg - ERB Inc. - Dark Horse) |
MED: The Oakdale Affair * The Lad And The Lion * Jungle Girl | MED: ERB books adapted to film (well... sort of) - Non-Tarzan films |
MIS: Capital of British Collumbia * Miss Custer * Capital of Hong Kong | MIS: Victoria |
There is an open invitation to all ERB fans with an artistic bent to help design a playing board and counter tokens for ERB TRI-VIA. The six suggested ERB Worlds which could be integrated onto the playing surface are TARZAN'S AFRICA - BARSOOM - AMTOR - PELLUCIDAR - ERB's EARTH - ERB's UNIVERSE |
Game Plan B: The first player to answer a TRI-VIA question is determined by the roll of a die. The player to his/her right draws and prepares to read a card from the card box. The category question to be read is then determined by a second roll of the die (1=Bio, 2=Plt, 3=Geo, 4=Pub, 5=Med, 6=Mis). Players around the table take turns rolling the die and answering questions. Each correct answer or Challenge win earns 10 points. A challenge loss loses 5 points. Players should agree before the game on the points total which will determine a game win, i.e. 100, 150, etc. |
Game Plan C:
Go to the Questions
Only site #4.
Print out or read the questions on your monitor and jot down your answers. Move to site #2 to check out the suggested answers. |
Game Plan D: Panel Approach. A moderator reads questions to a panel of 3-6 ERB fans. Panelists respond by ringing a buzzer - the first one to the buzzer is allowed to respond to the question. Correct answers and Challenges garner 10 marks. |
Game Plan E: Rival groups are given a set of questions and confer in private for 10 minutes. All groups then re-assemble and report their answers to the moderator and rival groups. |
Game Plan F: Ride My Car - Pass the cards around among fellow ERB passengers during long trips and informally banter the Qs & As back and forth. |
Game Plan G: Adapt the TRI-VIA questions to fit game procedures of your own design or based on the many board games or TV game shows. |
Got some more? Send 'em in... hillmans@westman.wave.ca
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Original Work ©1996-2003 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
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