Chris Halsall's MMJB 20 PageI bought my jukebox from e-bay in January 2003 and from the word go I had problems with it, these have been: Poor Battery Life The batteries are Li Ion and should last 8hours according to the information which comes with the jukebox. Now I know that these figures are under the best test conditions humanly possible i.e new batteries, fully charged with minimum power draw such as no screen display and MP3 playback requiring no amplification (i.e not through earphones) but I was getting 1 to 2 hours MP3 usage at the best after an overnight charge) Turning Off when "Squeezed" Any amount of pressure on the plastic case, especially near the bottom left of the screen would cause the jukebox to shut-down which would require the battery to be removed to re-set the jukebox before it would come on again. Colour Bars The screen would go a bit screwy sometimes and show vertical coloured bars on the screen before locking up. Not powering up When the ON button was held down for the 3 to 5 seconds needed to turn it on it would spin up the hard drive but it wouldn't "take" and then power down again. Comments on Archos & Warranty. Now I know lots of other people have had problems with similar symptoms, I have been reading the multimedia jukebox fora on Yahoo and the guys at Archos don't seem to be able to help too many people. Now Archos told me when I contacted them by phone that my MMJB didn't qualify for the manufacturer's warranty as I bought it at auction even though it was BRAND NEW AND LESS THAN 1 MONTH OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I took it apart and fixed it myself. This page is for all those poor souls who are afraid to take their MMJB apart because of the electronic Franco-Chinese Voodoo inside and would like a bit of unofficial support. DISCLAIMER I have to say that: IF YOU TAKE YOUR JUKEBOX APART YOU WILL VOID THE WARRANTY IMMEDIATELY, IF IT BREAKS, STOPS WORKING OR ANYTHING BAD GOES WRONG WITH YOUR JUKEBOX AFTER READING ANYTHING ON THESE PAGES IT IS YOUR FAULT, I ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER FOR ANYTHING YOU DO TO YOUR PROPERTY, YOU CANNOT SUE ME, OK? IS THIS CLEAR? BUT I WILL ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY IF IT WORKS AND GRACIOUSLY ACCEPT ALL CREDIT FOR GOOD THINGS THAT HAPPEN, PRAISE, GIFTS, NICE E-MAIL ETC ALSO I AM NOT AN ELECTRONIC GENIUS, JUST A BLOKE WITH A SOLDERING IRON A FEW SCREWDRIVERS AND SOME COMMON SENSE. OK? LET''S GO!!!! |