Discover The Meaning of Rock Art:
Enjoy this educational website of Boma Johnson, Archaeologist, dedicated to developing a greater understanding and respect of the Native American people, and the beauty of their ancient culture as expressed in the rock art of the Southwest.
Find a deeper understanding of the meaning of ancient Native American rock art symbols, and the connections to the world of higher spiritual belief. Learn more about the meaning of rock art, as we have learned from the Native American people themselves, and from modern archaeological and anthropological research.
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listings of Boma's Archaeology Classes in St George, and information on our
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We thank you, our Indian Brothers and Sisters, for sharing your knowledge.
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Think you know all about Native Americans? Trust me, you don't! Here's a definite "MUST READ" that will truly surprise you.
"1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus" will open your eyes wider! Most of us were taught in school that the Americas before Columbus were a vast wilderness, sparsely populated by primitives who inevitably bowed before advanced European culture. Wrong! The Americas were far more urban, populated, and more technologically advanced than assumed; the Indians, rather than living in static harmony with nature, radically engineered the landscape across the continents, to the point that even "timeless" natural features like the Amazon rainforest can be seen as products of human intervention! Now available in a CD Audio Book Version, for those of us who have time problems. A good "listen" on a long trip, to make the miles go faster!
Archaeology Plus (c)2004