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JetC25 Members - Who Are We?

We're crazy. We're addicted to JC. And we usually have a cup of coffee nearby. What more can I say?

We have Bio's from 18 members.  Woo hoo! We're past the half-way point!!!  If you are not listed, please go to Anne's Rose Garden and fill out the Bio questionnaire.  Thanks, and come back soon!  - Anne Rose

| ALM_Voyager | Anne Rose | Caffey | Clare009 | CJ | Cimorene | Jane | Jinny | Kadith | Kate F | Kerry | K.S. | Lin | LSpaceCadet | MistressQx | Poetess | Renee | Selena Delabaya |

ALM_Voyager or Addy (depending on who you are and how you know me!), aka Adrienne Laura
Email =
Web_Page_Name = Voyages Home
Location = Seattle - U.S.A.
Join_Date = January 2000
Other_JetC = JetC13, JetC21, JetC22, JetC23, JetC24
Stories = 1-900-VOY-AGER, No Boys Allowed, The Boys Club, Good Morning Voyager, Warmth, Sticky Situation and many more!

Favorite_Authors = Oh lordy -- I read almost everything . . . but I do enjoy visiting the sites of Kerry, Shayenne, Caffey, Crazy Anne, KateF, Clare009, Suz, Ghostie, Kadi, Raven, KJ and many MANY MAAAANY others.  I search out stories that have a lot of humorous elements to them.  Clare really got me with one of her sleepwalking stories, I met Caffey through a funny fic of hers on the JC index, Kerry hooked me with her "where's your other shoe?" and Shayenne is new to me but I LOVE her style . . . on and on it goes! :)  I'd take up too much room explaining everyone I love and why! hee hee

Favorite_Moments = Accidently provoking BeckyAnne's temper on JetC22 hehehehe . . . and meeting RIS through the event *g* . . . finally figuring out mIRC (with Caffey's help) and then going into the #JetC room.  And in the JetC room I ran into someone named Nebula, who introduced herself as "Celia" and I responded by saying "What JetC group are you in???" DOH DOH DOH.  Sooo many memories, sooo little typing space.  Did I mention finding out Linnie Pooh has great cookies???? That's a treasured one.  *g*

JetC_Recommendation = Whether you like to read fan fic or write fan fic -- these lists are the place to be.  JC is a great element to work with -- it's challenging in that it asks you to incorporate untraditional and clever ideas to make the pairing 'probable.'  But, what makes JetC truly unique is that the list members respond 'differently' than any of the other internet groups I've been a part of; they are more friendly, open and welcoming.  You can always find a special nitch for yourself on JetC -- no matter where in the world you're from!

Other_Interests = Irish Dancing, Japanese Language and Tea Ceremony, Quilting, Historical Costuming, HTML Addict, Dark Angel Fan, Comic Book Collector, Belly Dancing, Renaissance Re-Enactment, Singing, Watercolors, Reading, And Writing (Non-JC stuff too)!

Other_Fandom =  I enjoy the comic pairing of Marvel's Gambit & Rogue of the X-Men as well as the characters from the new FOX hit series Dark Angel.  I enjoy the possibilities of P/T and even J/P via the Star Trek: Voyager world.  Other JC lists, beyond JetC, that I am a part of are: janewaychakotay, trekluv, stvstories and voyagerslowerdecks.

Yearbook_Moment =  Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii to all the people I hang with in #jetC!  And to Celia -- remember to send me pics of the dress when it's done!!!  :) ::hugglies::
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Anne Rose
Email =
Web_Page_Name = Anne's Rose Garden
URL = or
Location = USA, West Coast
Join_Date = October, 2000
Other_JetC = JetC23; JetC24
Stories = A "Traditional" Delta Quadrant Christmas, A Captain's Regrets, some drabbles, some Haikus

Favorite_Moments = Writing chat fic with people in #JetC.  Learning how to make a web page.

JetC_Recommendation =Come to the #JetC chatroom.  It's very silly, and very addictive. ;-)

Other_Interests = My 3 babies & spouse.

Other_Fandom = Resistance_is_Futile (K/7) list
I read some TOS, STNG and DS9, Stargate SG1, XFiles

Yearbook_Moment = Hi! (never could write those things)
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Clare009, aka Cilla
Email =
Web_Page_Name = The Voyagers' Respite
Location = Cambridge, UK
Join_Date = May 2000
Other_JetC = 22 and 24
Stories = A Sleepless Night, Once Upon A Time, Much Ado About Something, Changes, PADDs Undercover

Favorite_Authors = Kerry, Addy, Jemima, Jade, Caffey, KateF, Nieke, Jinny, Liz, Linnie, Christine, EJAndrews, to mention but a few...

Favorite_Moments = When Addy sent me feedback for my first ever fic - before I even joined JetC!  (I had read a few of her stories you see) Joining 22 for the first time and getting to meet all those fantastic writers. Meeting Jade. Reading Kerryfic for the first time *g*. Doing Theatre Sports on #jetc with Annie & Addy amoung others. Reading Jinny's Blackadder/Voy Fic!  (who'da thought she would have taken up my challenge!) Meeting new peeps all the time like anne *g*. wow - I could go on, but I won't...

JetC_Recommendation = No-one can know what JetC is, you have to experience it for yourself...

Other_Interests = Watching Voyager!  Writing J/C!  otherwise reading (anything - but preferably scifi, fantasy, historical) singing, painting, drawing, playing guitar/drums not very well, web page design, graphics, shopping on my own, watching movies, eating in restaurants, buying books, listening to music, socialising etc  Aslo, going to church *g*

Other_Fandom = Are there others?

Yearbook_Moment = um, Hi!  *feels shy under the spotlight*  Um, I just want to say thank you to all my fans...  I would not be here without you...  *looks around* hey!  Where is everyone???  I was only practicing my acceptance speech fot the Writer of the Year!  Come back!  Only joking! *spotlight goes off*  Hey! Comeback spotlight operator!  I didn't mean it!  Damn!  *shiver
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Kate F
Web_Page_Name = Kate's Corner
Location = Germany
Join_Date = March 31st ,2000
Other_JetC = JetC13, JetC20; JetC21; JetC22; JetC23; JetC24; ListMum of JetC26
Stories = The Dear Mama Series, The 100 Tears Away Series, Omnia Vincit Amor...

Favorite_Authors = Don't ask me.. there are so many. But I think I'd choose KerryW, Caffey, Howard

Favorite_Moments = The day I joined 21 - my first list ever. I got such a warm welcome but was really shocked by all the "celebrities" I was greeted by... Caff, Howard C, Sue Stillwell... It was great.... recommend-jetc = Just do it :) It is so much fun... and you really don't have to write.... No where else you get

Other_Interests = meeting friends, cinema, watching Star Trek, giving guitar lessons

Other_Fandom = I am on several Voyager lists (stvstories, Fantacy Island, JC, JC2....) It is great fun :)

Yearbook_Moment = Hi to Nieke!  Miss you hon!!! *hugz*  ~Katie
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Web_Page_Name = Jinny's Place
Join_Date = Officially, a few months ago.  In reality, I was converted a long long time ago.
Other_JetC = JetC24
Stories = I think I have about 30 on my site. My personal favourite right now is my most recent, "Fair game", in which I yet again poke fun at Fair Haven (boo hiss.)  The others range from short and sweet like Everytime she sneezes" (Chakotay in denial), & "Crispy fried noodles" (me being homesick) to angsty - "Cooling" & "Something like jealousy"; from funny "Showtime" (a padd story), to plain ridiculous - "Schemes & Intrigues" (a Blackadder/Voyager crossover). Special mention must also go to my first J/C fic "Nothing I could do to change your mind", an angsty "they get home" story, which spawned 2 different sequals by me, one by someone else, and an enormous number of emails saying "I love your writing but the ending just sucked."  Good thing I lightened up since then or my email account would have exploded ;)  Not to mention my ego...

Favorite_Authors = August for when I'm depressed and want to wallow, Kerry for when I'm depressed and want to belly laugh, YCD for her fabulous NC-17 stories, Monkee for no particular reason... I couldn't pick a favourite story but I love Gilly Hoyle's "Does he" for her amazing description of a J/C kiss.

Favorite_Moments = Any time I can make people laugh out loud.  Preferably without spilling their coffee on the keyboard.

JetC_Recommendation = Go back and watch the early episodes and watch them sizzle. Ssssssszzzzzzz.  (I'm going for the highly intellectual argument here).

Other_Interests = I play the piano a lot, I also sing & write my own music. I love to cook. I read obsessively & have been writing stories since I could first pick up a pen.  I love dogs but my landlord won't let me have one.  Bad landlord :(  Favourite social activity - nicking off to the pub after work for a pint of beer with friends.

Other_Fandom = No other lists, but I'm into other sci-fi shows as well.  Babylon 5, the X-files for its first few years etc.

Yearbook_Moment = Oh, the pressure to be witty.  I just can't do it now. *hugs* to everyone that I know.  That's it :-)
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Caffey (Sr), aka Caffeine Junkie
Web_Page_Name = Caffey's Oasis
Location = Berlin, Germany, Europe, Earth, Sol Sytem, Milky Way galaxy, Alpha Quadrant
Join_Date = Late 1998.
Other_JetC = Oh, that's easy:  Jr5, Jr9, JetC13, JetC14, JetC21, JetC22, JetC23, JetC24 (list mom), JetC25, JetC26, JetCPG.
Stories = Revelation, An Unusual Stroll, Coming Home, Black Hole, Kathryn's Toy, Commander Chakotay To The Rescue...

Favorite_Authors = Kerry Walker.  Simple as that.  No matter what she writes, no matter if she herself thinks it sucks, I do love it!  That woman is so damn great at writing, I could actually get jealous at her if I weren't so completely in love with her fic.  8)

Favorite_Moments = The most memorable one was joining JetC13, my first adult JetC group ever.  Boy these guys are nuts, but I love them anyway ... or for that, actually.  8)

JetC_Recommendation = You heard of Janeway/Chakotay?  Good.  You think they should be together?  Even better.  You wanna join JetC (Janeway et café ... er ... Chakotay)?  NO?!  ARE YOU CRAZY?  Oh, you are?  Then welcome to JetC!!!

Other_Interests = <blinks>  You talking about a social life?  I ain't got none, for there is nothing beyond JetC.  8)

Other_Fandom = None.

Yearbook_Moment = Hey, Caffey!  I love you, babe.  You're my favorite Gutter Rat, really.  Can't live without you anymore!  8)
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Kadith  (Kadi), aka Jen Wallace
Web_Page_Name = Kadith's Weyr
Location = Jacksonville, Florida (USA)
Join_Date = October, 1997
Other_JetC = JetC13 (listmom), JetCJr5 (listmom), and JetC14.
Stories = Shadows of Injustice, Malice, Brianne Trilogy, Dreams Series, Academy Days Series, and about 50 others :)

Favorite_Authors = Anything written by Kerry, and anything written by JC greats who have now retired, Marden and Micbo. And of course everything written by my soulmate Katsume.

JetC_Recommendation = Join it, if only for a month and give it a try. You'll meet some of the nicest, and most talented people in the world.

Other_Interests = Theater, writing and acting. And buying shoes, you can never have too many shoes.

Other_Fandom = True Logic, the official and first Tuvok/Seven group which was created by me. I also enjoy various RPGs. And I'm a Xfiles nut.

Yearbook_Moment = Addy this was a really good idea, I may have to consider it for the JetC13 page... if I ever get around to finishing the thing. :)
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Renee, aka rebecca
Web_Page_Name =
Location = Washington
Join_Date = about a week or two ago
Other_JetC = none
Stories = none that are posted yet.  I am working on quite a few but I don't like to post until I am completely done-being a perfectionist and all.

Favorite_Authors = anything that has a janeway/chakotay theme to it and it isn't too mushy or sex oriented.  I like a good fun  story.

Favorite_Moments = I haven't been able to find any yet-except being able to read the Shattered script before it was on televison.

JetC_Recommendation = It's great because everyone else in the group has your passion for the best couple in the show.

Other_Interests = reading, writing, walking, traveling, church, cooking, baking, playing games and cards, being with people-I really work a lot and I don't get to do my hobbies as much as I would like to.  I am doing good to be able to check my email once every 2 or 3 days.

Other_Fandom = stargate sg1, Scarecrow and Mrs king, All startrek shows, and the xfiles

Yearbook_Moment = I am going to say hi to everyone since I don't know anyone in here yet.  It has been fun so far-thanks renee
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Selena Delabaya, aka Moni
Web_Page_Name = The Star Trek Imaging Link Library
Join_Date = October 2000
Other_JetC = JanewayChakotay and JanewayChakotay2
Stories = I've done round robins :D

Favorite_Authors = Caffey-Promised Is Promised, Kathryn's Toy Cheile, Kathryn's Rainbow Series and First Glance, Patty R-The Forgotten Love Letter and Home Is Where The Heart Is, Cheryl Moore-Captain's Pleasure, (unknown)-With These Eyes and The Arms of Love, Shayenne-Married Quarters, Gina B.-Green Eyed Monster

Favorite_Moments = Just being in the JetC Chatroom :D.

JetC_Recommendation = You get lots of stories that are better than what TPTB could up come with.

Other_Interests = Music, dancing, learning about other cultures, traveling,

Yearbook_Moment = Hi Coral, Jade, Bec, Caffey, Yael, Carissa, *Truvie the Trout*, Thinkey, Annie, Clare and everyone else in the JetC Chatroom :D
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Lin (Cookie), aka Lindsay Booth
Email =
Web_Page_Name =The Cookie Jar
Location = Scotland, United Kingdom
Join_Date = Oh.... that's a difficult one... JetC22 was first... either December '99 or January '00
Other_JetC = JetC22, 23 and 24...
I'm also on JCUK, which is a J/C (but not JetC) group for J/Cers in the United Kingdom.
Stories = Well, I took a bunch of them off the web 'cause they sucked, lol.  "Dear Diary", my "I Will Be Here" trilogy, Hold My Hand And Run", "Workout", "Divergence"... you can get them all at my site.

Favorite_Authors = Ooooh.... I hate doing this in case I forget people!!  I love "Contrition" by Michelle Masterson, anything at all by Christine Giles, Kerry's "Voyager Days" series is great, Karma's "1999" and her big 27 part series, all of Adrienne's stuff, August's wonderful angst, Noda's "Under Different Circumstances" is amazing, Caffey (*please* finish Challenging Times) rocks... there are so many more and I already feel bad because I *know* I've missed people!

Favorite_Moments = I think it has to be the Naked Neelix threads on JetC22, ROFL!  And I have to mention the great limmericks that were flying
around a while back.  Oh, and I'm loving playing TS too, with the #jetc peeps.

JetC_Recommendation = There is no place more fun to make friends and worship the perfect couple ;)  Then I'd bribe them with cookies, lol.

Other_Interests = Hhm... well I love reading (everybody who hasn't read Lois McMaster Bujold's "Vorkosigan" books is missing out), writing (mainly fanfic, but the occasional original piece), movies (not just sci-fi, all kinds of stuff), music (almost anything except for techno-dancey type music and I'm not into rap), and I suppose this is as good a time as any to say that I have a severe obsession with hair, leather clothing and long coats :)

Other_Fandom = My other fandoms are mainly X-Files and Farscape.  The Farscape-Shippers mailing list is my spiritual home, seriously, and the PPoS (one of my X-Files lists) is just a wonderful haven of madness.  I'm also co-list mummy <waves to Christine> of SunDaze, a Claudia Black list.

Yearbook_Moment = Okay, this is probably going to be incoherent, lol, but here goes...  Christine - no more talk of the Great D**** Caper and I won't have to hurt you, and those .wavs are private!  Annie - start practicing now honey, you'll be catching me in July, lol.  Shiv - if you're reading this, POST MORE!!  LauraJo - you just rock!  Caffey and Addy - I'd deny it under oath, but I actually kinda like 'Linnie Pooh'.  Clare - <squishy Garrett hugs> <snerk>.  Holly - those music vids... <sob> and keep the fic coming too hon :) And anybody I didn't mention and should have mentioned... rest assured that I'm probably remembering and feeling guilty around about now. <takes a deep breath and a bow>  That's all folks!
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MistressQx, aka Quinnanne Henny
Web_Page_Name =
Location = PA, USA
Join_Date = December 1999
Other_JetC = Too many! :)  No, I can not get enough JetC. And now JetCJrSr too.
Stories = I'm not a writer. I'm a dern good editor, though.

Favorite_Authors = Authors: ALM Voyager, Suz, Mindy Yount - Fic: "Dark Desire" by M. Yount, many more that escape my memory.  Favorite Fic = "Dark Desire" by M. Yount, "A Masculine Problem" by Kerry.

Favorite_Moments = I love when other members send in Chakotay pictures (I have a serious thing for the guy). I also like when I get to read fan fiction straight from the author-hot off the presses and right after the episode.

Other_Interests = Gardening, aquatics, my animals, studying, crafts.

Other_Fandom = "The X-Files", "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "Dark Angel"
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Jane, aka Patti
Web_Page_Name = sorry, don't have one
URL = what does URL stand for, anyways?  (Univeral Resource Locator;-)
Location = Blue Island IL USA
Join_Date = I joined around the first of december 00
Other_JetC = I was part of JetC 9, but I think they fell off the face of the earth.....
Stories = I havn't completed any stories as of yet

Favorite_Authors = How about everyone?  I particularly like Emalia Janor and Pecosa, but everyone is cool!

Favorite_Moments = I loved everything about New Earth, and enjoyed the Year of Hell watch part.

JetC_Recommendation = I would say that you are entering a weird and enjoyable world filled with people like me (who ought to be committed!) Other_Interests = I play the clairinet, work with the mentally handicapped, and I LOVE HISTORY!!!!!!

Other_Fandom = I am really only into JetC

Yearbook_Moment = Well, I don't know who will read this, so I say HI to anyone actually reading about me!! And Elvis, gotta say HI to Elvis, but that's assumed, isn't it.  I mean, il est la roi de rock'n'roll, n'est pas?
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CJ, aka Catherine Bewley
Web_Page_Name = CKJ's
Location = North East (UK)
Join_Date = A year ago (I think!)
Other_JetC = JetC21, JetC22
Stories = You are my Sunshine! Brother Voyager and Reach (but I have a few others as well!)

Favorite_Authors = Karma, Caffey, Howard Caldos, Kat and Kadi...there are so
many I can't think of them all!

Favorite_Moments = You're really making me think aren't you?!!!
Too many to list and my brain is not fully functioning yet!

JetC_Recommendation = "If you love Janeway and Chakotay, and you want to see them together...join JetC!

Other_Interests = Star Trek in general, Stargate...other sci-fi shows.  I love
reading and teaching children loads of new and exciting things.  I also love
surfing the internet!

Other_Fandom =  stvstories, Chakotay, samandjack, SJAdult, (Stargate shippers!)

Yearbook_Moment = I just want to hi to everyone and anyone who knows me! CJxxx
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Poetess (poetess_200-), aka Amanda
Web_Page_Name = My Corner
URL = htpp://
Location = California
Join_Date = November 2000
Other_JetC = Yahoo's J/C Cafe
Stories = Voyager Night Before Christmas, What We Leave Behind, If You See Them, Lost

Favorite_Authors = All of them!  I could never choose

Favorite_Moments = Well, since I just joined, it would have to be the nice welcome they gave me...and the cookies!

JetC_Recommendation = Join up if you want to get great stories and meet some really wonderful people!

Other_Interests = I love to read and write, but I also love working with children.
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Kerry As far as you know.  BWAHAHAHHAHAHA!, aka Kerry.  So I lack imagination.  Sue me.
Web_Page_Name = Fic o' Rama.  I don't know!
URL = old, new
Location = Massachusetts, USA
Join_Date = May, 2000
Other_JetC = I'm present and occasionally accounted for in JetC 13, 21, 22, 23, and 24.  Friends kept becoming listmommies, and I kept joining.  8)
Stories = Oh, don't even get me started. "The Politics of Making a Scene" the Voyager Days series, a series of Voyager Fairy Tales, the PADD sequence, and a couple of others.

Favorite_Authors = KateF's Dear Mama series, smut by Raven and Kadi, the humor of Adrienne, Jemima's filks, and the generally wonderful stories of Jade, Suz, Caffey, Annie, and all my buds.

Favorite_Moments = That's a pretty funny story, actually.  It involves mud, flying food, and boxer shorts...  Wait.  That was a dream, wasn't it?  Opps. Never mind then.  Sometimes, it's hard to seporate fantasy from reality.  If my
life can be called reality.

JetC_Recommendation = To convince anyone to do what I want them to, I just need five little words: I know where you live.  That usually works, no matter what I want people to try.  I'm fairly certain it would work with the JetC point of
view as well.  I'll try it and let you know.

Other_Interests = Beyond JetC?  I don't understand the question... Oh, you mean that reality thing.  Okay, reading, trying not to get myself killed on a regular basis, gaming, writing, reading, nature in all its myrid and dangerous forms, reading, and making my friends laugh liquids, and occasionally solids, out their noses.  It's a living.

Other_Fandom = I love "The West Wing", Peter David's "Star Trek: New Frontier" novels, Voyager in general, animation of all sorts, "The Simpsons" in particular, adventure and action computer games, and generally reveling in my nerdiness. Join me.  You know you want to...

Yearbook_Moment = Let us all take this opportunity to moon TPTB.  Just for the fun of it.  Then, remember to run like the dickens.  They don't have the least
sense of humor.
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Cimorene (or Cimi), aka Anne Campbell
Web_Page_Name =  NA
Location = Southern California
Join_Date = end of october early november 2000
Other_JetC = none
Stories = Somewhere over the Rainbow, Midnight Cooking Lessons, and Rufus (a drabble)

Favorite_Authors = E. J. Andrews' page and all of those stories, Caffey's, Jinny's and a story I read once called Cour de Lion but I forgot who the author was.  Oh and any stories that float onto my JetC25 group.  Oh and I almost forgot. I always read Howard Caldos

Favorite_Moments = our boxer/brief debate and the lovely discovery of the Robert Beltran picture where he is standing at the top of an elevator with his pants around his ankles.

JetC_Recommendation = They chemistry is incredible and they never give us enough to be satisfied and stop coming back.  Delightful!

Other_Interests = Horses, horses, horses.  I love horses and I work at a breeding farm for Andalusians (Spanish Horses).  I also enjoy singing (my group is going on tour in April), I play the French Horn in my schools ensemble and trumpet in the Jazz Band (which is also going on tour)I also enjoy a few bouts at the piano.  I love writing, poetry, history, anthroplogy, psychology, and good literature.

Other_Fandom = none really.  I try not to get any more obsessed than I already am. *grin*  Oh I am a member of Hawking Fleet on the USS Typhoon in the RPG PBEM games.

Yearbook_Moment = HIYA Y'ALL.  I love ya all.
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K.S., aka ?
Email =
Web_Page_Name =
Location = Canada
Join_Date = um.. a little before Christmas.... the 21 or the 22.. around there anyway.
Other_JetC = At the moment I am currently only in 25.
Stories = I haven't written any. Truthfully, my writing isn't good.

Favorite_Authors = Everyones and everything... I think I've read just about all fan fiction out there. I do have a preference for this one story intitled Lineage written by Sforzando

Favorite_Moments = Um, could I say I'm not an acting participant in any list, to really have a special moment, or special memory? At least not yet. JetC_Recommendation = You're crazy right? You watch Voyager right *watches as the newbie nods* there we go,  what else is there to say? Besides the obvious, welcome in, take a seat, sit back relax, and be prepared to be amazed.

Other_Interests = um, keeping to myself? Not sticking out? Playing the obvious, I don't really exist, and you don't know me role, in every day life.

Other_Fandom = X Files, okay so sue me, I enjoy a good M/S episode...

Yearbook_Moment = Hi to whomever you want here. *Points above* You said, say hi to whomever you want here!!! so that's what I said.. Hi! *waves, and goes into hiding again*
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LSpaceCadet, aka Stacy
Web_Page_Name =
Join_Date =  Nov. 2000
Stories =  My Angry Warrior, The Power Of The Coffee Bean, Close To You, Patience...Its' Own Reward

Favorite_Authors = There are too many to list here without forgetting anybody.  I love them all.

JetC_Recommendation = They're a great bunch of people and they really make you feel welcome.
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