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Unicorns are very mystical. They have been written about all over the world. They were associated with many things including purity, healing, protection, fertility and imagination. One belief is that only one of pure heart and body (virgin) could catch the unicorn. Many tapestry's and art work depicted a beautiful maiden with a unicorn lying beside her, sometimes with a golden bridle place about it's head. No matter how depicted, unicorns are noble beasts.

The most common depiction is that of a white horse with a long spiral horn in the center of it's forehead. Sometimes it was shown with a goats beard and cloven hooves. They were gentle and mysterious creatures. Rhino's horns were taken and ground into powder and sold as unicorn horn, usually for impotence, though other uses were probably found. The horn had magical properties, it was said to have the ability to heal and the horn dipped in unclean waters would make it clean and pure again. There were people that wanted to find the unicorn so they could strip it of it's horn.

In Japan and China it was known as Kirlin or Ki' lin or Chi' lin. It had a more fierce dragon like appearance. Often seen with a dragons head with a single horn, a lion type mane, goat or horse legs.

There are small white goats that have a single horn on their heads, some called them unicorns. Are they the true unicorns?, who can say for sure. I'm sorry I can't remember were they are from. Barnam's circus made quite a few dollars by surgically altering a pony to look like a unicorn. Hoax's I'm sure were plentiful.

If you wish to try and meet a unicorn try sitting and meditating under an apple tree. Be sure you approach this meditation with only the truest of intentions. You can not fool a unicorn. It may take time to have a unicorn approach you but be patient. As with most of the faery creatures they are shy and untrusting of humans. Having a unicorn come to you is a great honor.

Many faery blessings, Lady Domnu