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Animal Charms

LodgeTemple | Submit Animals

Cat Charm

TIME: Midnight PHASE: Full moon
1. Trinket to attach to cat's collar. Connect this to yourself by wearing next to your own skin for seven days.
2. 6 white candles
3. 1 red candle
4. Sacrifice (toy mouse, cat food, catnip, etc)
5. Small bowl of incense, or stick incense and burner
6. Cat's water dish with fresh water.

At the stroke of midnight, place candles to define the circle, red to the north. At base of red candle, offer sacrifice to Mither of  Mawkins (Mawkins is the old word for cats), incense, waterish and collar with charm attached. Light candles and incense, bring cat into circle. If cat is comfy, continue. Cast the circle widdershins (this honors the contrary nature of cats), using the power finger. Start at the red candle and say:

"Mawkins one and Mawkins all,
Join in power, heed the call.
I conjure by the Mither's Moon
To ask the Whiskered Folk a boon."

Kneel by the red candle offering. Say:
"By Moon and stars, by land and sea
By all the rats and mice time three
By whiskered snouts and secret routes
I conjure Mawkins with this key"
(hold up the collar)
"So by this charm my will be done
To move, to see, to speak as one"

Dip charm into water, pass thru incense 3 times, and place on the cat. Remain quiet and LISTEN TO YOUR CAT!!! When done, extinguish candles deosil, beginning to the right of the red candle. Red last. Let the cat eat/ drink as s/he wishes. Bury what is not eaten by daybreak, pour the water on the ground as an offering to the Mither of Mawkins.

This is a lovely little ritual, and works very nicely to bind you and your cat in a deep relationship.