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Karen's Mishmash
Monday, 22 September 2003
9/22/03-another rainy day here in the mountains
this is my first attempt at a page, so y'all be kind. i live in the oldest town in tennessee. its rainin' ill be addin' today, had a lot. we've had a lot of rain this year, so this is quite a let-down from all the hot, sunny days we've had. i'm not a person who enjoys rain. i suffer from migraines and the rain doesn't help the pain at all. i'm searching for some of my relatives on the reservation in oklahoma, last name of GASS. im interested in lots of things ilike country music(bet you wouldn't of guessed that!). i like science fiction, i have 7 grandkids and one more on the way around christmas. another boy! id like to hear from anyone who suffers from the migraine headaches. i'll be addin more and straitinin' up my page at a later date, send me ideas , any of you who are better than i am . i've only had my 'puter 3 years, so i'm still learnin'.

Posted by tn3/kgramma at 5:14 PM EDT
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