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Site Team:


Home Designers:

Wall Creators:

Floor Creators:

Roof Creators:


AFFILIATE! go to this site!


>> Welcome to the site!

8.03.01 - Dustin - Gosh... check out below...and the other update..

I have a new affiliate... and I am out of their button will be up when I get back, thanks... High Life Sims

Well. I am going out of town. I will be back on Monday. So.. gosh, lol.. I am sorry. No houses till then. But Tuesday I will have 5 houses for you!

8.02.01 - Dustin - OH MY !!!!

Well, first downloads....geez...they don't I am sorry, that is now fixed...all homes are downloadable! Sorry about that.

Second... I added one hell of a house today. lol. This house, is on lot 2, and it is a killer! Go check it out [ houses> lot2 ] I think that I might add one or so houses by tomorrow... So do check back.

Finally...sign up on the newsletter to get the uptodate info....and a sneek peek of the HOUSE OF THE WEEK that I will make...and give you the URL only on the newsletter.. this house will be a house that took all week to make... and will be unique... in some way. So do add yourself to the list!

8.01.01 - Dustin - More Houses....

  I added 2 more houses today. They are pretty good. Check them out by going to ........ [ houses>lot9 ] [ houses> lot 10 ] I am going to add...1 or 2 houses tomorrow. So Check back peoples!

7.31.01 - Dustin - New Affiliate, mornin! 12 am! - HEY HEY HEY!

Sign up today for the can leave it at any time!  

Well, I have add 3 houses. hee hee, they are all pretty nice! [ lot 1 ] [ lot 3 ] [ lot 6 ] check them out! More houses later, maybe... but if not...some tomorrow.  

We have a new affiliate that you need to check out. Her name is Ashley, and she is from SimHomesCo. Sooo... click on her banner on the enter page, her button will be on all the other pages later... also... houses to come today! maybe 4 or 5.

7.30.01 - Dustin - Update of Links!

   I added some links. These sites are some of my favorite. I would love to become there affiliates, but that is up to them! Well much love to the 6 or 7 sites I have added to the links section.Check it out ....  [ links ] Also webmasters if you want to link to my site, then save those banners on the bottom of that page, thanks!

   A couple of houses added sometime today! I promise! hee hee ;o)

   ONE MORE THING READ THIS >>> On every page of my site you see the newsletter thing? Well, SIGN UP!

7.29.01 - Dustin - House on lot 5

   Well, I added our second home to the lot 5. This home is made by John and not to shabby, lol. check it out [ houses>lot5 ] More houses tomorrow? maybe 2 or 3? I don't know.

   I would love to add some nice walls for your new homes, but... I haven't a wall creator, floor creator, or roof creator yet! Please someone who knows and could make those. Please send an email, with 2 or 3 examples of walls or whatever you can make, thanks!

7.28.01 - Dustin - House on lot 7

   Guess what... We have our first house, it's on lot 7! It is one of the nice level lots. Great for a family, check it out [ houses>lot7 ] and well tomorrow I will have another house. Check back!

7.27.01 - Dustin - I need... for the site.. help us...

I need a good.....

  • wall person
  • Floor person
  • Roof person

If you would like to do any of these things here at SimSubdivision then email me (Dustin) at and give me 2 or 3 examples of whatever you can create! Thanks!

In the future I may need a home creator, but for now there is no need! Thanks ;o)


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© 2000 - 2001 Dustin Hames and SimSubdivision , All Rights Reserved.
Site layout credited to : Graphics/Content : Dustin Hames

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