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Freedom fighters

Story Lines
The Game
Sonic Anime
Sonic cartoon
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

The Games

   The story for the first Sonic game is like this, all these animals are being roboticised and sonic has to save them. There is no Tails and no Freedom fighters just good ol Sonic. The second game is the same kind of story except Tails is in it! we love Tails. For Sonic 3 Knuckles is tricked by Robotnick into takeing all the chaos emeralds and giving them to him, sonic and Tails have to get all the emeralds back. In sonic and knuckles robotnick steals all the emeralds you have to get them back. Sonic CD is a little diffrent Robotnick takes Sally who is really Amy Rose but they called her Sally Sonic must save her.

Sonic Anime

   Sonic Anime is said to be the real story behind Sonic. I don't know the real story maybe go to the sonic team webpage and find out. The story is simple eggman tricks Sonic and Tails into going to his world to stop a generator just so he can go and kill them. In other words its a trap. They go and he attackes them but knuckles saves them blah blah blah go see the whole story on my Sonic anime page

Sonic Cartoon

   The story of the cartoon is widely knowen story. Plus its the same as the Comic which is why I am just putting them both together(to lazy to write up a review of the comic story).When Sonic, Sally, Rotor, Antione, Bunny were little kids Robotnick knowen as Julien back then took over mobotroplis. He stole uncle chucks invention the "roboticisor". Uncle Chucks intentions were to make the old and sick live forever but instead it turned them into evil robots. Robotnick Took uncle chuck and roboticised him he almost roboticised bunny too untill Sonic saved her in the process Robotnick got part of his arm roboticised. They all escaped and ever since that day they have been fighting Robotnick and even Tails joins in somewhere. It never told how they found Tails so i have no clue what so ever. In the last few episodes I saw Robotnick had died and Snively took over then the tv shows ended suddenly and have never come back. For which I am really upset, but I guess all good things come to an end but what a way to do so. Never fear a new Sonic Cartoon Sonic Under ground is on its way but it has no TAILS!! so why bother? because its still a Sonic show, but without Tails its not going to be that good hay its like cd's with out a Cd player useless just like this story line is gona be unless they puty the #1Fox Tails in it. Think it will suck? write your reviews on it on the Tails board

The adventures of Sonic the hedgehog

   This show is really actually one big joke. One day Sonic is in the woods exercising when Tails (then a baby) falls out of a tree. Tails thought he was a bird and his name was Miles then too. Sonic takes Miles in and names him Tails. Tails happy with his new name takes an immedaite likeing to Sonic and they become best friends. Robotnick tries to get Sonic everyshow but fails. He made these two robots Grounder and Scratch who were sopost to be really smart bots but they still act dumb from what I have seen. In a few episodes they have managed to get the better of Sonic and Tails but this blue/orange Duo manage to get out of every twist ever. If you want sillyness watch this its gona make you laugh. lol. I don't think this cartoon is on Tv anymore though either it was on about 2 years ago but its gone now also. So sad all my fav shows are disapearing.


Sonic and Tails and others are copyright Sega, thats right so don't go claming them as your own *lol*. Some of the pictures I used arn't mine so if they are yours and you want em back email me.
This page is copyright Lindsay Escoffery Since Dec /30/1997
