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Sonic anime

Welcome to my new anime page

Sonic anime is the only anime with Sonic out there right now. It is really popular with with Sonic fans and will contune to be. Anime is a cool art style its my favorite kind of art style. Sonic anime is made by the same people who brought you the begining and ending to sonic CD if you enjoyed those you will enjoy this anime. Sonic anime staring Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, MechaSonic, and Sera is a fast paced cool movie. There are 2 epsoids both about 30 minuets long. Thoe the anime is in Japnese its still fun to watch and now that people have the scripts you can go along and understand it.

click on pic to get a review of the epsoide

Meet the Characters(in order)
The President
Mecha Sonic
! Sonic Anime Scrips !
Script1   Script2

Come and Get em!!

Wana know somthing really cool you can download the anime right from the confort of your home but u have to have atleast 100m free to get the whole thing. Enough said go to my friend's Tails page to get it all. The page

Way past cool sonic anime pages

These are the pages that helped me put this page up plus more.

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