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Chapter 3

I pass through Ashley Greyson's backyard, the next house is Vivian's. The field stretches behind her yard. She's sitting on her medium size trampoline, eating a yogurt. I walk up to the trampoline.
"Hi! Hungry?" she waves at me with the spoon.
"Yeah, I am. Have any peaches? Or apples? Somethin'?"
I climb up next to her, and watch her finish her yogurt. "I'm still hungry! We have those peaches you eat by the can. Let's go inside. Who's home at your place?" she jumps off the trampoline and starts walking toward the house.
"Zac's with his friends, at the Corner Store, Ike is rollerblading with friends, Walker's out helping their uncle rebuild their garage, Mom and Jessie, Avery, Mackie, and Zoe are shopping. And Tay's at home, with Sara," I snort.
She nods, and opens the door to the house. Her mom smiles and waves from the sink. Viv opens up the refrigerator, and pulls out a small can of peach slices. I grab a fork from a drawer and follow Viv to her room. Her walls are green, and the carpet is darker. She has a daybed in the corner, under the window. I love her room. The Hanson's basement is divided into three rooms, a TV room with a TV, couch and a pool table, and bathroom, with shower and all, and a guest room that's mine for the summer. The walls are light blue, not pastel, and the carpeting is darker blue. There are above ground windows on either side of the room, so it's not dark during the day without lights on.
"You want to go up in the attic?" Viv ask. Her attic has a window seat, I love those. There's old clothes, and it's awesome, especially if you have an imagination.
"Sure," I throw the empty peach can in the trash and follow her up the back stairs that lead to the attic. We sit on the floor and talk about Tay and Sara, about how much I love him and how much she's pushing him, and about Jamie, and how much her uncle, who has more say in her life than he should, she really doesn't like him.

The door bell rings and we can her Viv's mom, Shannon, answer the door.
"Let's go see who it is!" I whisper.
"Okay!" she gets up and we race down the stairs and into the kitchen. Another friend, and a member of the Underground Railroad, stands at the door. Zam, two years older than Vivan, three years older than I, lives down the street with her mom and her older brother. Her name is strange, and awesome; Zamborine.
"Hi!" she smiles, "I got lonely and deicded to see if anyone was home, my mom is with my brother at a soccer game."
"Cool, we were vegging out. Hey, want to go for a bike ride?" Vivian suggests.
"Ok, let's go. But we'll have to stop at my house to get my bike." I answer.
"I rode mine here, so...let's boogie," Zam nods then she laughs, "Your house?"
"She wishes. And she's lucky enough to stay there!" Viv grins. Viv grabs her backpack and stuffs in three lemon ices and three spoons, and grabs her water bottle. She puts her portable CD player and CD's in, too. We run out to the garage. Zam's bike is out side, and Viv grabs her helmet and kicks back the kick-stand.
"Let's go!" she grins.
We walk down the road, to the Hanson's. I go straight for the garage, I really don't want to go inside. I brought my bike down from Connecticut when I came, and I use it alot. I have to go inside, to fill my water bottle. I open the front door and Taylor looks up from the couch.
"Hi," he says, and smiles.
"Hi," I grin back. I love him, and its really cool, we're so close of friends. Sara looks up, obviously not caring if I was here or on the moon, but preferring I was away from her, and Tay. From the way she acts around me, it seems like she knows I like him, or she's just very possessive. I walk into the kitchen and fill the water bottle with iced tea. I add a few ice cubes, and put the top back on. Walking back out into the living room, I catch them in a quick kiss. Again, I feel anger I probably have no right to feel, and I hurry out the door.

~ Chapter 4 ~