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~ Chapter 4 ~
"Run away Run"

Zam and Viv notice that I look a little upset. "What's wrong?" Zam ask.
"Seeing anyone kiss her would make me sick, but him kissing anyone..."I shake my head, I won't cry, not now, but I can't help wishing I was in her place. I guess that's just what love does to you, not to mention she's a bitch anyway.
"Let's ride," Viv gets on her bike, "Be happy, you were fine before, don't get upset about it." She wrinkles her nose, Yuck."

We all get on our bikes, and head in direction of the Corner Store. The store is at the corner of the street, two buildings before it is the Scoop, the ice-cream place. There's a bike rack out front, already half full. We put our bikes there and walk in. The cashier is Andy, he's four years older then me and he's funny. His father, Mr. Titus, owns the store. Andy laughs, and someone laughs with him.
"I know that laugh," I stage-whisper to Viv. "Zac!" I walk up behind him and poke him.
"Hey!" he makes one of his weird faces and smiles, "Hi! How are you? Whatcha' doin'?" he grins, talking quickly in a strange voice.
"I'm fine, how are you? Anything interesting happening today?" I talk in another strange accent. We're just weird, we talk and act strange all the time, Shannon calls it "hyper active," it seems to run in his family, and its fun and funny.
"I thought you were home, with Tay. Is Dad home yet?" he asks.
"I was home, but I left the minute Sara got there. No, when I left Dad wasn't home." I reply.
Zac looks annoyed. "Sara? Oh, good, now I'm defiantly not going home." He pretends to gag, "She doesn't like me, I don't like her, or being ignored, either, and I don't want to see anything..." he looks disgusted. Rick walks up. He smiles and takes a sip of Snapple "Rain'
"What don't you want to see, Zac?" he laughs. "Sara trying to screw my brother. She won't leave him alone, I hope he doesn't do anything with her..." Zac looks serious now.
I'm going to be blunt-although Sara is a year younger than Tay, he's a virgin, and she's not.
Rick looks a little sick, "Oh, well, I'm going over there anyway."
"Good luck," Zam sighs. Rick looks a little sad, "Some best friend, I'm being dumped for a girl." Andy chimes in, "And a bitch at that. Girls should hang out with the guy's friends, and vise versa, it always works better that way."
Rick nods in strong agreement. His girl, Julie, is friends with me and Tay, and the rest of Rick's crew. I nod, I think Andy's right. I think what I thought before, it's good that me and Taylor are friends. You're more likely to go together better if there are more than just romantic ties, and if your relationship falls apart, you're more likely to stay friends if you were before you started dating. I pinch myself and make myself wake up from my daydreams.

~ Chapter 5 ~