Love On The Run

This was made by Spirit Blaze! Didn't she do a Great job?!

Love Is...

I--I--Boy this is tough--I love you, Sam. --Tabitha Smith

An' Ah love you too girl. Jus' took us long enuff t'say it, huh?--Sam Guthrie, X-Force #37

Welcome to the new and improved Love On the Run! Hope you enjoy your stay, and please...sign my guest book!

From the moment of their first kiss to their heartbreaking split up, Tabitha Smith and Sam Guthire have been my favorite of couples. The stark differences in their personalities, which might have turned some readers off, only attracted my attention more. The simple country boy and the runaway with a past--it has the makings of one of the greatest love stories in Marvel history.

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I LOVE Pacey and Andie. They are, without a doubt, my favorite TV couple. So help save Pacey and Andie!

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