Tabitha and Sam have got to have the most realistic relationship out of all the other X-Men.

(At least SHE thinks so.)


(I'm going, I'm going.)

Anyway, as I was saying, they have the most realistic relationship. Why, you ask?

( I don't remember anybody asking...)

((I'm not alking to you anymore Midnight.))

It took them months, ^their time^, and years ^our time^ to get together. And, for all you Sam/Tab impaired people this is how it happened...

(According to Darkchilde, anyway. She may be wrong. She usually is.)


Sam and Tabitha meet during Inferno, I believe. Anyway, he was running around with the New Mutants and she had joined up with the X-Terminators, the kids the X-Factor had taken in. Together, but separately they basiclly caused the entire Inferno thing, I think. I've never actually read everything around the Inferno storyline.

(Together but separately? Darkchilde what the hell are you talking about?!)

((You know what I mean Midnight.))

(Whatever. Are you going to finish?)

((If you'll leave me alone for two seconds, I will.))

(Okay fine.)

((I thought you were going to hang out in your cave, Midnight?))

(I was. It got too cold.)


On with the story. Anyway, they meet during Inferno. Well, I think they meet. I know they fought together...does that count as meeting?

(Wish I could meet a guy by getting in a fight.)

((Me, too. I get in enough of them as it is.))

So after the entire Inferno thing was over they both went back to their respective places. Sam went back to the X-Mansion and Tabitha went back to Ship. At least that is what I think happened. Anyway, something happened and the New Mutants wound up on board Ship with the X-Terminators.

(As you can tell she has no idea what is going on at this point in time.)

((It's not my fault Midnight, I don't have any of these issues!))

So the New Mutants and the X-Terminators some how wind up in Asgard, and have to do...ummmmm...have to....Dang it!

(Have to save Odin from Hela and get Dani back? Is any of this ringing a bell, Darkchilde?)

((Some yes. Thank you.))

(See I am good for something.)

((Yes, I guess you are.))

(Can I get a new tv?)

((Don't press your luck.))


So somehow the New Mutants save the day and they all go back to Earth.

(And it was good.)

((Midnight's Jewel if you do not keep your mouth shut..))

(Okay,I'll be good.)

((Thank you.))

So when they all got back to Earth, the New Mutants all decided to live with X-Factor. Then however, they meet a mystrious man!

(And it was bad!)

((Midnight, I think we should at least try to keep our opinions to ourselves.))

(He has gotten a lot cooler over the years.)


The mystrious man was Cable, and he took over the New Mutants. And this is where the real Sam and Tabitha Romance got started. On a mission in Japan, Sam tricks this wacked out villainess named Dragoness into kissing him. Tabitha get's really pissed about it, and Sam, the sly dog that he is, tricks her into kissing him. It is at that point that I believe that she starts to fall for him. Anyway after some more adventures as the New Mutants

(Which Darkchilde doesn't know about cause she doesn't have the back issues)

((Well you don't have to rub it in.))

So anyway, lots of people leave, and more people join. Then Cable decides that they don't need to be the New Mutants anymore, so they became X-FORCE.

(And it was GOOD.)

((I agree with you there Midnight.))

While the newly christined X-Force were getting ready to leave Xavier's Sam and Tabitha have the most adorable heart to heart talk I think anyone has ever written.

(I know! Can you believe that Leifield wrote it?! I certainly can't.)

((Midnight be nice. It really wasn't that bad.))

(Oh alright.)

Anyway not much happens in the first couple of issues..

(You mean besides Kitty-Cat girl tearing out Sam's guts?)

((Well there is that. I was getting to that here in a minute.))


After Sam gets his guts ripped out by Feral, Tabitha goes kinda ballistic on her. Which is the main reason that those two hated each other. Then after a couple more issues, the New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants shows up!

(And it was just plain DUMB.)

Phantazia messes up Sam's blastfield, but, like the brave guy that he is he goes up against Sauron. This latter proves to be a mistake as Sauron impales him with on of his talens. Everybody thinks Sam is dead. Then after Cable blows Sauron's head off, Sam comes back to life with these immortal words: What the heck is goin' on?. It turns out that Sam is an External, a mutant that will live forever if he can mange to keep his head on.

(Oh. Liefield is a fan of Highlander?)

((It appears so doesn't it?))

Again, Tabitha and Sam have cute heart to heart talk. YOu can tell by now that they are getting very close. Then once all of that is takin' care of (oh and Domino is proven to be a traitor!) X-Force is attacked by these government dudes called Department H I believe is what they called themselves. Yeah. Anyway, Tabitha and Sam's buddy Rictor was running around with these Yahoo's. So there was a big fight, were X-Force kicked Department H's tail, and Cable and Domino disappear. So X-Force, being the young rebels that they are, steal a SHEILD helicarrier and go on their merry little way. But not for long. No these poor kids can't stay in one place for a long time without somebody attacking them. This time it s Cruel, an External who's decided to take out Sam. Of course he doesn't suceed, and X-Force finds out that Bobby DaCosta in big trouble. So they go and help him, but before they can, Giedion makes a deal with Sam for Berto's life. Then Sam and Berto get caught in a big explosion. But when Sam and Bobby are found, alive, Sam and Tabitha kiss for the second time! Yeah!

After that, Cable is accused of shooting Professer X.

(And we're not even going to go into that! It was so increadible dumb, I never want to hear about it again!)

((Wow. This is the second time tonight that I have agreed with you. Scary.))

The only good things to come out of the storyline was that 1) Sam kissed Tabitha. At least I think that was what he did. It looked to me like he was kissing her on the cheeck in that panel where he leaves to go check on the rest of X-Force. 2) Cable finally leaves for a good long while.

After that Sam and Tabitha don't really show much of the way that they feel about each other, even though Tabitha gets kidnapped by the crazy External dudes. When she gets back he holds onto her for a pretty long while there at the begining of #24, though. At the end she's hugging his arm and got her head on his shoulder. Still not much more happens till Cable gets back in issue #26. Sam and Berto are heading out to Madripor to tell Karma that Illyana is dead, and Sam looks like he is going to kiss Tabitha goodbye but he gets weirded out and just leaves. At that point Ric shows up and him and Tabitha talk about Sam which results in Ric kissing Tabitha. She tells him to cut it out and finally admits that she loves Sam! Yes!!

A couple issues later Sam takes Tabitha home to his family, and in issues 37 they finally admit to each other that they love each other! Yeah!!!!!! And they all lived happily ever after.

( NO they didn't!)

((So what if they didn't Midnight? I wanted them to.))

(But that's not the way it happened!)

((I don't care. I have decided that I am going to stop here on my little narrative of their realtionship. If you wanna find out what really happen, go read the comic.))

(It's still not the way it happened!)

((Do I look like I care?))

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