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Photo Album

Lafever Home Page


Welcome to the Lafever Family Homepage. This picture was taken before Christmas 2002 (Ignore the date on the picture).  Colin was 2.5 and Hayden was almost one year!


Colin is getting to be such a big boy these days.  He is using the potty most of the time and he has even gone by himself a couple of times (knock on wood).  He is a very smart boy!  He can sing his ABCs, count to 13 and knows his shapes and colors.  He even knows a few Spanish words thanks to his new favorite show Dora the Explorer.


Hayden is into everything these days.  He is now a pro at walking and can even bend over and pick something up, then stand up again.  And he is so loving.  He loves to give hugs and kisses.  He really looks up to his big brother and tries to do whatever Colin is doing.  


I am working on updating our site now, so check back soon for the boys' pages to be updated!

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