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Final Fantasy VII Fiction
Read, read, read, until your eyes bleed!

Cid: This is where Jen keeps all them stories about FF7. Read on to find out what tortures they've thought up for us.

The Fanfics


The Accursed
Written by Abishai
Status: Incomplete
A series of stories taking place after the ending of FF7.

Angels' Tears
Written by Kira
Status: Incomplete

Here is a fanfic where the world of FF7 is twisted. Cloud no longer leads AVALANCHE, and the Turks no longer hold as much importance. Be prepared to be highly entertained as the authoress draws you into a totally knew take on a fanfic.
The Fate of One
Season's Passing
In the Mind
Until We Part Our Ways
Red Rivers Die
Written by Kainen
Status: Complete
Wonderful poems! All well written and dealing with the characters of FF7.
All Because of Jessie
Written by Tifa_9
Status: Incomplete
This is a twisted version of FF7 that put the characters in different roles and situations. For instance, Cloud and Zack are twins...interested?
A Highwind Pride
Writteny by Kira
Status: Complete
This is a wonderful short story where Cid ponders all that has happened in his life, past, present, and future. It's a very good read.
Answer to the Planet
Written by Dark Nation
Status: Incomplete
The Planet is saved from death, and its people along with it. Our heroes are certain peace has finally come to them. They could be wrong. Someone once thought dead is alive again, and his purpose is anything but what they expected.
Balance of Power
Written by Frank Verderosa and Jen Bond
Status: Incomplete
Frank Verderosa and I co-authored a fanfic for you all to read! Since he happens to be fond of Tifa, and I of Cid, we decided to throw them into an adventure together. It takes place two years after the gang of FF7 goes their seperate ways, and for the most part, it will center around Cid and Tifa. They'll be thrown into the middle of a battle for power between Junon and Wutai. And I have a feeling they'll be having more adventures than they'd like to.
Best of Both Worlds
Written by John Wendler
Status: Complete
Here we have an excellent FF3/Ff7 crossover. Can't get enough of those, can you? Terra will suddenly find herself thrown into the world of FF7, where she will have to rely on the other characters to help her find her way.
Written by Arcana
Status: Complete
This is an excellent, well written fanfic about Aeris and Sephiroth meeting in the Ancient City. It explores both of their feelings really well, and gives you insight into their thoughts before Aeris dies.
Final Fantasy VII: Children of Jenova
Written by Sailor Solathei
Status: Incomplete
Hoo boy! This is one hell of a story! Seven years after the defeat of Sephiroth, Cid and the gang are pretty much comfortable with a peaceful existence. However, for them, peace is a short lived thing. Will they be ready to handle the new threats that arise? Read on to find out!!
Chrome Spark
Written by Chris Homer
Status: Complete
Chromer Barbarus has been corrupted and is being controlled by both his father and Sephiroth. He wreaks havoc on the cast of FF7 and has only one goal in mind, to kill Aeris Gainsborough, for she may be the only one that has the power to stop him.
Conflicts of Interest
Written by MadamHydra
Status: Incomplete
"The WEAPONS have reappeared, signaling the existence of a new danger to the Planet -- or the return of an old one. Suspecting that Jenova is somehow involved, Cloud and his friends set out to locate and neutralize the mysterious threat. But as Cloud encounters certain people from his past, he gradually begins to remember what happened to him between his first departure from Nibelheim and his reunion with Tifa at a Midgar Train station seven years later . . . ."
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis From the Sky
Written by
The Captain
Status: Complete
This is nail bitin', on the edge of your seat, hangin' on to your pants for dear life kinda story! Read it! Set during the Wutai/Shinra war, the Turk Vincent Valentine questions the ethics of the Shinra and his loyalty to them. Meanwhile, years later, the gang must battle for their lives against a threat from the skies!
Crystal Bits of Snowflake
Written by Nanaki Lioness
Status: Complete
A wonderful vignette where Cloud and Tifa share a small moment in their childhood that touches them both.
Written by Firey Femme
Status: Complete
As Elena and Rude begin to realize a few things about themselves, an unexpected foe arises. Now, they are forced to work together with AVALANCHE to and it isn't exactly pleasant.
The Clash of the Cultures
Written by Blacknight
Status: Incomplete
Ever wonder what would happen if some of the internets fanfic authors got sucked into FF7? Well, Blacknights managed to do it again! She's answered this question, while entertaining us all the way. So click and have fun. (Oh yeah, I'm in this one!)
Empty and Alone
Written by PariAngel
Status: Complete
"Cloud reminisces two very special people, who have played important roles in his life, but now they are gone, forever, maybe. "
Final Fantasy: Future’s Past
Written by Cloud Strife
Status: Incomplete
"A Final Fantasy VII/VIII crossover. Squall embarks on a quest that will eventually lead to startling revelations about him and the rest of the world. While far in the past, Cloud and AVALANCHE face an enemy that will change their lives forever."
FF7 A New Beginning
Written by Tifa
Status: Incomplete
Based on an Interactive Fiction that the author was once a part of, this is the retelling of the events of FF7 in her own words. There'll be interesting twists, actual last names for some characters (^_-) and even some characters you've never heard about before. So, enjoy!
The Ending
Written by Sephiroth
Status: Complete
A re-telling of the ending of FFVII.
FF7 Trilogy: Those Chosen By the Planet, Unholy Alliance, and Limited Wish
Written by Kathryn
Status: Complete
Here we have a trilogy that is also a crossover with the X-files. The author gives us some unexpected twists and interesting situations. So read up!
Evil Incarnate
Written by Leon Kennedy
Status: Complete
A short story detailing a Soldier's experiences during the Wutia/Shinra war.
Fall of an Angel
Written by Nanaki Lioness
Status: Complete
A beautiful vignette centering around Cloud and his feelings after Aeris' death.
Fallen Angels
Written by Wild Lex and Shane M.
Status: Incomplete
This fanfiction centers around two strong, self-dependant people, one who is supposed to be dead, and another who feels the debt she owes to the first must be repaid.
Written by Anikka
Status: Incomplete
"Twenty three years have passed since the chaos of Meteor, but it seems like nothing's changed. Shinra plans to rebuild it's mako reactors and tyranny reigns in New Midgar. But when young Tresa Highwind starts having strange dreams, she and a new cast of heros will ban together and uncover a grave new danger that threatens all life on the Planet."
Written by Dan
Status: Complete
Here is a wonderfully written fanfic that gives a finality to the game that it didn't have. It tells of all the heroes of FF7 going their seperate ways. And, it's a very unique ending. You most certainly haven't read one like this before. So, read on. ^_^
Guided by Starlight
Written by TiFa StRiFe
Status: Complete
I lovely fanfic that takes place after the game ends, I do believe. ^_^
Heart of Gold
Written by Nanaki Lioness
Status: Complete
A wonderful vignette where Cloud contemplates his purpose.
Ivory and Ebony
Written by Auburn Angel
Status: Incomplete
This fanfic centers around Vincent, beginning in his childhood.
Jenova Resurrection
Written by Kami Jadeheart
Status: Incomplete
A well written fanfic with a rich plot, this takes place shortly after the battle with Sephiroth. It brings to light new characters, and takes us through their lives as we are pulled into an intriguing mystery that centers around a few well known characters.
Learning to Love, Is Different From Loving
Written by Anime Mistress
Status: Incomplete
As the Turks rejoin with one another to face off against a new enemy, Reno discovers the facts and the consequences about loosing and gaining love..
Love Lies Bleeding
Written by Pip
Status: Complete
A short, sad story that tells us why Rufus Shinra is such a cold hearted jerk.
The Lockhart Legacy
Written by Makoknight
Status: Incomplete
" A somewhat strange re-write of FF7 if a few fanfictional characters had been thrown into the fray. Guest starring Nick Matthews and Dav Cole."
Final Fantasy: Neo-Generation
Written by ShortyV
Status: Incomplete
"It has been 2 years since the meteor and Sephiroth and now Avalanche are leading somewhat normal lives. But the peace doesn't last. Cloud sees a young woman with a foreboding prescence and sets off a whole new adventure for Avalanche..."
Materia Chaos
Written by Chris Homer
Status: Complete
Here we've got a great fanfic that's also a pretty inventive crossover. The gang of FF7 finds themselves in a battle for materia, very important materia. And, they will get the aid of the cast from Sonic the Hedgehog. Intrigued? I thought so.
New Chances
Written by Jade
Status: Incomplete
"This is my first fan-fic ever. It takes place about 17 years after Meteor hit. Our hero's have settled down and have children (who are my main characters). But Marlene had been kidnapped, and our tried and true hero's are missing! What will a group of children who can't get along ever be able to do? Find out!"
The One Winged Angel
Written by Tim Shaw
Status: Complete
A wonderfully written poem about Sephiroth.
The Origin of the Turks
Written by Matt Holland
Status: Incomplete
A story exploring how the Turks came to be.
Payback's a Bitch
Written by Joseph Lacey
Status: Complete
Someone wants revenge on Avalanche for saving the Planet, and this person doesn't just want them out of the way, he wants them eliminated. Will Avalanche survive this latest attack? Read to find out!
Pay Back's a Bitch 2: Redemption
Written by Joseph Lacey
Status: Incomplete
The sequal to Payback's a Bitch! It promises more adventure and more from our favorite FF7 characters!
Return to the Ancients
Written by Chocobo_Ghost
Status: Incomplete
A fanfic set 18 years after the end of FF7. It seems to revolve around Marlene, though I'm not entirely sure yet!
The Rift Has Opened
Written by Matt Holland
Status: Complete
Hardly any time has passed, and once again, the heros of the Planet find themselves thrown into another adventure. This time, their enemy is someone they would never have expected.
Final Fantasy VII: Rufus' Twin
Written by Jen
Status: Incomplete
Sephrioth is dead, but is he really defeated? One year after the threat of Meteor is gone, Cid and the gang must put their lives back together. Once they have settled in, they shouldn't get too comfortable, because an evil is coming. An evil that they had never dreamed existed.
Search For Cloud
Written by Tifa_9
Status: Incomplete
Thirty years after the Planet was saved from Meteor, two of Cloud and Tifa's grandchildren find themselves looking for Cloud. It appears he is missing, and Tifa can't rest until he is found. Is he? Read on to find out!
Final Fantasy VII: Second Chance
Written by Various Authors
Status: Incomplete
This is an ongoing fanfic written by great FFVII fanfic authors known throughout the web! Sephiroth is defeated and Meteor is destroyed, when suddenly the protectors of the Planet find themselves sucked into a Mako pit and thrown back in time to just before Aeris' death. Can they take this second chance given to them and save her? Read on to find out!
Final Fantasy VII: The Sephiroth Apocalypse
Written by ¢ðß®å
Status: Incomplete
"It has been two years since Meteor and Sephiroth, but, the threat is back and not the same either. Cloud started dreaming of Sephiroth's coming to life and after him. United with a young Cetra man, who holds a deep secret, he finds old friends and new ones. Cloud fights, to save the planet and to stop Sephiroth from getting his hands on a materia that gave birth to the Black and Holy Materia. With help by some unlikely allies, the new group struggles to stop Jenova and Sephiroth, once and for all."
Sephiroth's Sister
Written by Angelfire
Status: Incomplete
Is it possible that Lucrecia could have had twins, and no one but Hojo knows about it? This interesting fanfic explores that possibility.
Written by Frank Verderosa
Status: Complete
"This story takes place right after Sephiroth destroys Nibelheim and almost kills Tifa. Awakening in Midgar, she finds herself in a very different world from the one she left behind. Dependent on total strangers, she must find a way not only to survive, but to piece together once more the broken shards of her life."
A Smile Above Us
Written by ~*~*TiFa StRiFe~*~*
Status: Complete
Wonderful short fic centering on Cloud and Tifa, with a nice ending! ^_^
Final Fantasy VII: The Story of Andromeda
Written by Bethany Moreau
Status: Complete
A few years after the death of Sephiroth, the members of Avalanche have gone their seperate ways and pretty much settled down. However, a run in with the Turks and a girl named Andromeda, changes everything beyond their wildest imaginations.
Tasteless Revenge
Written by Kefka (Dan Vincent)
Status: Complete
"Tasteless Revenge, a once Featured Fic at the FF7 Fanfic HQ (Note from Jen: Goes to show just how good this is...Amos doesn't feature just anyone, you know ^_~), has all the ingredients for a high-grade epic type story. Eight years after the defeat of Sephiroth, an old foe from millenia past returns, and tries to mold a few children of our protagonists to his own wishes to suit his evil greed to take over the world. Many plot twists, cameo appearances, and Name-afters too."
Tasteless Revenge 2: The Rift of Time
Written by Kefka (Dan Vincent)
Status: Incomplete
Ah! What do we have here? Well, the next series that tells of the latest adventures of our favorite hero and heroine, Ramza and Nate! They will visit a whole lot of interesting places in this one, so get reading!
The Thief of Hell
Written by Princess Artemis
Status: Complete
This superbly written fanfic takes place sometime after Venus Gospel. At the hands of scientific genuises, Cid Highwind will be forced to face his heritage in a way he never before expected.
Tifa vs. Aeris
Written by Chris Homer
Status: Complete
This fanfic takes place one month after Chrome Spark ends, and for the most part, the characters are just trying to put their lives back together. But something will happen to Tifa, something horrible that will cause her to want to harm those she holds dear.
To the Father
Written by Pip
Status: Complete
A wonderfuly written fanfic where Reno, Rude, and Elena reflect on just how much Tseng meant to them. It takes place after his death.
Tseng's Life... Forward
Written by Ki-Rin
Status: Incomplete
"Tseng has awakend, but not in the way one might think..."
The Turk Chronicles
Written by Jen
Status: Incomplete
This series involves our favorite bad guys, The Turks. Be forewarned though, it takes place after the destruction of Meteor and Reeve has the keys-er controls to Midgar. It also has a dash of romance.
Turk Pride
Written by Tini
Status: Complete
A Reno Vignette! And a very good on at that!
Tell The Angels it's Alright
Written by Kirin
Status: Incomplete
"This is a pretty dark fanfic. It takes place about four months after meteor, and....ahem....two days after Cloud's death. (Read to find out)"
Twisted Destiny
Written by Mark Koerner
Status: Incomplete
This fanfic begins right after Aeris has run off to attempt to stop Sephiroth herself. It seems... however, that things might not be exactly what they seem.
An Unlikely Pair
Written by Chris Homer
Status: Complete
Six months after the Northern crater, two of the Planet's heros find friendship, companionship, and an unlikely love.
Up Against the Gods
Book One: Tifa's Quest
Written by Tifa 9
Status: Incomplete
Once again, the gang must pull together and find a way to save the planet from an evil that threatens to destroy it for good.
Unrequited Love
Written by Pip
Status: Complete
A wonderful short story about Rude and his thoughts on a certain woman.
Venus Gospel
Written by Princess Artemis
Status: Complete
This is a wonderfully written fanfic that delves into the true meaning of the Venus Gospel and Cid Highwind's surprising heritage. I recommend reading this one!
Written by Amanda
Status: Complete
Here's a short, but great story about a battle from Tifa's point of view. This author is sure to only get greater as she goes along.
Walking the Path
Written by Jen
Status: Complete
A Reno Vignette that takes place shortly after the dropping of the plate.
When I needed You
Written by Anikka
Status: Complete
A wonderfully written story where Cloud returns to find that Tifa has moved on with her life.
Worlds Away From Reality
Written by Brickroad
Status: Complete
Wow, this is some fanfic! It's a crossover of immense proportions, with the FF6 characters heading up the cast! Don't fret though, there's some FF7 in there too. There's something threatining characters from many different worlds, and they all find they must work together to stop it. This is an excellent read.


FF7 On Springer
Written by Reno el Geko
Status: Complete
The cast of FF7 visits the ever popular Jerry Springer Show!
Written by Auburn Angel 101
Status: Complete
I think the title is pretty much self explanatory! O.o;
Poor Cloud!
Written by PariAngel
Status: Complete
"Cloud seems to be involved in an unusual life with unusual things happening. And who is sharing this life with him? Not everything is as it seems. Read this to find out the truth! "
The Scary Brown Boots
Written by Elena
Status: Complete
If you're lookin' for laughs, you found some! What happens to Turks who fight and squabble instead of working like they should? Just ask Rufus Shinra, he'll tell you!
Sephiroth's Vacation
Written by Anton
Status: Complete
I let Sephiroth off my site for a vacation, and look where it leads! A funny fanfic where Sephiroth gets what he deserves.
Spirit World
Written by Blacknight
Status: Incomplete
Ever wonder what happened to the characters of FF7 who met an untimely demise? Look no further, the following series will let you in on all the fun. And I guarantee it's going to be a wild and hilarious ride!
Squaresoft Voyager
Written by Odin
Status: Incomplete
Ah! We have with us in the fanfics, what may be one of the best FF7 comedy fanfics ever! Take a ride with Captain Aeris Gainsborough and crew as they fly through space and battle the evils there. And be prepared to laugh!
Vincent VS Sephiroth
Written by Agrias
Status: Complete
Here's a side-splitting comedy that's sure to make you laugh. It is a battle of immense proportions....Vincent VS Sephiroth! Who will win??
Yuffie's Little Escapade
Written by Tini
Status: Complete
"Reno is in Wutai under orders to spy on Yuffie to see how she’s been doing. Rude and Elena were off checking on other AVALANCHE members, but returned to Wutai to check in with Reno. Reno has been bugging the hell out of Yuffie, but only because he really likes her. A lot. More than he wants to. Especially because this little brunette is making him change his ways, a thing he is not up to! Meanwhile, Yuffie has to wonder if she’s falling for everyone’s favorite redheaded Turk…So she sneaks into his apartment to vandalize the hell out of it. If he’s gonna piss her off, she’s gonna reciprocate, and have fun doing it!"
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Jen: If you want to send me a Non-FFVII fanfic, please take the following steps:

I am NOT accepting any more submissions. With RL (college and junk ^^) and all the other writing I do, even with my nice HTMLizer, I just don't have time to get together an update. So, while I might update from time to time with my own stuff, I just can't put anyone else's stuff up. The page will still be here though for anyone to visit if they want. Thanks!

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DISCLAIMER: All wonderful characters and the FFVII storyline are a copyright of Squaresoft. Any other character or ideas are a copyright of the respective authors and if you use them we'll have to hurt you. Just break a few ribs and cut you off at the knees, mind you.