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The Coming of the Elohim: Part 3
Information is compiled by

One thing you must bear in mind is that, like much of the
Bible, certain words have been changed, and in some cases, entire lines
added or removed. Still, with the right clues, it is possible to
reconstruct the actual meaning. I gave you an example of this earlier
with the word "God." One of the greatest hindrances to understanding the
Bible is the change in gender that the early patriarchal writers enforced on the texts.

Satan and his rebels defied the Collective and started a civil war. The
Collective was losing this war until Shiva and the seven leaders of the
Elohim joined the battle on the side of the Collective. Shiva
and Kali knew that the first priority was to eliminate Satan's
space-based forces, thereby limiting the battle to a more confined
front, the Earth. This would also weaken his resupply network. The first
battles then were fought in space. On Earth, the Elohim gathered together
the ANK and the E-hums who did not join the rebel cause. They vowed to
protect them from Satan. When Satan was defeated in space, he returned
to the Earth. His first priority was to eliminate the contingent of the
Elohim that was already on the Earth. Remember, he had nearly won the war
until the Elohim became involved. He blamed them for his defeat. By then
he knew it was simply a matter of time before the Elohim annihilated his
forces. He went after the Elohim forces that were on the Earth, but they
retreated to a secure military fortress, with the intention of holding
out until the main Elohim forces arrived. There were a few battles fought
to secure aerial supremacy. Once that had been achieved, it was decided
safe to remove the trapped Elohim forces, and to offer anyone who wished
to join the Collective the chance to leave before the final battle.

All those who declared loyalty to the Collective were then removed. What
followed next were a series of horrific battles. All types of weapons
were used, including biological and nuclear. Finally, the rebels were
defeated. Those that survived were sentenced to the mining pits on
Venus, and imprisoned there. This ended the war.

The Elohim defeated the rebels and took possession of the Earth. There
were twelve " Gods and Goddesses" from the seven major families in the Elohim
leadership. These Gods have various names. The two most important
are the Goddesses Mara, and Kali. The two main Gods that we know of is
Jehovah and Jesus There were certain symbols that were
associated with the Elohim, chief among them the five-pointed star and the
crescent moon. Many of the God's names literally mean, "The Star." Examples of this are Ishtar, Stella Maris (Star of The Sea), Israel etc.

The seven stars in the above earth are the Seven Elohim leaders. Philadelphia
is another clue. It means "of the Goddess of Delphos." The main Temple
of Isis in Egypt was located on the isle of Philae. The word Delphos
means womb. Delphi was the center of worship for the sea Goddess
Delphyne (hence the phrase, " have not denied my name...") Another
name for Delphyne was Stella Maris, also Isis. We know her today as The Virgin Mary.

The leaders of the Collective saw mankind as an abomination, a genetic
experiment of their own making and therefore of their responsibility.
They believed him to be incapable of achieving civilization.

They saw only evil in what he did. To let him continue would only make him
suffer, and the problem larger. They had created him, so all that he did,
was of their ultimate making. They wanted to clean their
karmic debt then, before it grew too large to pay. They ordered the Elohim to
destroy man. The Elohim refused. They pledged every means at their
disposal toward helping man achieve civilization.

They pledged their very lives to protect him. They told the Collective that mankind were
their children, and if they tried to destroy him, they would have to first defeat the Elohim.

The Collective looked down at the Earth and at
what was left of the rebel forces. They quickly decided that taking on
the Elohim would not be the wisest of choices. The Elohim then pledged
to teach mankind the laws of humanity, and the art of being human.

They promised to one day return and invite man into the Collective of human
races, not as slaves, as they were created to be, but as free people -
as equals. Thus began the education of mankind
Religions were designed right from the start to enforce control over the
masses, by their masters. Unfortunately, the reins of control simply
changed hands. This is not what was meant to happen.

After the great war, the Elohim who had won control of the Earth and all
its inhabitants, decided to use rituals and prayer as a means of teaching
humankind the information necessary for him to achieve civilization.

This learning process was to take place in two phases. First, rules of
behavior, laws, would be given and time allowed for mankind's numbers to
build. Later when the basic structure of mankind's societies had been
established, they would introduce a series of teachers (prophets) that
would set forth the philosophies of advanced human civilization.

These we can refer to as the One in God Projects. They were actually to
achieve two functions. The first as mentioned above was to give humans
the basic framework of theology necessary to become true human beings,
and not simply animals with the power of speech. The second was to
introduce this information into separate societies with the intention of
causing an exchange of information and cooperative study. The hope was
that the different societies would see their particular theology as part
of a larger whole, and so that they could fully benefit from the
complete belief system, would share them with others.

Thus not only instructing man in higher order thought, but also introducing a unifying
mechanism that would bring together her various peoples into a greater
common cause. Beautiful, isn't it?

They saw their part as the only part; all other ways must therefore be false. This lead to the
"my God is better than your God" way of thinking. Last but not least,
was the continued deification of the Elohim and the teachers they sent.

One of the main goals the Elohim wanted to achieve was to make humankind
aware of other life in the universe, and to gradually wean them from
their tendency to deify and worhip the Elohim and those they sent. This
failed miserably. Not only did humankind still view their brothers and
sisters from other worlds as gods, angels, demons, etc., but they also
deified the teachers sent by the Elohim, as well as the Elohim. The only
exception, and therefore the only possible success, was Muhammad. The
followers of Islam believed in the teachings of the other prophets, as
well as one of the prophets, Muhammad. They understood that there was in
reality only one God, and that God was all, or ALLAH. They even knew
that it was the same God that was found in the religions of the other
Children Of The Books, the Jews and Christians.

They received the final, most refined message given to man. Yet you need only look around to see that it, like its other sister religions, has not lived up to its fullest potential.

Finally, man himself has changed, edited, and added to the basic
information given to him. In some cases, this was done simply to
eliminate a belief or law that he did not agree with or want to adhere
by. In another case, a much more sinister and destructive plan was in
action. It involved the systematic and deliberate removal of any traces
of the female origins of all the major religions. This was a result of
the take-over of existing matriarchal religions, by patriarchal forces.

In the advanced human society that exists out there, the relationship of
male and females is balanced. This is due to the fact that in a
technologically advanced society, higher intellect rather than brute
strength is the more important asset. The physical difference between
male and female is not a key factor in determining their status.

On Earth, it has been an overwhelming factor.

The Elohim originally set up temples to worship, the one true God of the Universe.. The temples would be the means by which information could be given to earth's people via their religions. Since the Elohim were all males and female, the deities of a temple would also be males and female. Priestesses were chosen, as well as male priests. The priestesses though, had the major role. This type of operation lasted for many thousands of years. During
that time, the Elohim had extensive and direct involvement with mankind.

They were able to physically intervene, in many cases. Finally however there came the
time when humankind needed to be left on his own. This was done to see
whether, if given the necessary information, they could become advanced humans by their own actions. All Elohim forces left the planet; and mankind, to its own devices. What
happened next was a lesson in primitive social behavior the Elohim would
not soon forget. One by one, in rapid succession, the leading female
religions were taken over by males. In some cases, females were not only
removed, but relegated to a social status below some livestock.

The Elohim learned a powerful lesson. Even though they had given humankind advanced
societal concepts, man himself was still a primitive. They saw that the
natural laws of social development quickly took over everything they had
achieved thus far. In a naturally evolving primitive society, where
physical strength is the only determining factor, it is only natural for
the males to become dominant. This is the state of affairs at the present time.

For a while there was a brief 1500 year window, when both female and
male religious forces shared power. It was during those years that the
Elohim tried to introduce advanced human concepts. There were many importants
projects that took place. Each of these involved the breeding of an advanced Earth-human (E-Hum) (more Annunaki DNA was added to him). This man was then instructed with as much advanced knowledge as he could handle.

The breeding of these men involved the impregnation of an E-Hum
female, a priestess, with an embryo specially bred by the Elohim genetic
teams. The genes added to this E-Hum were all from one Elohim donor. Her
name was Mara. She is the mother of all three of these advanced humans.
A priestess was then chosen from one of the temples, to be the surrogate
mother. The title of this priestess was The Virgin, meaning she belonged
to no man. Since there was no sexual intercourse involved, all of these
births were the result of Immaculate Conception. Today, the
transplanting of a fertilized egg into a surrogate mother is no big
deal. Back then it was a gift from the Gods.

You have been taught the law and commandments of God. You as an
enlightened person are expected to bring this knowledge to others of
your kind. It is God's will that you share this gift. Is it really so
surprising then, that our brothers and sisters who exist out there would
share this knowledge with you? They are following the will of God in
doing so. Will you blame them for doing so? The message did come from
God. It just went through one more step in its travels to your ear, than
you were aware of. The messenger has changed. The message has not. The
source remains unchangeable. The problem then, is this. Over the years,
your brothers and sisters, the human race, have tried to relay to you
their knowledge of God. They have tried to make you understand what it
is to be Human, and what your place is in this universe.

The knowledge that they have of God and humanity's struggle to be One with God, are
advanced concepts. The problem is that you saw these fellow humans, and deified them.

It is true that long ago, our ancestors were simply overwhelmed and
awed at their level of technology. They had no concept of space travel.

They had a legitimate excuse for mistaking them for Gods. You do not! To
make matters even worse, you have taken the human teachers, members of
our own world sent to us by them, and deified them also. My friends, I
know these men displayed abilities of healing, and other miracles beyond
the scope of normal human experience. They had knowledge that even to
the poorest of intellect, could only have come from a higher source.
But these abilities and qualities of existence were not meant
to show you what it is to be Godlike. They were to show you something much more
precious and valuable to all of us. These men did not come to show us
how a God acts, but what it is to be Human.

The true Human race exists out there among the stars. It is there that
you too, will one day go. You are a small part of the race known as
humanity. And we will not be fully human until the teachings of these
great men, and those who sent them by God's will, is found in each and
everyone of our hearts.

I hope that the Elohim messages have been helpful to you so far. If some have felt uneasy or afraid by the message they contain,
I am sorry. I cannot change the words I am commanded to write. He who sent me cannot be disobeyed, nor would I wish to. The next Elohim messages will deal with the individual teachers that were sent to us and the messages that they tried to teach. My intentions are simple. They are to show you that the words of these teachers truly speak of the word of God. That they are all of the same source. That they must be looked at in a new Way. That they must be combined into ONE WAY, ONE TRUTH, AND ONE PURPOSE for all humankind to benefit from them. Out of many there shall come One. This is the Way, the way of the One in God.

After the Great War which freed humankind from its masters, the Elohim
took over its education and civilization. They decided to use a control
system already in place - religion. Whereas before it had been used to
control humans and keep them within a certain area, it would now be
used to bring them education, basic societal
concepts, and most important of all, the Laws and Word of God. What is
important to realize here, is that although the human members of the
Collective were thousands of years more advanced then even we are today,
they did then and now still do, believe in a unifying God of the universe known to
them as The One. There are certain truths and laws of conduct they
believe, are made manifest to life by The One. We know this as the
Laws and Word of God. It was their intent to bring humankind this knowledge.
The program itself was vast, far too complicated and large to be covered in full here. Instead we will focus on the last 1500
years of the project. During this time, a series of "Teachers" were sent to mankind.

And they are still being sent here.

I have already covered the general purpose for this, so let us now look
at what these teachers tried to teach. One last important fact to
remember is this. All these men were sent by an advanced human female,
not a God. She has been worshipped from the very beginning of human
history. Although this woman is of a royal caste among her people, she
should not be thought of as God. Rather think of her as the greatest of
all the prophets of God. She is the Queen of Prophetesses, the Queen of
the Heavens, The Queen of Peace. She is not God, nor does she wish you
to think this. View her in the highest regard and with respect. For it
is she who freed you from the harness of the tyrants. It is she who
stood between you and certain annihilation when her people thought you
too evil to allow to continue. It is she who has brought you the
prophets and the Laws and Word of God. Thank her by being true human
beings of intelligence and compassion.ánd people worthy of godlike qualities.

That's it. No cosmic theology, no mystical and coded mythology or secret
rituals. Just the basic difference between right and wrong in all
things. Sounds simple, does it not? Therein lies a truth and a lesson in
understanding. Truths are from God and as such, they are perfect. Truths
are in the simplest form possible. They are stripped of double meaning,
confusion, and illusion. They state a simple fact that is as easily
comprehended by a child, as it is a scholar. A truth will trigger that
little piece of God in each of us that knows right from wrong. You must
learn to trust your own ability to see the truth. It will be very
important later on as we try to pick through the mass of confusion, lies
and just plain evil, that man has intermixed with the Laws and Word of God. A little hint - if you have to have a priest explain it to you, it isn't.

Go top chapter 4
