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FlyChicas Stand Proud
Sonni Abatta

I recently got to speak with someone who is revolutionizing the way fashion and religion are related. Before, a connection between these two very different things was as hard to find as that ring from your ex. But now, all girls are standing proud by their new discovery of fashion's latest calling—faith.

Christy Velez is pushing this new fashion in a way that you would never imagine. This Tennessee-based FlyChica is giving teens and elders alike a new reason to pray, and we're not talking about just going to church. The new trend of Nameplate Rosaries has been sweeping the country more than you'd probably know, and maybe it's time now to introduce you to fashion's latest endeavor ... or should we call it a rebirth of style?

How, exactly, is Christy giving religious inspiration to people through the fashion industry, of all places? Well, her custom-made Nameplate Rosaries are giving her fans their own reasons to pray. Since the customer can choose what phrase he or she wants to appear on the beaded chain of the rosary (with the exception of cuss words and sac-religious phrases), it becomes a very intimate peek into what the person is praying for, and he or she is able to use that necklace as a representation of their faith in that phrase or person.

For example, the most common phrases that are requested by Christy's fans are: "In Loving Memory," "Spread the Message," "Trust No One," "Dropping Knowledge," "Mi Vida Loca," "Only God Knows Why," and "B-Girls Stand Proud." In addition to all of that, she even made us a special Kiwibox rosary (which is also up for grabs in our Hundred Days of Millennium Contest!) that says, "Peace in the Streets Kiwibox." How cool is that?!?

The Nameplate Rosaries aren't the only product that is becoming popular with faithful friends worldwide, but Sacred Heart Photo Chokers are also a piece of jewelry that expresses the faith of the wearer. These are small, framed images of the Virgin Mary attached onto a choker.

Although you may be the first in your neighborhood to wear one, you definitely won't be the first famous person in the world that's showing your faith. You'll find Nameplate Rosaries hanging from the necks of superstar rappers such as The Beatnuts and Mass Hysteria. The 1999 Scribble Jam DJ Champion, DJ Precyse also is a fan, and the phrases these stars chose to put on their rosaries were phrases from their most popular songs. The most recent artists who also ordered Rosaries are rappers from the group Mass Influence from Atlanta, Georgia. These two rappers, H20 and Audissey, had inscribed on their rosaries "Mitchell Street Crew" and "Going All Out For Broke." They too were impressed with the creations.

The Lady Behind It All The name of Christy’s company is appropriate, to say the least. "FlyChica Productions" is not only the name for a hip new company, but it is also the company that embodies the strength, confidence, and courage of its founder and its fans. Whether these fans be on the corner of the street or halfway across the world (as are many of her customers), all are proud to call themselves fans of Christy's combination of street style and faith.

This company did not just fall out of the sky, though. Like many other good things in life, it was a result of time, work, and perseverance. When Christy was stricken severely ill for almost three years, she claims that this idea for manufacturing jewelry came right in time. At these times when she was unable to work a regular job, she started hand-crafting earrings, which eventually grew into other religious-centered products like Sacred Heart Photo Chokers and Nameplate Rosaries.

So, in a few words, she explains that this new passion "saved her butt" more than a few times with both the incentive it gave her and the money it helped to bring to her. But Christy makes sure to tell me immediately after that she didn't stick with the business because of the money; her customers (many of whom are in personal contact with her) keep her going.

Christy herself was raised as a Christian but never caught on to regular church attendance. Instead, she is only finding her true religion as an adult now, where she explores her different church options, with the Southern Baptist one being her favorite. And as for the amount of disapproval she is getting for integrating fashion and religion? Well, not much, actually. Not much at all. Christy explains that very few people have approached her with hostility toward what she is doing, although she does admit that like any other entrepreneur, she has been embarrassed a couple of times from these angry few.

Head to one of the following stores and you may just see these religious-fashion creations hanging around: Down South Lowriders and New Life Records in Nashville, Tennessee; The Scenes urban clothing store in Miami; and Magical Journey in Nashville, Tennessee.

Read on for how to be part of this new movement...

So now that you're aware of this new way to proclaim your faith, the next question you're probably asking is where to get these pieces. Well, your first option is to order over the Internet, using either check, credit card, or money order. You can do this by visiting the FlyChica Productions website at to get prices and ordering options.

If you're hesitant about ordering over the Internet, though, Christy will be more than happy to speak with you personally if you call at (615) 860-9722. (Credit cards cannot be accepted over the phone —sorry.) In fact, even if you feel like just discussing her products, give her a call to chat about what you think.

Don’t Forget! Kiwibox is giving you the chance to score a beautiful Nameplate Rosary in our Hundred Days of Millennium Contest, so be sure to check the contest links on the homepage to see when you can enter to win!

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