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The Dove Is A Symbol Representing The Holy Spirit

Reverend R.
Gordon Spiller
Senior Pastor
About Us


Salvation - definition - deliverance from sin, rescue from hell and damnation, escape from the perils of sin, recovery of a pure body, soul, mind and spirit that is pleasing to and in line with what God desires for us, empowerment from the Holy Spirit of God, wisdom, knowledge and protection from God the Father, creative forces and a new mind from Jesus.

Do you have ANY uncertainty that you are going to heaven?
Do you constantly feel you are alone?
Do you feel like your mind is focused on evil or damaging thoughts?

Have you prayed the prayer of salvation and did not take it seriously when you asked God for salvation and for Jesus to enter your heart and cleanse you from sin?

Are you not sure that you did any of this or if you did it right?

Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
Do you believe that his conception and birth was a perfect union of God's spoken word that a Messiah would come and be born of a virgin?
Do you believe that Jesus is that Messiah and he was born as a sacrificial offering for the sin of all people who inhabit this earth?

Do you understand that without salvation you will not go to Heaven because there is no one who is sin free without the salvation of Jesus since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden?
Do you understand that being a good person or doing nice things will not get you to heaven?
Do you feel that you have a good understanding of what is right and what is wrong?

If you answered yes to all of the questions above then you may have missed the mark. Not one person on this earth is going to heaven if they refuse God and salvation past the age of accountibility.
Please consider the attitude of your heart at this moment. Reflect on what happens when you turn your life over to God?

You are saved from sin.
You receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit into your life to guide you.

You receive a relationship with God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit and whatever spiritual gifts that God desires for you to have.
When you are prepared to receive the infilling or Baptism of the Holy Spirit, God will move within you to mature you and bring you closer to Him by preparing you for service in His name.
You will have a home in Heaven as long as you do not grieve the Holy Spirit with blasphemy, wicked oaths, or cursing against the LOVE that God gives us through this precious relationship.
You will have a new found strength and the presence of someone in your life who UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING YOU FACE AND WILL NEVER DEPART FROM YOU.

Anything you may fear you will have to give up by joining the family of God will be replaced by a mightier blessing. Your circumstances may not change at all, but you have the power and protection of God at your back and His Spirit joining with yours to move ahead and conquer your problems and circumstances. If you are prepared to join the family of God please speak this prayer and commit each word to your heart with faith and trust that God is in control. All are welcome in the family of God.

Dear God - I am a sinner. I was born with the sin nature and I have sinned. I do not remember every sin that I have ever committed in my lifetime, but I repent for the ones that I have full knowledge of and each sin that you bring to my memory now and in the future. I especially ask for forgiveness for those sins I am unable to remember. I ask that you guide me to restore damaged relationships and repair any damage my sins have done to others. I understand that this will occur in your timing and not mine. Please stand by me and help me understand when things do not happen in my timing. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin for the purpose of cleansing all sinners from sin. I believe that by his shed blood and death on the cross he made the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all of us. I believe that he died and rose again on the third day to fulfill Old Testament prophecy of who the Messiah is. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit and lead me in the path you desire for me. I ask that you teach me all things you would have for me to know and lead me to what I should be doing for your kingdom. I ask that you fill me with the Holy Spirit and I will listen to the Holy Spirit as my conscience. I will seek the guidance of a church family to help me grow closer to you and encourage me when the devil tries to steal my belief in you, and put lies into my head that you are doing nothing for me. I thank you for sacrificing the life of your Son so that I may walk in freedom and come to the glory of Heaven when my time on Earth is over. I ask that you show me in the Bible scriptures that answer my deepest needs and that you direct me to the church that is right for me and pleasing to you. Lord, I thank you for this grace and I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior of all. AMEN

CONGRATULATIONS if you have prayed this prayer
please click the link below for more information.

Portland Congregational Church
PO Box 217
8649 Church Street
Portland, NY  14769
(716) 792 - 4433

The Bible is filled with wisdom, knowledge and mysteries. Searching the scriptures for blessings from God is an awesome journey. The Bible is filled with love and the path to our salvation and these truths are sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. This website has many mysteries and surprises. We are challenging all our guests to search out these mysteries.
You will be blessed!!!